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单词 unexpected
释义 unexpected adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be意外adverb➤most, very很意外◆help came from a most unexpected quarter.帮助的来源完全让人意想不到。➤completely, quite, totally, wholly完全未料到;十分意外▸➤not entirely不是完全出乎意料◆his death was not entirely unexpected.他的死并非完全出人意料。➤a little, rather, somewhat有点儿/相当/有些意外◆it happened in rather unexpected circumstances.这件事的发生相当意外。unexpectednot expected and therefore surprising出乎意料的;始料不及的◆we had an unexpected visitor this morning.今天上午我们来了一位意外的访客。◆although not unexpected, his death had still come as a shock.虽然有心理准备,但他的死讯还是让大家感到震惊。◆the following day something quite unexpected happened.第二天发生了一件非常意外的事。ⓘ unexpected can describe either an event that you did not expect to happen, or a person, when they do sth that you did not expect them to do. * unexpected 可描述让人始料不及的事件,或做了出乎意料之事的人。▸ the unexpected noun [singular] ◆police officers must be prepared for the unexpected.警察必须随时准备应付突发事件。▸ unexpectedly adverb◆the plane was unexpectedly delayed.飞机意外地延误了。◆they encountered an unexpectedly high level of demand.他们遇到了预料之外的大量需求。unexpected/ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd ||; ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd/adj not expected and therefore causing surprise 想不到的;出人意表的;意外的 ➔unexpectedly adv ◇i got there late because i was unexpectedly delayed. 我给突发的事情耽误,所以到那里迟了。 unexpectedsee ⇨ expect 8 ⇨ surprised/surprising 5 un·ex·pect·ed /ˏʌnɪk`spɛktɪd; ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd◄/adjsomething that is unexpected is surprising because you did not expect it to happen 没有料到的,意外的:◇the unexpected death of his father 他父亲的意外死亡




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