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单词 unlikely
释义 unlikely adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤appear, be, look, sound显得不可能;不可能;看上去不可能;听起来不可能◆the takeover bid now looks unlikely to succeed.这次收购投标现在看来不可能成功了。➤become变得不可能▸➤remain, seem仍然不可能;似乎不大有希望▸➤make sth, render sth使⋯不可能▸➤consider sth, deem sth, find sth, think sth认为⋯不可能;觉得⋯不可能◆he thought it unlikely that she would refuse.他认为她不大可能会拒绝。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常不可能▸➤exceedingly, highly, most极不可能;非常不可能▸➤increasingly越来越不可能▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些不可能▸➤inherently (bre) 本质上不可能◆an economic collapse is inherently unlikely.经济崩溃是根本不可能发生的。unlikely adjective 1➤unlikely to succeed不大可能成功➤an unlikely explanation令人难以信服的解释unlikely ♦︎ doubtful ♦︎ improbablethese words all describe things that are not likely to happen or be true.这些词均表示不大可能发生的、未必真实的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be unlikely / doubtful / improbable that...◆to seem / look / make sth unlikely / doubtful / improbable◆very / highly / extremely / rather / somewhat unlikely / doubtful / improbable■ unlikely not likely to happen or be true不大可能发生的;未必真实的◆the project seemed unlikely to succeed.这个项目似乎不大可能成功。◆it's most unlikely that she'll arrive before seven.她在 7 点前到达基本不可能。◆in the unlikely event of a problem arising, please contact the hotel manager.万一出现问题,请找旅馆经理。 opp likely → likely ■ doubtful [not usually before noun] (rather formal, especially written) unlikely不大可能;未必;难说◆it is doubtful if this painting is a picasso.这未必就是毕加索的画。◆it is doubtful whether the car will last another year.这辆车是否还能用上一年很难说。◆terry is injured and is doubtful for the game tomorrow (= unlikely to play).特里受了伤,明天未必能参赛。ⓘ in this meaning doubtful is nearly always followed by if, whether, for or that....表达此义时,doubtful 几乎总是后接 if、whether、for 或 that ...。  ➡ see also doubt → doubt noun 1 , doubt → doubt verb ■ improbable (rather formal, written) unlikely不大可能发生的;未必真实的◆the whole story sounded highly improbable.整个故事听上去很荒唐。◆it seemed improbable that the fine weather would continue.好天气似乎不大可能继续下去。ⓘ improbable is more formal than unlikely and cannot be followed by to + infinitive. * improbable 较 unlikely 正式,后面不能接带 to 的不定式◆the project seemed improbable to succeed. opp probable → likely unlikely adjective 2➤unlikely to succeed不大可能成功➤an unlikely explanation令人难以信服的解释  ➡ see also the entry for incredible另见 incredible 条unlikely ♦︎ weak ♦︎ far-fetched ♦︎ implausible ♦︎ unconvincing ♦︎ improbablethese words all describe things that are difficult to believe, or not what you would normally expect.这些词均表示难以相信的、不能令人信服的、不符合正常期望的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an unlikely / a far-fetched / an implausible / an unconvincing explanation◆an unlikely / a far-fetched / an unconvincing / an improbable story◆an unlikely / improbable situation◆rather unlikely / weak / far-fetched / implausible / unconvincing / improbable◆very unlikely / weak / far-fetched / unconvincing / improbable◆highly / inherently unlikely / implausible / improbable◆completely unlikely / unconvincing / improbable■ unlikely [only before noun] difficult to believe; not the person, thing or place that you would normally think of or expect难以相信的;不能信服的;不符合正常想法(或期望)的◆she gave me a rather unlikely explanation for her behaviour.她对自己行为的解释很难令我信服。◆he seems a most unlikely candidate for the job.他似乎是最不适合担任这项工作的人选。◆they have built hotels in the most unlikely places.他们把旅馆建在了最不适宜的地方。ⓘ unlikely is sometimes used to describe people who are successful when you would not expect them to be * unlikely 有时用以描述出乎你意料的成功者◆an unlikely hero / winner / rock star / celebrity之前不被看好的英雄/获胜者/摇滚明星/名人or people who are trying to be chosen for sth, when they would not normally be considered suitable.或用以描述争取被选中做某事,但通常不被视为合适人选的人◆an unlikely candidate / applicant / contender不合适的人选/申请者/竞争者■ weak that people are not likely to believe or be persuaded by不能令人信服的;不能说服人的◆weak arguments / evidence无说服力的论据/证据◆the case for the prosecution was rather weak.控方的理由相当没有说服力。◆i enjoyed the movie but i thought the ending was very weak.我喜欢这部电影,但觉得结尾很牵强。