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单词 test
释义 test noun¹ 1examination of sb's knowledge/ability对知识或能力的考查adjective | verb + test | test + noun | preposition adjective➤demanding, difficult, gruelling/grueling高难度的考试;使人精疲力竭的考试▸➤easy, simple容易的/简单的考试▸➤fair, good, objective公平的/准确的/客观的考试◆this type of exam does not provide a fair test of the student's knowledge.这种类型的考试不能公平地测试学生的知识水平。➤standardized标准化考试➤class, take-home (name) 当堂做的/带回家完成的测验▸➤listening, oral, practical, written听力测试;口试;实践能力测试;笔试➤essay (name) 作文考试▸➤cloze, multiple-choice完型填空/多项选择测试➤aptitude, sat™ (in the us) 能力测试;学业能力倾向测验➤intelligence, iq, mental智力/智商/心理测试▸➤achievement, endurance, proficiency成绩/耐力/水平测试◆the recruits were put through a week of demanding endurance tests.新兵接受了为期一周的艰苦的耐力测试。➤language, memory, spelling语言/记忆力/拼写测试▸➤placement分班考试;分级测试;为人员安排而进行的考试◆he scored well in the placement test and was put in the most advanced class.他在分班考试中考得不错,被分在最优秀的班里。➤driver's, driving, road (name) 驾驶考试;驾照考试;路考▸➤screen试镜;筛选测试◆three actors out of a hundred were chosen from the screen test.100 人试镜,选定了 3 名演员。verb + test➤do, sit, take参加测试;接受测试◆i took my driving test last week.上周我参加了驾照考试。➤review for, revise for, study for复习备考;为考试学习▸➤complete完成考试▸➤pass通过测试▸➤fail未通过考试▸➤give, set举行考试;安排测试▸➤administer主持考试➤monitor监考▸➤grade, mark (especially bre) 阅卷;给考生打分test + noun➤result, score测试成绩;考分▸➤conditions测试环境◆as a final practice for the exam, they had to write two essays under test conditions.作为考前的最后一次练习,他们必须在考试环境下写出两篇短文。➤paper, questions试卷;考题preposition➤in a/the test, on a/the test (name) 在考试中◆a good mark in the test (bre) 考高分◆a good grade on the test (name) 考高分➤test in⋯方面的测试◆a test in mathematics数学测试➤test on关于⋯的测试◆a test on the french revolution关于法国大革命的测验test noun² 2experiment; medical examination实验;医学检查adjective | ... of tests | verb + test | test + verb | test + noun | preposition adjective➤exhaustive, extensive, rigorous, stringent, thorough详尽的检查;广泛的测试;严格的化验;彻底的检查▸➤initial, preliminary初试;预试▸➤routine, standard常规化验;标准试验▸➤statistical统计检验▸➤empirical, experimental实证检验;实验检验▸➤field, lab (informal) , laboratory现场测试;实验室实验▸➤successful成功的试验▸➤negative, positive阴性/阳性检验▸➤medical医学检验▸➤screening筛选试验◆screening tests for cancer癌症筛查➤diagnostic诊断性试验▸➤forensic法医检验◆forensic tests showed that the man had been poisoned.法医检验表明该男子被人下毒。➤eye, sight (bre) 眼睛/视力检查▸➤hearing听力检查▸➤blood, dna, genetic, skin, urine验血; dna 检测;基因检测;皮试;尿检▸➤dope, drug, drugs (bre) 兴奋剂检测;药检▸➤fitness体能测验▸➤breath, breathalyser/breathalyzer™呼吸酒精测试▸➤pap, pap smear, smear (bre) 帕普试验;帕普涂片试验;涂片试验◆a campaign advising women of the need for regular pap / smear tests告知妇女需要定期进行帕普涂片检查的活动➤aids, hiv艾滋病/艾滋病病毒检测▸➤pregnancy妊娠化验▸➤paternity亲权认定;亲子鉴定▸➤personality, psychological, psychometric人格测验;心理测验;心理测量学试验➤ink-blot, rorschach墨迹测验;罗尔沙赫试验▸➤lie-detector, polygraph测谎试验;多道记录仪测谎试验▸➤means(对申请补助者的)经济情况调查▸➤flight, road, safety飞行试验;路试;安全测试▸➤crash碰撞试验▸➤atomic, nuclear原子试爆;核试验▸➤alpha, betaα测试;β测试◆the new system goes into beta test this month.新系统本月开始进行β测试。... of tests➤number, series若干化验;一系列试验◆she had a series of blood tests.她做了一系列血液检查。verb + test➤have, undergo接受检查▸➤carry out, conduct, do, perform, run做测试;进行试验◆rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.新型喷气式飞机正在进行严格的安全试验。➤apply, use使用测试◆the judge applied the wrong test in coming to his decision.法官做出裁决时使用了错误的测试。◆the test used in detecting the disease carries its own risks.用以检测这种疾病的检验方法本身也有风险。➤fail未通过检验◆three athletes were sent home after failing drugs tests.3 名运动员未通过药检被遣送回国。test + verb➤take place试验进行▸➤confirm sth, demonstrate sth, indicate sth, measure sth, reveal sth, show sth检验证实⋯;试验表明⋯;测试显示⋯◆the urine test showed some sort of infection.