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单词 born
释义 born verb be born adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤prematurely早产preposition➤into生于⋯之家◆she was born into a wealthy family.她生在有钱人家。➤of (formal) 生于⋯◆to be born of noble parents生于贵族之家➤to⋯所生◆babies who are born to very young mothers非常年轻的妈妈生的孩子➤with与生俱来◆their child was born with a serious medical problem.他们的孩子生来就有严重的疾病。phrases➤be born alive, be born dead生下来时是活的/死的➤be born and bred, be born and brought up, be born and raised (especially name) 出生并被养育◆i was born and bred in texas.我生于得克萨斯,长于得克萨斯。➤be born blind, deaf, etc.先天盲、先天聋等▸➤be born out of wedlock, be born outside marriage, be born outside of marriage (especially name) 非婚生born¹/bɔ:n ||; bɔrn/verb be born to come into the world by birth; to start existing 出生: ◇where were you born? 你在哪里出生的?◇i was born in london, but i grew up in leeds. 我生在伦敦,但在利兹长大。◇i'm going to give up work after the baby is born. 等孩子出生以后我就放弃工作。◇the idea of free education for all was born in the nineteenth century. 人人都可以免费接受教育的构想产生于十九世纪。◇his unhappiness was born out of a feeling of frustration. 他闷闷不乐,原因是他感到受了挫折。 born²/bɔ:n ||; bɔrn/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) having a natural ability to do sth 天生的: ◇she's a born leader. 她是一个天生的领袖。 2. -born (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) born in the place or state mentioned 生于某地;生于某国: ◇this kenyan-born athlete now represents denmark. 这位生于肯尼亚的运动员现在代表丹麦。 bornsee ⇨ good at 4     • • •• ⇨ be born• ⇨ be born dead☞ born¹☞ born²




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