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单词 trust/not trust
释义 trust/not trust1 when you think someone is honest2 when you can be sure that someone will do what you want3 the feeling that you can trust someone4 words for describing someone who always trusts other people5 something you can trust6 not trust7 the feeling that you cannot trust someone8 words for describing someone who does not usually trust other people9 ways of describing someone who you do not trustrelated wordssee alsohonest,dishonest,lie,trick/deceive,cheat,betray,1. when you think someone is honest 认为某人是诚实的 trust /trʌst/ [transitive verb not usually in progressive] to believe that someone is honest and will not tell lies, cheat you, or do anything that would harm you 信任,信赖,相信 david's one of my oldest friends - i trust him completely. 戴维是我的一个老朋友,我完全相信他。can trust somebody feel sure that they are honest 可以信任某人 the hardest thing is finding a car dealer you can trust! 最难的是找到一个你信得过的汽车经销商!(can) trust somebody to do something ‘he's only fourteen.’ ‘i know, but i think we can trust him to look after the baby for an hour.’ “他才14岁。”“我知道,但我认为我们可以相信他能照看宝宝一小时。” trustworthy /ˈtrʌstˌwɜːʳði/ [adjective] especially written if someone is trustworthy, you can trust them because they are honest 【尤书面】值得信任的,可信的,可靠的 we got the information from a trustworthy source. 我们从可靠的来源得到了这个消息。 most of our employees are pretty trustworthy, i think. 我想我们的雇员大部分都值得信任。2. when you can be sure that someone will do what you want 可以相信某人会做你希望的事 can depend/rely on somebody /kən dɪˈpend, rɪˈlaɪ ɒn somebody/ [verb phrase] if you can depend on someone or can rely on them, you can be sure that they will do what you want or need them to do 能够依靠某人,可以依赖某人 it's going to be a stressful time - you'll need to have someone with you who you can depend on. 那将是一段艰难时期,你需要一个可以依靠的人和你在一起。can depend/rely on sb to do something we knew we could rely on tom to bring some good music. 我们知道可以指望汤姆带些好听的音乐来。 reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is reliable can be trusted to do what they say they will do and not make any mistakes 可信赖的,可靠的,靠得住的 it's strange ben isn't here. he's usually so reliable. 很奇怪本怎么不在这里,他通常是很靠得住的。 in many offices the most reliable people with the longest service are the secretaries. 在许多办公室里,最靠得住的、工作年期最长的人就是秘书。 responsible /rɪˈspɒnsɪbəl, rɪˈspɒnsəbəlǁrɪˈspɑːn-/ [adjective] someone who is responsible can be trusted to behave in a sensible way, so you do not need to worry that they will do something careless or stupid 可信任的,可信赖的,可靠的 we never worried about letting sam babysit our kids - he'd always seemed very responsible and intelligent. 让萨姆来照看我们的孩子我们从不担心,他看来总是很负责任而且很聪明的。 he treated me as if i wasn't responsible enough to be given the tools to do my job. 他对待我的态度好像是我不大可靠,不能给我工具让我干活。responsible behaviour/decisions etc two new programs are being developed to help promote responsible sexual behavior. 正在推出两项新计划来宣传负责任的性行为。 loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ [adjective] someone who is loyal can be trusted to always give help or support to their friends, their country, their political party etc 忠诚的,忠心的,忠实的 a loyal supporter of the green party 绿党的忠实支持者 she was described as a loyal friend of the princess. 她被描写成是王妃的忠实朋友。loyal to although they continue to argue, she remains fiercely loyal to her mother. 她们虽然吵个不停,但她对母亲仍然非常忠诚。 loyalty [countable/uncountable noun] loyal behaviour 忠诚,忠实 the attempted coup failed, thanks to the loyalty of the army. 