尿检表明有某种感染。➤prove negative, prove positive检测结果呈阴性/呈阳性▸➤come into force检测开始实行◆the new safety test came into force last month.新的安全检测上月开始实行。➤be designed to检测意在⋯◆a test designed to detect bowel cancer意在发现肠癌的化验test + noun➤result化验结果◆a negative / positive test result呈阴性的/呈阳性的化验结果➤data, statistics测试数据▸➤conditions测试环境◆the machine refused to perform correctly under test conditions.机器在测试环境下不能正常运转。➤bed, platform测试台;试验平台◆the company is using the library as a test bed for its new software.公司正利用图书馆作为其新软件的试验基地。➤range, site试验场;试验地点◆protesters at nuclear test sites核试验场的抗议者➤facility实验设施▸➤drive, flight, run试驾;试飞;试车◆he's taken the car out on a test run.他把车开出去试开了。➤driver, pilot试车手;试飞员▸➤aircraft, car试验飞机/汽车▸➤trial试用◆the new drink went down well in the test trials.这种新饮料试饮反响不错。➤methods, procedures测试方法/程序▸➤system测试系统▸➤performance测试性能;测试成绩▸➤subject测试主体▸➤equipment, instruments, kit, machine测试装置/仪器/工具箱/机器▸➤samples, substances试样;检材▸➤strip试验带◆dip the test strip in the urine sample.把试验带浸入尿液样本中。➤programme/program测试程序▸➤period, phase, stage测试期;测试阶段;试验阶段◆the software is still at the test stage.这个软件仍然处于试验阶段。➤ban禁止核试验(协定)◆negotiations on a nuclear test ban禁止核试验的谈判➤session试验时段◆subjects had to attend ten test sessions on different days.受试者要分别在数天内接受 10 个时段的测试。➤certificate (bre) 检测合格证书◆the vehicle did not have a current test certificate at the time of the accident.那辆车在发生事故时没有当时有效的检测合格证书。➤case判例案件◆this was the first action taken by a cancer sufferer against a tobacco company, and was seen as a test case.这是第一次有癌症患者对烟草公司提起诉讼,因此被视为判例案件。preposition➤test for⋯的检查◆a test for diabetes糖尿病检查➤test on对⋯的检测◆a test on the engine引擎检测test noun³ 3shows how good, strong, effective, etc. sb/sth is对品质或效力的考查adjective | verb + test | phrases adjective➤good真正的考验▸➤critical, crucial, key, real, supreme, true, ultimate, vital (especially bre) 关键的考验;至关重要的考验;真正的考验;终极的考验;重大考验◆a real test of character对性格的真正考验➤serious, severe, stiff, tough严峻的考验▸➤simple简单的考验▸➤objective客观的考验▸➤subjective主观的考验▸➤political政治考验verb + test➤pose, provide构成考验◆the calls for tax reform pose a severe test for the government.税改呼声对政府构成了严峻考验。➤put sb/sth to the test使⋯接受考验◆the pay dispute has really put her management skills to the test.工资争议使她的管理能力受到了极大考验。➤face面临考验◆the new president is facing his toughest political test so far.新总统面临着迄今最为严峻的政治考验。phrases➤the acid test, the litmus test (= a way of deciding whether sth is successful or true) 决定性考验;试金石◆whether he would accept a pay cut would be the acid test of his loyalty to the company.他是否接受减薪将是他对公司忠诚度的试金石。➤stand the test of time经得起时间的考验◆whether this new technology will stand the test of time remains to be seen.这种新技术能否经得起时间的考验仍需拭目以待。test verb¹ 1examine sth to find out if it is working/what it is like试验;测试;检验adverb | verb + test | preposition | phrases adverb➤adequately, properly充分地测试;适当地检验◆the product had not been adequately tested before being put on the market.这种产品在投放市场前没有进行充分的检验。➤extensively, fully, rigorously, thoroughly全面检验;严格检验;彻底测试➤systematically系统地检验▸➤periodically, regularly, routinely定期检验;例行检查◆you should test your brakes regularly.你应该定期检查刹车。➤independently, individually, separately独立/单独/分别测试➤simultaneously同步测试▸➤formally正式检验▸➤successfully成功地检验◆the exercise successfully tested the procedures for dealing with a serious oil spillage.演练成功地检验了严重溢油事件的处理程序。➤clinically临床检验▸➤empirically, experimentally, scientifically实证/实验/科学检验◆the importance of empirically tested research经过实证检验的研究的重要性➤statistically从统计角度检验▸➤out检验◆a good way to test out his hypothesis验证他的假说的好方法verb + test➤decide to决定检验◆we decided to test the theory experimentally.