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单词 inspection
释义 inspection nounadjective | verb + inspection | inspection + verb | inspection + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤careful, close, detailed, rigorous, thorough仔细的/严密的/详细的/严格的/彻底的检查▸➤full全面检查▸➤brief, casual, cursory简单的/随便的/粗略的检查▸➤routine例行检查▸➤➤periodic, regular定期检查▸➤annual, daily, etc.年度、日常等检查▸➤surprise突击检查◆a surprise inspection of the premises by the health inspector卫生检查人员对这些场所的突击检查➤preliminary初步检验▸➤public公众的检查◆the records are open to public inspection.这些记录可供公众查阅。➤independent独立的检查▸➤international国际核查◆they have refused to allow international inspection of their nuclear facilities.他们已经拒绝国际核查组织查看他们的核设施。➤manual, physical, visual人工核查;实地检测;目测检查▸➤safety安全检查▸➤medical医学检查➤school (especially bre) 校园视察➤home (name) (= done before buying a house) 房屋检验◆the problem was not discovered during the home inspection.房屋检验期间没发现这个问题。◆a standard home-inspection report summarizes the condition of the house.标准的房屋检验报告会综述房屋的状况。➤weapons武器核查◆the un weapons inspection team联合国武器核查团➤on-site, site现场勘察◆following an on-site inspection, the surveyor prepared a written report on the property.现场勘察之后,测量员出具了该地产的书面报告。verb + inspection➤be available for, be open for, be open to, be subject to准备好接受检查;公开接受检查;接受检查◆a company's accounting records must be open for inspection at all times.公司的会计记录必须随时能公开备查。◆nursing agencies are subject to inspection by the health authority.护理机构要接受卫生管理机关的检查。➤undergo经受检查◆all packages arriving at the building undergo an inspection.所有送达该大楼的包裹都要接受检查。➤carry out, complete, conduct, make, perform进行检查;完成视察;视察◆the architect is carrying out a thorough inspection of the building.建筑师正在对大楼进行全面检查。➤allow, permit允许/准许检查➤prepare for准备接受检查▸➤pass通过检查◆the hotel passed its annual inspection.旅馆通过了年度检查。➤fail未通过检查➤require需要检查◆the artwork requires close inspection by the viewer.这件艺术品需要观赏者细心查看。inspection + verb➤confirm sth, determine sth, reveal sth, show sth检查确认⋯/断定⋯/揭示⋯/说明⋯◆a brief inspection revealed it to be a fake.简单一看就看出这是一件赝品。➤suggest sth检查表明⋯▸➤take place检查进行inspection + noun➤tour, visit巡回检查;视察参观▸➤report检查报告➤procedure, process, regime (especially bre) 检查程序/过程/机制▸➤team检查组▸➤panel检查组preposition➤for inspection以便检查◆he held out the saucepan for inspection.他举起锅来检查。➤on inspection, upon inspection经过检查◆the report seemed impressive at first, but on closer inspection there were several inaccuracies.初看报告似乎让人眼前一亮,但仔细查看就会发现有一些不准确的地方。➤inspection by由⋯进行的视察◆an inspection of the troops by the commander-in-chief总司令对军队的视察phrases➤bear close inspection, bear inspection经得起仔细检查;经得住检查◆he knew that his motives would not bear close inspection (= would be revealed as bad if someone inspected them).他知道自己的动机经不起认真推敲。➤closer inspection reveals sth, closer inspection shows sth进一步的检查揭示⋯/表明⋯◆a creature which closer inspection revealed to be a bat一只经过进一步查看表明不过是蝙蝠的动物➤a tour of inspection (especially bre) 巡视◆roman governors would normally go on a tour of inspection of their province.罗马总督通常会对其所辖行省进行巡视。 inspection /ɪnspekʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] official visit to a factory, restaurant, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable 视察;检查◆regular inspections are carried out at the factory. 要定期视察工厂。◆banks were hit by concern over inspections by the financial services agency. 银行因担心金融服务局的检查而受到影响。⨁ to carry out / conduct / make an inspection进行/行使/实行检查 ⨁ to fail / pass an inspection未通过/通过检查 ⨁ a full / regular / routine / surprise inspection全面/定期/常规/突然检查 2.the act of looking closely at sth/sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be 检查;检验;审查;审视◆the documents are available for inspection. 这些文件可供审查。◆ on closer inspection, the notes proved to be forgeries. 进一步检查发现,这些钞票都是伪造的。⨁ to carry out / make an inspection进行检查 ⨁ a close / detailed / thorough inspection仔细/详细/彻底的检查 ☞ inspection inspection nouninspection ♦︎ observation ♦︎ check ♦︎ examination ♦︎ audit ♦︎ surveillance ♦︎ survey ♦︎ scan ♦︎ check-upthese are all words for a careful look at sb/sth, especially to check that everything is satisfactory.这些词均表示检查、查看、审视。