幸亏军队的忠诚,使这次政变失败了。3. the feeling that you can trust someone 可以信任某人的感觉 trust /trʌst/ [uncountable noun] after the scandal, the company lost the trust of many of its clients. 这次丑闻之后,公司失去了许多客户的信任。 establishing trust is the first thing a good teacher does with any student. 一位好教师和任何学生之间首要做的事情就是建立信任。trust in despite her many misfortunes, her trust in god was never shaken. 虽然遭受了很多不幸,她对上帝的信赖却从未动摇。put/place (your) trust in someone trust somebody 信任某人 people put their trust in their elected officials and expect them to do the best job they can. 人们信任自己选出的官员,并期望他们能够尽其所能地履行职责。betray somebody's trust do something that shows they should not have trusted you 辜负某人的信任 she has betrayed the trust which we placed in her. 她辜负了我们对她的信任。mutual trust when two people or groups trust each other 相互信任 to be good leaders, managers must create a climate of mutual trust and respect. 要成为好的领导,做经理的必须营造出相互信任和相互尊重的氛围。 confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns, ˈkɒnfədənsǁˈkɑːn-/ [uncountable noun] a strong belief that you can trust a person, system, product etc, and that they will do what they say they will or do what they are supposed to do [对人、制度、产品等的]信任,信心,信赖 the new president has the confidence and backing of all of the leaders of the surrounding states. 所有邻近国家的领导人都对这位新总统表示信任和支持。confidence in it's obviously very important to build up the consumer's confidence in our product. 培养顾客对我们产品的信心显然是非常重要的。lose confidence opinion polls show that the voters have lost confidence in the administration. 民意调查显示选民对政府已失去信任。public confidence the confidence of the people 公众的信任 the agency works hard to increase public confidence so that people are not afraid to report racist incidents. 该机构致力提高公众对它的信任,让大家在举报种族主义事件时不会害怕。crisis of confidence when confidence in a person, system etc becomes very weak 信任危机 the country's highly respected finance ministry is facing a crisis of confidence that will be difficult to reverse. 该国威望很高的财政部正面临难以扭转的信任危机。 faith /feɪθ/ [uncountable noun] a strong belief that someone or something can always be depended on to do or say what is right or good [对人或事的]信任,信心,信念 faith in my mother's total faith in god always amazed me. 我母亲对上帝坚定的信仰总是让我感到惊奇。have faith he had great faith in her judgement, and consulted her about everything. 他非常相信她的判断,什么事都向她请教。lose faith after what she's been through, i can understand why she's lost faith in the legal system. 由于她的经历,我能够理解为什么她对司法制度失去了信心。 blind faith /ˌblaɪnd ˈfeɪθ/ [uncountable noun] a very strong and unreasonable belief that someone can always be trusted, especially when it is wrong or dangerous to trust them 盲目的信任,迷信[尤指错误地或危险地信任] there's a great difference between ordinary loyalty and blind faith. 一般意义上的忠诚和盲目信任之间有很大的区别。blind faith in many doctors are worried by the villagers’ blind faith in traditional healing methods. 许多医生很担心村民对传统疗法的迷信。4. words for describing someone who always trusts other people 描述总是相信别人的人的词语 trusting /ˈtrʌstɪŋ/ [adjective] always trusting other people, especially when this means you can be easily tricked 轻信的,轻易信赖别人的[尤表示容易受骗] sometimes you're too trusting. you shouldn't lend money to anyone who says they need it. 有时你太轻信了,你不应该把钱借给任何说自己需要钱的人。 she had an innocent, trusting nature, and i worried about how she'd cope in the big city. 她天性单纯,轻易相信别人,我担心在这种大城市里她怎么应付。 