我们决定用实验检验一下这个理论。➤attempt to, seek to, try to试图检验▸➤be designed to, be intended to旨在/意在检验▸➤be used to用于检验▸➤be difficult to难以检验◆it is difficult to test a potential cure when a disease is ill-defined.如果对疾病的描述不明确,那就很难检验可能的治疗方法。preposition➤for检验⋯◆squeeze the fruit to test for ripeness.捏一下水果查看成熟程度。➤on在⋯上进行试验◆we only sell products that have not been tested on animals.我们只出售上尚未做动物实验的产品。phrases➤get sth tested, have sth tested给⋯做检查◆i'm having my eyes tested this week.这个星期我要去检查一下眼睛。➤test negative/positive化验结果呈阴性/呈阳性◆two of the athletes tested positive for illegal drugs.两名运动员违禁药物检测结果呈阳性。➤test sth to the limit极大地检验⋯◆the training tested his body to the very limit.这项训练最大程度地检验了他的体格。➤tried and tested经过检验的◆tried and tested techniques经过检验的技术test verb² 2require all sb's strength, ability, resources, etc.考验adverb➤seriously, severely, sorely严峻地考验;极大地考验◆neither player was seriously tested in the contest.两名选手在比赛中都没有受到严峻考验。◆there were times when my temper was sorely tested.有些时候我的脾气真是受到很大的考验。test /test/ noun [countable] experiment to discover whether or how well sth works, or to find out more information about it 测试;试验;检验◆market tests showed that €80 was too high a price. 试销显示,80 欧元的定价过高了。◆they demonstrated a test version of the software. 他们展示了这个软件的测试版。◆i'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing. 我将进行诊断测试以弄清服务器总是崩溃的原因。◆test engineers 测试工程师⨁ to conduct / do / perform / run a test实施/进行/执行/运行测试 ⨁ a test proves / reveals / shows / suggests sth测试证明/显示/表示/显示某事 examination of sb's knowledge or ability, consisting of questions for them to answer or activities for them to do 考试;测验◆all candidates must take an english test. 所有应征者都必须参加英语考试。⨁ to do / sit / take a test参加考试 ⨁ to fail / pass a test考试不及格/及格 3.a situation or an event that shows how good, strong, etc. sb/sth is 检验◆sales of the latest model will be a key test of whether the company's change of image has worked. 最新型号的销售情况将是检验公司的形象转变是否成功的关键指标。⨁ a big / crucial / good / key / tough test重大的/决定性的/很好的/关键的/严格的检验 ⨁ an important / the ultimate test重要的/根本性的检验 ●put sb/sth to the testto put sb/sth in a situation which will show what their true qualities are 使某人/某事受检验◆all of her negotiating talents were put to the test. 她全部的谈判才能要经受检验。  ➡  idiom at stand verb alpha test ◇ aptitude test ◇ beta test ◇ blind test ◇ field-test ◇ hall test ◇ market test ◇ means test ◇ psychological test ◇ psychometric test ◇ recognition test test /test/ verb 1. [transitive] test sth (out) to use or try sth to find out how well it works or to find out more information about it 检验;试验◆our products are not tested on animals. 我们的产品没有在动物身上试验过。◆they opened a single store in europe to test out the market. 他们在欧洲开设了独家商店以测试市场情况。 2. [intransitive, transitive] to examine sb's knowledge or ability by asking them questions or giving them activities to do 测试;考试◆employees are tested on their customer service skills. 对员工的客户服务技巧进行测试。 3. [transitive] to be difficult and therefore need all your ability, strength, etc. 考验◆giving the presentation in france really tested my french. 在法国作演讲的确是对我法语水平的考验。 ●test for sth ●test sth for sthto examine sth to see if a particular substance is present 检测是否含有某物;测试◆has this software been tested for viruses? 这个软件经过病毒测试了吗? beta test ☞ test☞ testtest noun 1➤a blood test血液检测➤a driving test驾照考试test ♦︎ experiment ♦︎ testing ♦︎ trial ♦︎ pilot studythese are all words for a procedure carried out in order to find sth out, or see if sth works.这些词均表示试验、测试、检查。