ⓘ weak is used especially to talk about a line of argument that sb hopes will persuade people to believe sth. * weak 尤用来形容某人试图说服别人的一番论述。 opp strong → convincing ■ far-fetched very difficult to believe难以置信的;牵强的◆the whole story sounds very far-fetched.整件事听起来难以置信。ⓘ people typically say that sth is a bit far-fetched, or that sth seems/sounds far-fetched. it is also common to say that sth may seem/sound far-fetched, but... when you are about to say sth that is true, even though it is difficult to believe.通常说 sth is a bit far-fetched 或 sth seems/sounds far-fetched。要表达某事虽然难以置信,却是真的,常用 sth may seem/sound far-fetched, but ... 这一句式。■ implausible /ɪmplɔːzəbl/ (rather formal) difficult to believe because it does not seem reasonable似乎不合情理的;不可信的◆this is a highly implausible claim.这是毫无道理的要求。◆her explanation is not implausible (= it is plausible).她的解释并非没有道理。 opp plausible → possible 2 ▸ implausibly adverb◆he argued, somewhat implausibly, that the accident could not have been prevented.他争辩说那起事故不可能避免,但他的说法颇不令人信服。■ unconvincing not seeming true or real; not making you believe that sth is true似乎不真实的;不令人信服的;难以相信的◆i find the characters in the book very unconvincing.我觉得书中的人物很不真实。◆his argument was unconvincing.他的论据不能令人信服。◆she managed a weak, unconvincing smile.她勉强挤出一丝笑意。ⓘ unconvincing is most often used to talk about sth that sb says, such as an argument, an attempt, an explanation, a reason or a story. but you can also talk about an unconvincing smile, when you do not believe that the person who is smiling is really happy, or an unconvincing performance, when you do not think that an actor played a role very well, making it difficult for you to believe in the character being played. * unconvincing 最常用以形容某人所说的话,搭配词有 argument、attempt、explanation、reason 或 story。亦可说 an unconvincing smile,表示你认为笑的人并非真的快乐;还可以说 an unconvincing performance,表示你认为某个演员没演好其角色,使你觉得那个人物失真。 opp convincing → convincing ▸ unconvincingly adverb◆he laughed unconvincingly.他干笑了几声。■ improbable [usually before noun] (written) seeming strange because it is not what you would expect奇异的;荒谬的◆her hair was an improbable shade of yellow.她的头发带有怪异的黄色。ⓘ improbable is often used to talk about a successful combination, match or friendship that you would not expect, because the people involved do not seem to have much in common. * improbable 常用以形容出乎你意料而成功的 combination、match 或 friendship,因为相关的人似乎没有什么共同点。unlikelynot likely to happen or be true不大可能发生的;未必真实的◆the project seemed unlikely to succeed.这个项目似乎不大可能成功。◆it's most unlikely that she'll arrive before seven.她在 7 点前到达基本不可能。◆in the unlikely event of a problem arising, please contact the hotel manager.万一出现问题,请找旅馆经理。 opp likely → likely unlikely [only before noun] difficult to believe; not the person, thing or place that you would normally think of or expect难以相信的;不能信服的;不符合正常想法(或期望)的◆she gave me a rather unlikely explanation for her behaviour.她对自己行为的解释很难令我信服。◆he seems a most unlikely candidate for the job.他似乎是最不适合担任这项工作的人选。◆they have built hotels in the most unlikely places.他们把旅馆建在了最不适宜的地方。ⓘ unlikely is sometimes used to describe people who are successful when you would not expect them to be * unlikely 有时用以描述出乎你意料的成功者◆an unlikely hero / winner / rock star / celebrity之前不被看好的英雄/获胜者/摇滚明星/名人or people who are trying to be chosen for sth, when they would not normally be considered suitable.或用以描述争取被选中做某事,但通常不被视为合适人选的人◆an unlikely candidate / applicant / contender不合适的人选/申请者/竞争者unlikely/ʌnˈlaɪkli ||; ʌnˈlaɪklɪ/adj (unlikelier;unlikeliest) 1. unlikely (to do sth/that...) not likely to happen; not expected; not probable 未必会发生;意外的;不大可能: ◇i suppose she might win but i think it's very unlikely. 她也许会赢,但我认为可能性很小。◇it's highly unlikely that i'll have any free time next week. 我下星期有空闲时间的可能性极小。 [opp] likely 反义词为likely 2. difficult to believe 难以相信的: ◇an unlikely excuse 难以相信的借口 [syn] improbable 同义词为improbableunlikelysee ⇨ believe 6 ⇨ probably 8 un·like·ly /ʌn`laɪklɪ; ʌnˈlaɪkli/adjsomething that is unlikely will probably not happen or is probably not true 未必会发生的; 未必真实的:◇it's very unlikely that they'll win. 他们获胜的可能性极小。 ☞ unlikely




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