naïve /naɪˈiːvǁnɑːˈiːv/ [adjective] always trusting other people, especially when this means you are easily tricked - use this especially about people who are young or do not have much experience 天真的,轻信的,无知的[尤指年轻或经验不足而容易上当的人] at the time, i was very naïve and truly believed that our leaders were people of great ability and intellect. 那时候我非常天真,真相信我们的领导人都是具备不凡能力和智慧的人。 rogers isn't naïve enough to think that his film will rake in money, but he thinks it will be well-received. 罗杰斯没有天真到会相信自己的电影能够赚大钱,但他认为它会受到好评。 naïvely [adverb] i rather naïvely gave my address to a man i met in an internet chat room. 我很天真地把我的地址给了一个在互联网聊天室里认识的男人。5. something you can trust 可以信赖的事物 reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/ [adjective] a reliable machine, system etc always works well; reliable information, books etc do not contain mistakes and are likely to be correct [机器、系统、资料、书籍等]可靠的,可信的 do you have a reliable map of the area? 你有这个地区的可靠的地图吗? my car's quite old, but it's still pretty reliable. 我的汽车很旧了,但性能仍然很可靠。 in those days there was no reliable system of transportation between alaska and the rest of the us. 那时候,阿拉斯加和美国其他地区还没有可靠的运输系统。 can rely/depend on something /kən rɪˈlaɪ, dɪˈpend ɒn something/ [verb phrase] if you can depend on something or can rely on it, you can be sure that it will always work well 可以依靠/信赖某物 you can depend on the postal service here. it's very good. 你可以信赖这里的邮政服务,它的质量很高。 if we can rely on the weather report, it's going to be hot tomorrow. 如果我们可以相信天气预报的话,那么明天天气将会很热。 of course people will use their cars if they cannot depend on buses and trains to get them to work. 如果大家无法依赖公共汽车和火车上下班的话,他们当然要使用自己的汽车了。6. not trust 不信任 not trust /nɒt ˈtrʌst/ [transitive verb] i don't know what to do. i mean if i can't trust my best friend, who can i trust? 我不知道该怎么办。我的意思是如果自己最好的朋友都不能相信,那么还能相信谁? don't trust him. he's lying. 别相信他,他在撒谎。not trust somebody with something i wouldn't trust him with my money. 我不会放心把钱给他。 it can be difficult to trust anyone with some of your innermost secrets. 把自己内心最深处的秘密吐露给别人听是很困难的。not trust somebody an inch british not trust someone at all 【英】一点都不信任某人 i thing you're mad giving him such an important job. i wouldn't trust him an inch. 我认为你把这么重要的工作给了他简直是疯了,我一点都不信任他。not trust somebody as far as you can throw them not trust someone at all 绝对不相信某人 as for his ‘advisors’, he said he wouldn't trust them as far as he could throw them. 至于他的“顾问们”,他说他绝对不会信任他们。 can't rely on also can't trust somebody/something /ˌkɑːnt rɪˈlaɪ ɒn , ˌkɑːnt ˈtrʌst somebody/something ǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] to be unable to trust someone to do what they say they will do, or to be unable to trust a machine, system etc to work well 不能相信某人/某事物 you can't rely on the buses. i've stood here for twenty minutes waiting for one to come. 公共汽车可靠不住,我站在这里等车已经等了20分钟了。can't rely on to do something we need clearer regulations, but you can't trust the government to simplify anything. 我们需要更加明确的法规,但不能相信政府会简化任何东西。 unreliable /ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbəl◂/ [adjective] if someone is unreliable, you cannot be sure that they will do what they say they will do; if a machine, car etc is unreliable, it often stops working and you cannot be sure it will work well 靠不住的,不可靠的 we could ask our neighbours to feed the cat, but they're a little unreliable. 我们可以请邻居喂猫,但他们有些靠不住。 telephone service in most of the country is unreliable. 这个国家大部分地区的电话服务都不可靠。 