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a test / an experiment / testing / a trial on sth◆an experiment / testing / a trial with sth◆in / during a test / an experiment / testing / a trial◆a test / an experiment / testing / a trial / a pilot study to do sth◆successful tests / experiments / testing / trials / pilot studies◆extensive / rigorous tests / experiments / testing / trials◆scientific / practical / field / laboratory / pilot / clinical / medical tests / experiments / testing / trials◆to do a test / an experiment◆to carry out / conduct a test / an experiment / testing / a trial / a pilot study◆to set up / design a test / an experiment / a trial / a pilot study◆to undergo tests / testing / trials◆tests / experiments / testing / trials / pilot studies show sth◆a test / an experiment / a trial / a pilot study demonstrates / indicates sth◆a test / an experiment / a trial suggests / proves / finds sth■ test [countable] a medical examination to discover what is wrong with sb or check the condition of their health; a procedure to discover whether or how well sth works, or to find out more information about it检查;化验;检验;测试◆a / an eye / blood / pregnancy test眼睛检查;血液检测;妊娠检验◆he developed a simple test for diabetes.他开发了一种简单的检测糖尿病的方法。◆the hospital is doing some tests.那家医院正在做一些化验。◆rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.正在对新型的喷气式飞机进行严格的安全测试。◆three athletes were sent home after failing drugs tests.三名未通过药检的田径运动员被遣回。◆tests have shown high levels of pollutants in the water.测试显示水中污染物含量很高。■ experiment [countable, uncountable] a scientific test that is carried out in order to study what happens and to gain new knowledge; a new activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect it has实验;试验;尝试◆many people do not like the idea of experiments on animals.许多人不赞成在动物身上做试验。◆facts can be established by observation and experiment.通过观察和实验可以构建事实。◆the school decided to try an experiment in single-sex education.那所学校决定进行单一性别教育试验。◆i've never cooked this before so it's a bit of an experiment.我之前从未煮过这道菜,所以这有点儿试验性质。■ testing [uncountable] the activity of testing sb/sth in order to find sth out or to see whether or how well it works试验;测试;检查◆all our cosmetics are produced without animal testing.我们生产的所有化妆品都没有用动物来试验。◆he announced a moratorium on all nuclear testing.他宣布暂停所有核试验。■ trial [countable, uncountable] the process of testing sth, such as a drug, in order to decide whether it is safe and effective enough to be used generally; a short period in which you use sth or employ sb to see how well they perform before you make a decision about them(对药物等进行的)试验;(使用某物或聘用某人的)试用期◆the new drug is undergoing clinical trials.这种新药正在进行临床试验。◆she agreed to employ me for a trial period.她同意让我上班试用一段时期。◆the system was introduced on a trial basis.这个系统给引入试用过。◆we had the machine on trial for a week.这台机器我们已经试用了一个星期。◆they are treating the trip as a trial run for their 500-mile sponsored ride later this month.他们把这次行程看作本月晚些时候 500 英里赞助行的试验。■ pilot study --> [countable] a study done on a small scale in order to see if sth is successful enough to do on a large scale试点研究◆the mayor's office has agreed to fund a pilot study into the plan.市长办公室同意拨款对该计划进行试点研究。test noun 2➤a blood test血液检测➤a driving test驾照考试  ➡ see also the entry for assessment另见 assessment 条test ♦︎ exam ♦︎ examination ♦︎ paper ♦︎ quiz ♦︎ oral ♦︎ practicalthese are all words for a set of questions for sb to answer or activities for them to carry out in order to see how much they know about a subject or what they can do.这些词均表示对知识或能力的测验、考查。