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单词 boring
释义 boring adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be, look, seem, sound乏味;看上去单调;好像无趣;听起来乏味▸➤become, get变得令人厌烦▸➤make sth使⋯变得乏味◆try not to make the diet boring.尽量不要让饮食单调。➤consider sb/sth, find sb/sth, think sb/sth认为⋯令人厌烦;觉得⋯乏味◆she found her job boring.她觉得她的工作很无聊。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常无聊▸➤awfully, dead, incredibly, terribly特别/实在/极为/非常乏味▸➤completely, downright, utterly乏味透顶;全然无聊;无聊至极▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍显乏味preposition➤for对⋯来说很乏味◆the game was boring for the spectators.这场比赛对观众来说很乏味。phrases➤boring old单调的◆green is much better than boring old white.绿色比单调的白色好得多。 boring adjectiveboring ♦︎ dull ♦︎ tedious ♦︎ repetitive ♦︎ monotonous ♦︎ uninteresting ♦︎ drythese words all describe a subject, activity, person or place that is not interesting or exciting.这些词均形容话题、活动、人或地方无趣的、乏味的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be boring / dull / tedious / uninteresting for sb◆boring / dull / tedious / dry subjects / books◆boring / dull / tedious / repetitive / monotonous jobs / work◆boring / dull / tedious games / lectures / details◆a boring / dull / tedious evening◆a boring / a dull / an uninteresting place◆a boring / dull man / woman / person◆rather boring / dull / tedious / repetitive / monotonous / uninteresting / dry◆very boring / dull / tedious / repetitive / uninteresting / dry◆pretty boring / dull / tedious / uninteresting■ boring (disapproving) not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient无趣的;令人厌倦(或厌烦)的◆he's such a boring man!他那人无趣得很!◆try not to make the diet boring.尽量别让饮食单调。◆ (bre, informal, spoken) that film was dead boring.那部电影无聊透顶。opp interesting → interesting ▸ boredom noun [uncountable] ◆television helps to relieve the boredom of the long winter evenings.电视有助于打发漫长无聊的冬夜。■ dull (disapproving) not interesting or exciting枯燥无味的;沉闷的;无聊的◆life in a small town could be deadly dull.小镇生活可能会非常沉闷乏味。◆the work gets a bit dull at times.这工作有时会有点儿乏味。◆there's never a dull moment when john's around.只要约翰在就不会有沉闷的时候。opp interesting → interesting ■ tedious /tiːdiəs/ (disapproving) lasting or taking too long and not interesting, so that you feel bored and impatient冗长的;啰嗦的;单调乏味的;令人厌烦的◆the journey soon became tedious.旅行不久就变得乏味起来。◆it was tedious, repetitive work.那是单调、重复的工作。◆we had to listen to all the tedious details of his operation.我们不得不听他唠叨那次行动的繁琐细节。▸ tedium /tiːdiəm/ noun [uncountable] ◆ (written) she longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life.她渴望有什么事情能排解她日常生活中的烦闷。■ repetitive /rɪpetətɪv/ (often disapproving) saying or doing the same thing many times, so that it becomes boring重复乏味的◆machines can now perform many repetitive tasks in the home.机器现在可以做许多重复乏味的家务活。■ monotonous /mənɒtənəs; name mənɑːtənəs/ (disapproving) never changing and therefore boring单调乏味的◆a monotonous voice / diet / routine单调乏味的嗓音/饮食/日常事务◆new secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.秘书走马灯似地换个不停,令人厌烦。▸ monotonously adverb◆as the clock ticked monotonously on the wall mr simons slowly and methodically cut up and ate his food.墙上的时钟单调地滴答作响,西蒙斯先生慢条斯理地把食物切成小块吃着。▸ monotony /mənɒtəni; name mənɑːtəni/ noun [uncountable] ◆she watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life.她天天靠看电视来解闷儿。■ uninteresting (disapproving) not attracting your interest or attention不吸引人的;无趣的;无聊的◆the food was dull and uninteresting.食物单调得很,一点也不吸引人。opp interesting → interesting  ➡ see also uninterested → indifferent ■ dry (disapproving) boring because it lacks human interest干巴巴的;枯燥无味的◆government reports tend to make dry reading.政府报告读起来往往枯燥无味。 boring (disapproving) not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient无趣的;令人厌倦(或厌烦)的◆he's such a boring man!他那人无趣得很!◆try not to make the diet boring.尽量别让饮食单调。◆ (bre, informal, spoken) that film was dead boring.那部电影无聊透顶。opp interesting → interesting ▸ boredom noun [uncountable] ◆television helps to relieve the boredom of the long winter evenings.电视有助于打发漫长无聊的冬夜。boring/ˈbɔ:rɪŋ ||; ˈbɔrɪŋ/adj not at all interesting; dull 令人厌烦的;沉闷乏味的: ◇a boring film/job/speech/man 乏味的电影/工作/演说/人 ☞look at the note at bored. 参看 bored 的注释。 ☞ boring/bored bor·ing /`bɔrɪŋ; ˈbɔːrɪŋ/adjnot interesting in any way 乏味的,无聊的,令人生厌的:◇this book's so boring — i don't think i'll ever get to the end of it. 这本书如此乏味 — 我想我是看不完的。◇she was forced to spend the evening with helen and her boring new boyfriend. 她被迫与海伦及她那个无趣的新男友共度夜晚。 ☞ boring




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