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单词 earth
释义 earth noun¹ 1the world地球adjective | verb + earth | earth + verb | earth + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤the entire, the whole整个地球verb + earth➤circle, orbit绕地球运行◆satellites orbiting the earth环绕地球运行的卫星➤create创造地球➤destroy毁灭地球➤protect, save保护/拯救地球➤inhabit居住在地球上◆humans and other species that inhabit the earth生活在地球上的人类和其他物种➤roam, walk, wander在地球漫步;漫游世界;徘徊人间◆when dinosaurs roamed the earth恐龙还在地球上漫步的时候◆she's the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth.她是迄今为止天下最美丽的女子。◆a lost spirit, wandering the earth游荡人间的迷失魂灵➤rule统治地球◆dinosaurs ruled the earth for hundreds of millions of years.恐龙统治了地球几亿年。➤hit, reach撞击/到达地球◆the last asteroid that hit the earth最后一颗撞击地球的小行星➤leave离开地球◆no one knows what happens to us after we leave this earth.没有人知道我们离开这个世界后会发生什么事。earth + verb➤orbit sth, revolve, rotate, spin地球绕⋯运行/公转/自转/旋转◆the earth orbits the sun.地球绕太阳运行。◆the earth revolves on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。earth + noun➤history, sciences地球史;地球科学➤scientist地球科学家➤orbit地球运行轨道preposition➤above the earth地面之上◆we are flying at 30 000 feet above the earth.我们正在距地面 3 万英尺的高空飞行。➤around the earth, round the earth (especially bre) 环绕地球◆the moon's orbit around the earth月亮环绕地球的轨道➤on (the) earth在地球上◆the island was there before there was life on earth.在地球上有生命以前,这个岛就存在了。➤to earth到地球◆the astronauts were able to send the information back to earth.宇航员能够把信息传回地球。phrases➤inherit the earth承受地土◆the bible says the meek will inherit the earth.《圣经》上说,温顺的人必承受地土。➤(the) planet earth行星地球◆the future of life on planet earth地球生物的未来➤the centre/center of the earth, the surface of the earth地球中心/表面➤the earth's atmosphere, core, surface, etc.地球大气层、地核、地表等earth noun² 2the ground; soil泥土adjective | ... of earth | earth + verb | earth + noun | preposition adjective➤bare光秃秃的土地◆there was nothing but bare earth to be seen.一眼望去只有光秃秃的土地。➤fertile肥沃的土壤▸➤barren, infertile贫瘠的土壤➤rich富饶的土地▸➤soft松软的土壤▸➤hard, solid坚硬的土壤➤dry, parched干旱的土地▸➤damp, moist, wet潮湿的土壤;湿润的土壤➤cold, frozen冰冻的土壤;冻土➤warm温暖的土壤▸➤fresh, freshly dug新鲜的/新挖出来的泥土▸➤loose松散的泥土◆i filled the pot with a handful of loose earth.我将一把松散的泥土装进盆子里。➤baked (especially bre) 受太阳炙烤的土壤◆the sun beat down on the baked earth.太阳直射在炙热的泥土上。➤scorched焦土◆the wreckage of the plane was scattered across the scorched earth.飞机残骸散落在烧焦的土地上。◆the retreating army's scorched earth policy (= to set fire to crops, buildings, etc.) 撤退军队执行的焦土政策➤chalky, sandy白垩质的泥土;沙质土➤dark深色土壤... of earth➤clod, clump, lump土块◆my boots were caked in big clods of wet earth.我的靴子上粘了大块的湿土。earth + verb➤shake, tremble大地摇晃/震动earth + noun➤bank, mound土堆◆i scrambled to the top of the steep earth bank.我爬上了陡峭的土堆顶部。➤tremor地颤◆furniture fell over as the room was shaken by an earth tremor.房间在地颤中晃动,家具都倒了。preposition➤in the earth在土壤里◆the plants must have their roots in the earth.植物的根必须扎在土壤里。➤under the earth在土壤下面◆in mines deep under the earth在地下很深的矿里 earth (often the earth 常作 the earth) [uncountable, singular] the solid surface of the world that is made of rock, soil, sand, etc.大地;陆地;地面◆it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.重新踏上陆地感觉真好。◆the earth was dry and scorched.大地干焦。◆you could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer.卡车开近时会感觉到地面在震动。 ➡ see also earth → soil note 辨析 ground, land or earth? ground is the normal word for the solid surface that you walk on when you are not in a building or vehicle. you can use earth if you want to draw attention to the rock, soil etc. that the ground is made of, but ground can also be used in any of the examples for earth. land is only used when you want to contrast it with the sea. * ground 是通用词,指建筑物或车辆外人可行走的地面。如果强调的是构成大地的岩石、土壤等,可用 earth,不过 earth 所适用的任何场合亦可用 ground。land 只在与海对比时使用◆the land beneath our feet ◆feel the land shake ◆sight ground/earth ◆travel by ground/earth earth [uncountable] the substance that plants grow in土;泥;泥土◆she put a couple of handfuls of earth into the pot.她将几把泥土装到花盆里。◆in the air was the smell of freshly dug earth.空气中弥漫着刚刚翻松过的泥土的气味。ⓘ earth is often used to talk about the soil found in gardens or used for gardening. * earth 常指花园里的土壤或园艺用土。  ➡ see also earth → floor 1 ▸ earthy adjective◆earthy colours / smells泥土的颜色/气味 earth (also the earth, earth, the earth) [uncountable, singular] the planet that we live on地球◆the fossil record shows the history of life on earth.化石记录着地球上的生命史。◆the earth revolves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。◆in the story the aliens have a plan to destroy planet earth.故事中外星人计划摧毁地球。note 辨析 the world or the earth?in some cases you can use either word.在有些情况下这两个词可以通用◆i must be the happiest person in the world / on earth!我肯定是这世上最幸福的人了!however, there is usually a difference of emphasis: use the world when you are only concerned with things that exist in the world, and not with anything that exists outside it. earth is more often used when our planet is being considered in relation to other planets, its place in space, or heaven. compare world peace (= peace between all the countries in the world) and peace on earth (= peace as a gift to people on earth from god in heaven).但是,两个词通常强调不同的内容。使用 the world 时表示仅与地球上的事物相关,与地球以外的事情没有关系。使用 earth 时地球常被视为相对于其他行星或处于太空中的行星,或相对于上天的大地。试比较 world peace (世界和平)和 peace on earth (上帝赐予大地的安宁)。earth¹/ɜ:θ ||; ɝθ/noun1. (also the earththe earth) [sing] the world; the planet on which we live 地球: ◇life on earth 地球上的生物◇the earth goes round the sun. 地球绕太阳公转。 ☞look at the solar system. 参看the solar system。 2. [sing] the surface of the world; land 地面;陆地: ◇the spaceship fell towards earth. 宇宙飞船朝地面落下来。◇i could feel the earth shake when the earthquake started. 地震发生时,我感觉得地面在摇晃。 3. [u] the substance that plants grow in; soil 泥土;土壤: ◇the earth around here is very fertile. 这一带的土壤很肥沃。 ☞look at the note at ground. 参看 ground 的注释。 4. [c] [usu.sing] (us 美 ground) a wire that makes a piece of electrical equipment safer by connecting it to the ground (电器的)地线 ☞picture at plug 见plug插图 charge/pay the earth(informal 非正式) to charge/pay a very large amount of money 索取高价;支付大笔钱: ◇dan must have paid the earth for that new car. 丹买那辆新车肯定花了一大笔钱。 cost the earth/a fortune→cost²how/why/where/who etc on earth(informal 非正式) used for emphasizing sth or expressing surprise (表示强调或吃惊)到底怎么样,为什么,哪里,谁…: ◇where on earth have you been? 你到底上哪儿去了? earth²/ɜ:θ ||; ɝθ/(us 美 ground) verb [t] to make a piece of electrical equipment safer by connecting it to the ground with a wire 接(电器的)地线: ◇make sure the plug is earthed. 插头一定要接上地线。 earthsee ⇨ land/ground 5     • • •• ⇨ cost a bomb/the earth earth /ɜθ; ɜːθ/n 1. also 又作 the earth [singular 单数] the planet that we live on 地球:◇the space shuttle will return to earth next week. 太空穿梭机将于下周返回地球。◇the planet earth 行星地球◇the most beautiful place on earth 地球上最漂亮的地方→ compare 比较 world¹ 2. [u] the substance that plants, trees etc grow in; soil 土,土壤:◇footprints in the wet earth 湿土里的脚印 3. what/why/how etc on earth...? spoken used to ask a question about something that you are very surprised or annoyed about 【口】 究竟是什么/为什么/怎样…?等[用以询问令人惊讶或厌烦的事]:◇what on earth made you say such a stupid thing? 到底是什么原因让你说出这么愚蠢的话来? 4. cost/pay/charge the earth informal to cost, pay etc a very large amount of money 【非正式】 花费/支付/收取一大笔钱:◇that holiday must have cost the earth! 那次度假一定是贵得吓人! 5. come down to earth (with a bump) to realize that life has returned to normal and that there are problems you must deal with 回到现实,丢弃幻想 6. [c usually singular 一般用单数] bre a wire that makes electrical equipment safe by connecting it to the ground 【英】 地线; ground ame 【美】usage note 用法说明: earth, world and 和 landthe earth is the planet we live on. earth(地球)就是我们生活的这个星球:◇the earth moves around the sun every 365 days. 地球每 365 天绕太阳运行一周。the world is the earth and all its people, countries etc. world(世界)则包括地球及其所有的人、国家等:◇it's one of the largest countries in the world. 它是世界上最大的国家之一。you can also use earth to mean 'the world'. 也可以用 earth 指“世界”:◇it's the highest mountain on earth. 它是世界上最高的山。when you compare the earth's surface to the sea, use land. 如将地球的表面与海洋作比较,要用 land(陆地):◇after weeks at sea, the sailors saw land. 水手们在海上航行了数周以后看到了陆地。when you compare it to the sky, use earth. 如将它与天空作对比,使用 earth(地球,大地):◇the spacecraft returned to earth safely. 太空船安全地返回了地球。 ☞ earth




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