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a test / an exam / an examination / a quiz on sth◆a test / an exam / an examination in sth◆a written test / exam / examination / paper / quiz◆a practical test / exam / examination / paper◆a / an difficult / easy / important / final / end of year test / exam / examination◆a chemistry / geography, etc. test / exam / examination / paper / quiz / practical◆to pass / fail a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quiz / an oral / a practical◆to take a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quiz / a practical◆to do a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quiz◆to set / mark a test / an exam / an examination / a paper◆to grade a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quiz◆test / exam / examination / quiz questions■ test [countable] a set of questions for sb to answer or activities for them to carry out to in order to see how much they know about a subject or what they can do测验;考查◆there are end of year tests in english, maths and science.年终有英语、数学和科学测验。◆ (bre) a good mark in the test优良的测验成绩◆ (name) a good grade on the test优良的测验成绩◆is this a fair test of students' skills?这是对学生技能的公平测试吗?◆ (bre) i took my driving test last week.我上周参加了驾照考试。◆ (name) my driver's test我的驾照考试■ exam [countable] a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at a school or college, to see how much you know about a subject or what you can do(尤指学校举行的正式)考试◆ (bre) she did well in her exams.她考试考得不错。◆ (name) she did well on her exams.她考试考得不错。◆ (bre) to mark an exam阅卷评分◆ (name) to grade an exam阅卷评分◆ (bre) i got my exam results today.我今天拿到了考试成绩。◆ (name) i got my exam grades / scores today.我今天拿到了考试成绩。◆ (bre) he's practising hard for his piano exam.他为了钢琴考试刻苦练习。■ examination [countable] (formal) an exam考试◆students may enter for both examinations.学生可报考这两种考试。◆there has been a fall in the number of examination candidates.考试报名人数有所下降。note 辨析 test, exam or examination?an exam is a written, spoken or practical test at school or college, usually an important one at the end of a year, semester or course of study. in the us these are often called final exams or just finals. in britain, finals is only used to mean the exams at the end of a degree programme. examination is a much more formal word for an exam. a test is sth that students might be given in the middle of a year, semester or course of study, covering only part of the material. test is also usually used when it is a practical skill or physical or mental ability, rather than academic knowledge, that is being tested. * exam 是学校举行的考试,形式可以是笔试、口试或操作考试,通常为年终、期末或课程结业时的重要考试。在美国,这种考试常称为 final exam,或仅称 final。在英国,finals 仅指学位课程结束时的考试。examination 是 exam 正式得多的说法。test 指在年度、学期或课程学习中间进行的测验,仅考查部份学习内容。test 亦常指对操作技能、体能或智力,而非学术知识的测试◆an endurance test耐力测试◆an iq test智商测试◆ (bre) a driving test驾照考试◆ (name) a driver's test驾照考试■ paper [countable] (bre) a set of exam questions on a particular subject; the answers that people write to the questions试卷;试题;答卷◆the geography paper was hard.地理试题很难。◆she spent the evening marking exam papers.她用了一个晚上批阅试卷。■ quiz (plural quizzes) [countable] (especially name) a short informal test given to students小测验◆after reading a book, students take a short reading comprehension quiz.读了一本书后,学生做了一次阅读理解小测验。◆we had a pop quiz (= one that we were not told about in advance) in math class today.我们今天的数学课进行了突击小测验。■ oral /ɔːrəl/ [countable] a spoken exam口试◆i've got my french oral on tuesday.我星期二要参加法语口试。◆he passed the written exam, but failed the oral.他通过了笔试,但口试不及格。ⓘ in british english, an oral is usually an exam in a foreign language to test your speaking skills. in american english, an oral usually refers to a spoken exam in college in which the student answers questions in any subject.