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单词 valid
释义 valid adjective¹ 1legally acceptable法律上可接受verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be有法律效力▸➤become生效▸➤remain, stay继续有效▸➤deem sth, hold sth认为⋯有效;认定⋯具有法律效力◆the original written contract was held valid.合同原件被认定有效。adverb➤still仍然有效◆is your passport still valid?你的护照还有效吗?➤no longer失效▸➤legally有法律效力◆is the contract legally valid?这份合同有法律效力吗?preposition➤for对⋯有效◆these discounts are valid for travel within the continental united states.这些折扣对美国大陆内的旅行有效。valid adjective² 2strong and convincing有力可信verbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem有根据;好像合理▸➤become变得合理▸➤remain仍然令人信服▸➤accept sth as, consider sth, deem sth, regard sth as承认⋯有理;认为⋯有根据◆we accepted several different approaches as valid.我们承认几种不同的方法都很有道理。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常合理▸➤absolutely, completely, perfectly, quite完全站得住脚;十分确凿◆this is a perfectly valid question to raise.这个问题问得非常有道理。➤not entirely并不十分确凿▸➤reasonably还算合理▸➤equally同样合理◆we use a different, but equally valid, technique.我们使用另一种同样合理的技术。➤universally在各种情况下都站得住脚◆a universally valid set of moral principles一套放诸四海而皆准的道德准则➤not necessarily, not strictly (especially name) 未必有道理;不严格符合逻辑◆the agreement is not necessarily valid in other countries.这个协议在其他国家未必站得住脚。◆that argument is not strictly valid in this case.在这种情况下,那个论证逻辑并不严密。➤still仍然合理▸➤no longer不再合理◆the old assumptions are no longer valid.这些旧有的假设已站不住脚了。➤logically, scientifically, statistically符合逻辑;有科学根据;统计上可信◆a logically valid deduction符合逻辑的推论valid /vælɪd/ adjective1.that is legally or officially acceptable 有效的;正当的◆a valid passport 有效护照◆they have a valid claim for compensation. 他们的赔偿要求正当合理。◆the ticket is valid for three months. 这张票有效期为三个月。2. (it 信息技术) that is accepted by the system 有效的;被接受的◆a valid password 有效密码 opp invalid ▸ validly adverb◆the contract had been validly drawn up. 合同已草拟妥当。☞ validvalidbased on what is logical or true, in a way that supports the decision or claim being made符合逻辑的;有根据的;确凿的◆the point you make is perfectly valid.你提的论点完全站得住脚。◆accepting valid criticism is an important part of the learning process.接受合理的批评是学习过程的重要一环。opp invalid ⓘ an invalid point, criticism, argument, etc. is not based on all the facts, and therefore not correct. * invalid 修饰观点、批评、论点等时,表示没有事实依据,因而是不正确的。▸ validity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆of course we recognize the validity of that argument.我们当然承认那个论证的合理性。valid /vælɪd/ allowed by law or officially acceptable(法律上)有效的;(官方)认可的◆do you have a valid passport?你有有效护照吗?◆he bought a bus pass valid for one month.他买了一张公共汽车月票。◆they have a valid claim to compensation.他们有要求赔偿的合法权利。 opp invalid ⓘ things that are invalid are not legally or officially acceptable. * invalid 指事情不合法或没得到官方认可◆the treaty was declared invalid because it had not been ratified.该条约没有得到正式批准,因此被宣布为无效。▸ validity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆the period of validity of the agreement has expired.本协议的有效期已过。valid/ˈvælɪd ||; ˈvælɪd/adj1. valid (for sth) that is legally or officially acceptable (法律上)有效,得到认可: ◇this passport is valid for one year only. 这本护照有效期仅一年。 2. based on what is logical or true; acceptable 有理的;确凿的;站得住脚的: ◇i could raise no valid objections to the plan. 我对那个计划提不出有力的反对意见。◇jeff's making a perfectly valid point. 杰夫的话说得完全有道理。 [opp] invalid 反义词为invalid➔validity /vəˈlɪdəti ||; vəˈlɪdətɪ/ noun [u]validsee ⇨ true 1 ⇨ use 9 val·id /`vælɪd; ˈvælɪd/adj 1. a valid ticket, document, or agreement can be used legally and is officially acceptable 有效的:◇a valid passport 有效的护照 2. something that is valid seems right and reasonable because it is based on strong reasons or facts 正当的,有根据的:◇valid criticism 正确的批评




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