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单词 warrant
释义 warrant nounadjective | verb + warrant | warrant + noun | phrases adjective➤arrest, death, search逮捕证;死刑执行令;搜查证◆the king refused to sign the death warrant for his old friend.国王拒绝签署他老朋友的死刑执行令。➤royal (bre) (向英国王室供货的)英廷供货许可证➤outstanding未执行的令状◆he has an outstanding warrant for his arrest.逮捕他的令状未得到执行。➤bench (name) 法官逮捕令◆the judge issued a bench warrant.法官发出了逮捕令。➤criminal, judicial (both name) 司法令状verb + warrant➤authorize, grant, issue, serve, sign批准令状;签发命令;送交令状;签署授权令◆the commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest.专员发出了对她的逮捕令。◆the police served a warrant on him.警方将令状送交给他。➤get, obtain接到令状;取得授权令▸➤execute执行⋯令◆police who executed a search warrant found a substantial amount of stolen property on the premises.执行搜捕令的警察发现该场所内有大量的失窃物品。➤need, require需要令状;要求授权令➤seek寻求令状warrant + noun➤card (bre) 警察证phrases➤without a warrant没有授权令◆in certain circumstances, police may enter premises without a warrant.在特定情况下,警察进入场所内搜查无需授权令。➤warrant for⋯的授权令warrant verbadverb | verb + warrant adverb➤hardly几乎无必要◆the tv appearance was so brief that it hardly warranted comment.在电视上露面的时间太短了,几乎不值得作任何评论。➤certainly, clearly无疑地/清楚地证明⋯有理verb + warrant➤be important enough to, be serious enough to, be severe enough to重要到/严重到/严峻到有必要⋯◆they do not consider the case serious enough to warrant an investigation.他们认为情况没有严重到需要进行调查。 warrant /wɒrənt; name wɔːr-; wɑːr-/ noun [countable] (finance 金融) a type of investment that gives you the right to buy shares at a fixed price on or by a particular date 认股权证◆the issue of warrants for equity shares 发行认股权证◆bondholders have been given warrants to buy the stock. 债券持有人得到了购买股票的权证。 (law 法律) a legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do sth 搜查令;授权令;逮捕令◆they issued a warrant for her arrest. 他们发出了逮捕她的拘捕证。◆an arrest warrant 逮捕证⨁ to apply for / get / issue a warrant申请/取得/签发授权令 dividend warrant ◇ warehouse warrant warrant /wɒrənt; name wɔːr-; wɑːr-/ verb [transitive] (commerce 商业; law 法律) (formal) (usually be warranted) to promise that a statement is true, or that sth is genuine or in good condition 担保;保证◆the goods are warranted to be in perfect condition on leaving the factory. 商品在出厂时确保完好无损。☞ warrant☞ warrantwarrant /wɒrənt; name wɔːrənt, wɑːrənt/ [countable] a legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do sth(法官授予警方的)执行令,授权令◆they issued a warrant for her arrest.当局发出了逮捕她的令状。◆police arrived with a search warrant.警察是带着搜查令来的。◆federal agents tried to serve arrest warrants on him for firearms offences.联邦探员试图以枪支犯罪向他发出逮捕证。warrant¹/ˈwɒrənt; us wɔ:r- ||; ˈwɔrənt/noun [c] an official written statement that gives sb permission to do sth 许可证;授权令: ◇a search warrant (= a document that allows the police to search a house) 搜查令 warrant²/ˈwɒrənt ||; ˈwɔrənt/verb [t] (formal 正式) to make sth seem right or necessary; to deserve sth 使显得恰当;值得: ◇i don't think her behaviour warrants such criticism. 我不认为她的行为应该受到这样的批评。 warrantsee ⇨ let/allow 9 ⇨ reason 5☞ warrant¹☞ warrant²




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