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单词 wilful
释义 wilful (especially bre) (name usually willful) [usually before noun] (formal, disapproving or law法律) (of a bad or harmful action) done on purpose, even though the person doing it knows that it is wrong(不好或有害的行为)故意的,有意的,成心的◆he was charged with wilful damage to property.他被控犯了蓄意破坏财产罪。▸ wilfully adverb◆they were charged with wilfully neglecting their children.他们被指控故意对孩子疏于照管。wilful (especially bre) (name usually willful) (disapproving) determined to do what you want; not caring about what other people want任性的;固执的;倔强的◆he was an aggressive, often selfish and wilful child.他是个好斗的孩子,常常自私而任性。wilful/ˈwɪlfl ||; ˈwɪlfəl/(us also 美亦作 willful) adj 1. done deliberately although the person doing it knows that it is wrong 故意的;蓄意的: ◇wilful damage/neglect 蓄意的损坏;有意的忽略 2. doing exactly what you want, no matter what other people think or say 固执的;任性的: ◇a wilful child 任性的孩子 ➔wilfully /-fəli ||; -fəlɪ/ adv wilfulsee ⇨ determined 3 wil·ful /especially bre 【尤英】, willful ame 【美】 /`wɪlfəl; ˈwɪlfəl//adjdoing what you want even though people tell you not to 任性的,固执的:◇a wilful child 任性的孩子




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