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单词 theft
释义 theft nounadjective | ... of thefts | preposition adjective➤petty小偷小摸▸➤grand (name) 大盗▸➤attempted (especially bre) 未遂的偷窃◆the crime of attempted theft盗窃未遂罪➤large-scale, outright, wholesale大规模/公然/大肆盗窃◆the shortage has led to price increases and the large-scale theft of vaccine supplies.疫苗供应短缺导致价格上涨和大规模盗窃。◆unauthorized copying is outright theft of information.未经授权的复制是对信息的公然盗窃。◆the wholesale theft of copyrighted music大规模盗窃版权受保护的音乐➤retail零售盗窃▸➤auto, car, cattle, laptop, etc.盗窃汽车、牛、笔记本电脑等➤data数据盗窃▸➤id, identity身分盗用◆the potential victims of identity theft身分盗用的潜在受害者... of thefts➤series, spate, string一分列盗窃案;一连串盗窃案◆a spate of thefts over the christmas period圣诞节期间发生的一连串盗窃案preposition➤theft from从⋯偷窃◆he is accused of theft from his employer.他被指控盗窃他的雇主。➤theft of偷窃◆she admitted the theft of three pairs of shoes.她承认偷了 3 双鞋。  ➡ note at crime (for verbs) theft nountheft ♦︎ robbery ♦︎ burglary ♦︎ raid ♦︎ break-in ♦︎ embezzlement ♦︎ shoplifting ♦︎ larceny ♦︎ heistthese are all words for the crime of stealing sth from a person or place.这些词均表示偷窃、盗窃罪。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(an) attempted theft / robbery / burglary / break-in / larceny◆a bank robbery / raid / heist◆grand / petty theft / larceny◆to commit (a) theft / robbery / burglary / larceny◆to carry out a theft / robbery / burglary / raid◆to take part in / foil a robbery / burglary / raid◆to report / investigate a theft / robbery / burglary / raid / break-in◆a theft / robbery / burglary / raid / break-in happens / takes place■ theft [uncountable, countable] the crime of stealing sth from a person or place偷;偷窃;盗窃罪◆police are investigating the theft of computers from the company's offices.警方正在调查这家公司办公室的计算机失窃案。◆there has been a reduction in the number of car thefts.汽车失窃案数量已有所下降。 ➡ see also thief → thief ■ robbery [uncountable, countable] the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop, person, etc., especially using violence or threats(尤指用暴力或威胁手段)盗窃;抢劫;掠夺◆he already had a conviction for armed robbery (= using a gun, knife, etc.).他已有一次持械抢劫的前科。◆there has been a spate of robberies in the area recently.近来这一地区发生了多起抢劫案。  ➡ see also rob → rob , robber → thief note 辨析 theft or robbery? theft emphasizes the thing stolen. * theft 强调被偷的东西◆car / computer theft汽车/电脑失窃案◆car/computer robbery robbery emphasizes the place from which sth was stolen, especially a bank or other business, and often suggests that violence was used. * robbery 强调东西被偷的地点,尤其是银行或其他商业机构,并常意味着使用了暴力◆bank robbery银行抢劫案◆armed robbery持械抢劫案◆bank theft ◆armed theft ■ burglary /bɜːgləri; name bɜːrgləri/ [uncountable, countable] the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing things from it入室盗窃罪◆the youth was charged with three counts of burglary.那个年轻人被控犯下三起盗窃案。◆there has been a rise in the number of burglaries committed in the area.该地区入室盗窃案数目一直在上升。ⓘ burglary usually refers to the act of stealing things from people's homes. it usually takes place when the people are not there or asleep and does not usually involve threats or violence. * burglary 一般指从别人家中偷东西的行为,常发生在没人在家或屋内人睡着时,通常不涉及威胁或暴力。  ➡ see also burgle , burglarize → rob , burglar → thief ■ raid [countable] an attack on a building, place or vehicle in order to commit a crime, especially to steal sth抢劫;打劫◆he had once been involved in a bank raid.他参与过一次抢银行。◆she was shot during an armed raid on a security van.她在一次持械抢劫押款车事件中中了枪。  ➡ see also raid → rob , raider → thief ■ break-in [countable] an act of entering a building using force, usually to steal sth闯入;破门而入;入室盗窃◆police were called to three break-ins in the same area last night.昨夜警方接到同一地区的三宗入室盗窃的报案。  ➡ see also break into sth → rob ■ embezzlement [uncountable] the crime of stealing money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer监守自盗;贪污;侵吞公款◆she was found guilty of embezzlement.她被判犯有侵吞公款罪。  ➡ see also embezzle → steal ■ shoplifting /ʃɒplɪftɪŋ; name ʃɑːplɪftɪŋ/ [uncountable] the crime of stealing goods from a shop by deliberately leaving without paying for them商店行窃(罪)◆she was convicted of shoplifting.她被判犯有商店行窃罪。  ➡ see also shoplift → steal , shoplifter → thief ■ larceny /lɑːsəni; name lɑːrsəni/ [uncountable, countable] (name or old-fashioned, bre, law法律) the crime of stealing sth from sb; an occasion when this takes place盗窃罪;偷盗;盗窃◆the couple were charged with grand / petty larceny (= stealing things that are valuable / not very valuable).那对夫妇被控以重大/轻微盗窃罪。■ heist /haɪst/ [countable] (especially name, informal) an act of stealing sth valuable from a bank or shop(对银行或商店的)盗窃◆it's a tense thriller about a diamond heist that goes badly wrong.那是个惊险刺激的钻石盗窃案故事,过程波折重重。◆a heist movie一部盗窃题材影片theft [uncountable, countable] the crime of stealing sth from a person or place偷;偷窃;盗窃罪◆police are investigating the theft of computers from the company's offices.警方正在调查这家公司办公室的计算机失窃案。◆there has been a reduction in the number of car thefts.汽车失窃案数量已有所下降。 ➡ see also thief → thief theft/θeft ||; θɛft/noun [c,u] the crime of stealing sth 盗窃(罪): ◇there have been a lot of thefts in this area recently. 这地区近来发生许多盗窃案。◇the woman was arrested for theft. 那女人因盗窃被捕。 ☞look at the note at thief. 参看thief的注释。theftsee ⇨ steal 6,7 theft /θɛft; θeft/n [c,u]the crime of stealing something 偷窃,盗窃:◇car theft is on the increase. 汽车盗窃案的数量在增加。




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