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) detailed inspection / observation / check / examination / audit / survey◆(a) close inspection / observation / check / examination / surveillance◆(a) thorough inspection / check / examination / audit / survey / check-up◆(a) careful inspection / observation / check / examination◆(a) regular inspection / observation / check / examination / audit / surveillance / check-up◆(a / an) routine inspection / check / examination / surveillance / scan / check-up◆a medical inspection / check / examination / check-up◆to carry out / do an inspection / an observation / a check / an examination / an audit / surveillance / a survey / a scan◆to conduct an inspection / a check / an examination / an audit / surveillance / a survey◆to give sb / sth an inspection / a check / an examination / a scan / a check-up◆to have an inspection / a check / an examination / a scan / a check-up◆an inspection / observation / a check / an examination / an audit / a survey / a scan / a check-up reveals / shows sth◆an inspection / observation / a check / an examination / a survey confirms sth■ inspection [uncountable, countable] a careful look at sb/sth, especially to check that everything is satisfactory检查;查看;审视◆the documents are available for public inspection.这些文件可供公众查看。◆on closer inspection, the notes proved to be forgeries.经仔细检查,发现这些钞票是伪造的。◆the principal went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms.校长巡视了每一间教室。◆council officials made one site inspection of the property.市政官员对房产进行了一次实地检查。 ➡ see also inspect → check verb 1 ■ observation [uncountable, countable] the act of watching sb/sth carefully for a period of time, especially to find sth out观察;观测;监视◆most of the information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour.大部份信息都是通过直接观察动物的行为收集到的。◆we managed to escape observation (= we were not seen).我们设法避开了人们的注意。◆the report is based on scientific observations.报告以科学观测为基础。 ➡ see also observe → look verb 1 ■ check [countable] a close and careful look at sth to make sure that it is safe, correct or in good condition检查,查看(是否安全、正确或状况良好)◆could you give the tyres a quick check?你能快速检查一下轮胎吗?◆regular safety checks are conducted on the equipment used in the factory.工厂里使用的设备会定期进行安全检查。◆in a series of spot checks (= checks made without warning), police searched buses crossing the border.警方在一系列突击检查中搜查了跨境公共汽车。 ➡ see also check → check verb 1 ■ examination [uncountable, countable] a close and careful look at sth, especially to find sth out or see if anything is wrong(仔细的)检查,检验,考查◆careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple.仔细考查这片废墟后发现了一座更为古老的庙宇。◆doctors gave him a thorough medical examination.医生给他做了全面的体格检查。 ➡ see also examine → check verb 1 ■ audit /ɔːdɪt/ [countable] (especially business尤用于商业) an official examination of business and financial records to see that they are true and correct; an official examination of the quality or standard of sth审计;稽核;(质量或标准的)审查,检查◆a tax audit税务审计◆environmental audits are being carried out by many companies, showing the environmental impact of their activities.许多公司都在做环保审查,明示其活动对环境的影响。  ➡ see also audit → check 1 ■ surveillance /sɜːveɪləns; name sɜːrveɪləns/ [uncountable] the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed(对犯罪嫌疑人或容易发生犯罪的地方的)监视◆the police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance.警方对嫌疑人保持不间断监视。■ survey [countable] a careful look at an area of land in order to make a map or plan of it测量;勘测;测绘◆they carried out an aerial survey (= made by taking photographs from an aircraft) of the mountains.他们对山脉进行了航空测量。◆a geological survey revealed the presence of oil beneath the ground.地质勘查显示这块地下面有石油。ⓘ in british english a survey is also a careful look at the condition of a building, usually done for sb who is thinking of buying it.在英式英语中,survey 还指为欲购房者所做的房屋查验◆we paid for a detailed structural survey, which identified two areas of dry rot in the attic.我们花钱请人对房屋结构做了详细查验,结果发现阁楼里有两处干朽。■ scan [countable] a medical test in which a machine produces a picture of the inside of a person's body on a computer screen, using x-rays or ultrasound扫描检查◆the brain scan revealed no signs of injury.脑部扫描未显示受伤的迹象。■ check-up [countable] (rather informal) an examination of sth, especially a medical examination to make sure that you are healthy检查;(尤指)体格检查◆i went for my regular check-up.我去做了常规体检。inspection [uncountable, countable] a careful look at sb/sth, especially to check that everything is satisfactory检查;查看;审视◆the documents are available for public inspection.这些文件可供公众查看。◆on closer inspection, the notes proved to be forgeries.经仔细检查,发现这些钞票是伪造的。◆the principal went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms.校长巡视了每一间教室。◆council officials made one site inspection of the property.市政官员对房产进行了一次实地检查。 ➡ see also inspect → check verb 1 inspectionsee ⇨ examine 3 inspection /-`spɛkʃən; -ˈspekʃən/n [c,u]




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