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单词 sermon
释义 sermon nounadjective | verb + sermon | preposition adjective➤fiery充满激情的布道➤weekly每周的布道▸➤long冗长的说教verb + sermon➤deliver, give, preach, read布道;给予训导;说教;讲道➤hear听布道preposition➤during a/the sermon, in a/the sermon在布道期间◆he fell asleep during the sermon.听布道时他睡着了。➤sermon on关于⋯布道◆she preached a sermon on forgiveness.她进行了一番关于宽恕的说教。sermon [countable] a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service布道;讲道◆he preached a long sermon against the war.他作了一次长篇的反战布道。sermon/ˈsɜ:mən ||; ˈsɝmən/noun [c] a speech on a religious or moral subject that is given as part of a service in church 讲道;说教 ser·mon /`sɜmən; ˈsɜːmən/n [c] 1. a religious talk given at a church 布道,讲道 2. informal a talk in which someone gives you unwanted moral advice 【非正式】 说教,训诫→ see also 另见 preach




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