be suspicious of /biː səˈspɪʃəs ɒv/ [verb phrase] to have a feeling that you should not trust someone or something, although you are not sure why 对[某人或某事]有怀疑 i'm always suspicious of people who offer me money. 对主动给我钱的人我总是有怀疑。deeply suspicious very suspicious 深感怀疑 she had no proof at all, but nonetheless was deeply suspicious of her former friend's motives. 尽管没有任何证据,她仍然对这个以前的朋友的动机深感怀疑。 distrust/mistrust /dɪsˈtrʌst, mɪsˈtrʌst/ [transitive verb] to not trust someone 不信任 ‘was she seeing a doctor?’ ‘no, to my knowledge she mistrusted doctors.’ “她找医生看了吗?”“没有,据我所知,她是不相信医生的。” he distrusted people who were too friendly too quickly. 他不信任那些相交时间很短态度却过于友好的人。7. the feeling that you cannot trust someone 不能信任某人的感觉 distrust/mistrust /dɪsˈtrʌst, mɪsˈtrʌst/ [uncountable noun] the talks took place in an atmosphere of hostility and distrust. 会谈在充满敌意和不信任的气氛中进行。 the city's school system has been hurt by low morale and public mistrust. 该市的教育体系被低沉的士气和公众的不信任所损害。distrust/mistrust of dylan's natural mistrust of reporters makes him a difficult man to interview. 迪伦天生不信任记者,这使记者很难采访他。 suspicion /səˈspɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the feeling that you cannot trust someone, even though you may not know exactly why 怀疑,疑心 terry's grandmother looked at me with suspicion and demanded, ‘who's this?’ 特里的祖母以怀疑的眼光看了看我后问道:“这人是谁?” when i asked about gerald, susan's usually kind face clouded with fear and suspicion. 当我问起杰拉尔德如何时,苏姗一向和善的脸上露出了恐惧和怀疑的神色。arouse suspicion make people feel suspicion 引起怀疑 the timing of his trip aroused suspicion among his government colleagues. 他出行时间的安排引起了他在政府里的同事的怀疑。8. words for describing someone who does not usually trust other people 描述通常不信任别人的人的词语 suspicious /səˈspɪʃəs/ [adjective] the officials we met in the capital looked suspicious and tense, as if they were expecting us to declare war on them. 我们在首都会见的那些官员看上去满腹疑虑并且很紧张,好像以为我们要对他们宣战似的。suspicious of the local people were suspicious of me because of my somewhat unusual lifestyle. 我有点与众不同的生活方式使当地人对我感到怀疑。 distrustful/mistrustful /dɪsˈtrʌstfəl, mɪsˈtrʌstfəl/ [adjective] he was unsociable and distrustful, but also a fanatical worker. 他不合群也不相信人,但又是个干起活来非常卖力的人。distrustful/mistrustful of for nearly a whole century, eastern and western europe remained deeply distrustful of each other. 几乎有整整一个世纪,东欧和西欧彼此之间一直非常猜疑。 many people are still very mistrustful of computers. 许多人仍然非常不信任电脑。9. ways of describing someone who you do not trust 描述你不信任的人的词语 somebody can't be trusted / somebody ˌkɑːnt biː ˈtrʌstə̇dǁ-ˌkænt-/ spoken say this about someone you do not trust 【口】某人让人信不过 many people feel that lawyers can't be trusted, that they are just out for the money and nothing else. 许多人都觉得律师不可信,他们只看重金钱,不为别的。sb can't be trusted to do something sharon can't be trusted to look after her own money, let alone deal with other people's. 莎伦照管自己的钱都让人信不过,更不要说照管别人的了。sb can't be trusted with don't say anything to ed - he can't be trusted with confidential information. 别对埃德说任何事,不能相信他会保守秘密。 somebody looks/seems suspicious / somebody ˌlʊks, ˌsiːmz səˈspɪʃəs/ use this about someone whose appearance or behaviour makes you think that they may intend to do something dishonest or harmful 某人看起来/好像很可疑 the cop said we looked suspicious and that he was arresting us - just for standing on a corner! 警察说我们看上去很可疑,所以要拘捕我们—就因为我们站在街角上! the whole operation seemed very suspicious to me, so i thought i'd take a closer look. 我觉得整个行动很可疑,所以我要再仔细想想。




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