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单词 directorship
释义 directorship /dərektəʃɪp; dɪ-; daɪ-; name -tərʃ-/ noun [countable] the position of a company director; the period during which this is held 董事(主管)的职位;董事(主管)的任期◆he has been disqualified from holding company directorships. 他被取消了担任公司董事的资格。◆ under her directorship, the firm nearly doubled in size. 在她的董事任期内,这家企业的规模几乎翻了一番。⨁ to hold / resign / take up a directorship担任/辞去/就任董事职位 ⨁ an executive / a non-executive directorship执行/非执行董事职位 ☞ directorshipdirectorship [countable] the position of a company director; the period during which sb is a company director董事的职位;董事的任期◆he was forced to resign his directorship of the company.他被迫辞掉了公司董事的职位。◆since leaving politics, he has held directorships of various financial companies.自离开政界后,他已担任了多家金融公司的董事。




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