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单词 core
释义 core nounadjective | verb + core | preposition | phrases adjective➤hollow空心◆each fibre / fiber has a hollow core.每根纤维都是空心的。➤dense, solid, strong实心▸➤copper, iron, etc.铜芯、铁芯等▸➤reactor反应堆活性区◆nuclear reactor cores核反应堆活性区➤central, essential, inner, innermost, very中心;核心;内核◆this is seen as the central core of the government's policy.这被认为是政府政策的核心。◆a new spirit welled up from the very core of the nation.这个民族的中坚分子中涌现出一种新的精神。➤outer外核▸➤common共同核心◆a common core of shared understanding相同理解的共同核心➤hard坚强核心◆a hard core of supporters gathered to see the star arrive.支持者中的中坚分子聚集在一起一睹这位明星的到来。◆hard-core party members党员中的中坚分子➤emotional情感核心◆the emotional core of her music她的音乐的情感核心verb + core➤form, make up形成/构成核心◆these ideas formed the core of his philosophy.这些思想构成了他哲学体系的核心。➤surround围绕核心▸➤get to触及核心◆we want to get to the core of the problem.我们想谈谈这个问题的核心。preposition➤at sth's core在⋯的中心◆at the core of our convictions is belief in individual liberty.我们信仰的核心就是相信个人自由。➤to the core彻底地;十足◆she was shaken to the core by the news.这消息令她十分震惊。◆he's a politician to the core (= in all his attitudes, beliefs and actions).他是个彻头彻尾的政客。phrases➤the earth's core地核◆heat from the earth's core来自地核的热量core /kɔː(r)/ noun [countable, usually singular] the centre of sth; the most important or essential part of sth 中心部分;核心;要点;精髓◆one brand will form the company's core. 一个品牌将成为公司的核心。◆the customer is at the core of our business. 顾客是我们业务的核心。◆we have a core of experienced staff. 我们有一班经验丰富的员工。core /kɔː(r)/ adjectivemost important, main or essential; making the most profit 最重要的;核心的;基本的;利润最大的◆the manufacturer's core brands include zanussi and aeg. 制造商的核心品牌有 zanussi 和 aeg。◆we moved away from our core pc business to build a consulting firm. 我们放弃了最重要的个人电脑业务,改为建立一家咨询公司。◆the programme is run by a core team of researchers. 这计划基本是由一组研究员执行的。 opp non-core  ➡  diversify , hard-core ⨁ a core brand / product核心品牌/产品 ⨁ a core business / division / market / operation核心企业/部门/市场/业务 ⨁ core activities / skills核心活动/技巧 ⨁ core customers / employees / workers核心顾客/员工/工人 ⨁ to focus on / develop / strengthen core brands, etc.集中于/开发/加强核心品牌等 ☞ core☞ core core [singular] the most important part of a problem, activity or set of ideas(问题、活动或观点的)核心,要点,精髓◆this report goes to the core of the argument.这篇报道直指争论的核心。◆maths, english and science are the core subjects (= subjects that all the students have to do).数学、英语和自然科学是核心科目。◆what are the core activities of the job?这项工作主要做什么?core/kɔ:(r) ||; kɔr/noun1. [c] the hard centre of certain fruits, containing seeds 果心;果核: ◇an apple core 苹果心 2. [sing] the central or most important part of sth 核心: ◇the core curriculum (= the subjects that all pupils have to study) 核心课程◇what's the core issue here? 核心问题是什么? 3. [c] the central part of a planet 行星的核心: ◇the earth's core 地核 ☞picture at seismic 见seismic插图 to the core completely; in every way 完全;彻底: ◇the news shook him to the core (= shocked him very much). 这消息把他吓坏了。 coresee ⇨ main 1,2 ⇨ middle 1 core /kɔr; kɔː/n 1. [singular 单数] the central or most important part of something [事物的]核心,最重要的部分:◇+ of the core of the problem 问题的核心◇core beliefs/vocabulary/subjects etc (=the most important beliefs, words, subjects etc) 核心信仰/词汇/学科等: students have to study five core subjects. 学生们必须学五门核心科目。 2. [c] the hard central part of an apple or pear [苹果或梨的]果心,果核 3. to the core completely or very much 完全地; 十分地:◇his words shocked me to the core. 他的话使我十分震惊。 4. [c] the central part of the earth or any other planet [地球或其他行星的]核心,中心→ see also 另见 hard core




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