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单词 hot¹
释义 hot¹ /hɑt; hɒt/adj -tter, -ttest 1. high in temperature 热的,烫的; 灼热的,炎热的:◇the soup's really hot. 这汤真烫。◇the hottest day of the year 一年中最热的一天 2. having a burning taste; spicy 辣的,辛辣的:◇hot salsa 辣酱 3. informal very good, popular, or exciting 【非正式】 热门的,风行的,轰动的:◇a hot new band 一组当红的新乐队 4. likely to cause trouble or arguments 棘手的,有争议的:◇hot topic/issue (=a subject that people disagree a lot about) 有争议的话题/问题: abortion is a hot topic in the us. 堕胎在美国是个有争议的话题。 5. be in the hot seat to have to deal with a lot of difficult questions or problems 处境尴尬,处于困境 6. hot favourite bre 【英】, hot favorite ame 【美】 the person, party etc that most people expect to win 最有希望获胜者,热门的人[党派等] 7. in hot pursuit following someone very quickly and closely, to catch them 紧紧追赶,紧追不舍 8. hot potato a subject that is difficult to deal with, because any decision could make a lot of people angry 烫手山芋,棘手的问题:◇the airport project has become a political hot potato. 机场项目已成了政治上的一个烫手山芋。




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