在英式英语中,oral 通常指外语考试中的口试。在美式英语中,oral 通常指大学里学生回答某科目问题的口试。■ practical [countable] (bre, rather informal) a lesson or exam in science or technology in which students have to do or make things, not just read and write about them实习课;实践课;实验考核◆the course involves lectures, demonstrations and practicals.这门课程包括讲课、演示和实习。◆the second part of the exam is a three-hour practical.考试第二部份是三个小时的实际操作。test verb 1➤test water for purity检验水的纯度➤test your english考查你的英语  ➡ see also the entry for try 2另见 try 条第 2 义test ♦︎ experiment ♦︎ try sb/sth out ♦︎ pilot ♦︎ put sb/sth to the test ♦︎ screenthese words all mean to use or examine sth to find out how well it works or to check for problems.这些词均表示试验、检验。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to test (sb / sth) / try sth out / screen sb for sth◆to test sth / experiment / try sth out on sb / sth◆to test / screen patients◆to test a theory◆to put a theory to the test◆to fully / thoroughly test / pilot sth◆to test / screen (sb / sth) regularly / routinely◆to rigorously test sth / put sth to the test■ test [transitive] to use or examine a machine, product or substance to find out how well it works or to find out more information about it; to examine the blood, a part of the body, etc. to find out what is wrong with sb or to check the condition of their health试验;检验;检查,化验(血液或身体部位等)◆our beauty products are not tested on animals.我们的美容产品不用动物做试验。◆the water is regularly tested for purity.定期检测水的纯度。◆you should have your hearing tested.你应该测一测听力。◆two athletes tested positive for steroids.两名运动员的类固醇检测呈阳性。■ experiment [intransitive] to carry out a scientific experiment or experiments; to try new things, ideas or methods to find out how successful they are or what effect they have做试验;进行实验;尝试;试做◆some people feel that experimenting on animals causes unnecessary suffering.有人觉得用动物做试验会带来不必要的痛苦。◆he wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings.他想在自己的绘画中更多地尝试不同的纹理结构。◆i experimented until i got the recipe just right.我不断尝试,直至找到正合适的烹饪方法为止。■ try sb/sth out phrasal verbto use or test sb/sth in order to see how good or effective they are试用(某人或某物)◆they're trying out a new presenter for the show.他们正在为这个节目试用一名新的主持人。◆i've got an idea i'd like to try out.我有个主意想尝试一下。 ➡ see also try → try 2 ■ pilot [transitive] to test a new product, system or idea with a few people or in a small area before it is introduced everywhere试点;试行◆the recycling boxes have been successfully piloted in a number of areas.回收箱在一些地区试点过后取得成功。■ put sb/sth to the test -->idiom(putting, put, put)to put sb/sth in a situation which will show what their true qualities are or how good they are at sth使受考验;使受检验◆his theories have never really been put to the test.他的理论从未真正经受过检验。◆he took her out on the ski slopes to put her skills to the test.他把她带到滑雪坡道,检验她的技能。■ screen [transitive, often passive] to examine or do tests on a lot of people in order to find out if they have a particular disease or illness筛查(以检测是否有某种疾病);检查◆men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer.55 岁以上的男人应定期做前列腺癌检查。test verb 2➤test water for purity检验水的纯度➤test your english考查你的英语  ➡ see also the entry for mark verb 2另见 mark 动词词条第 2 义test ♦︎ examine ♦︎ quiz ♦︎ assessthese words all mean to check sb's knowledge or ability by asking them questions or giving them activities to carry out.这些词均表示测验、考查知识或能力。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to test / examine / quiz / assess sb on sth◆to test / examine sb in sth■ test [transitive, intransitive] to check sb's knowledge or ability by asking them questions or giving them activities to carry out测验;考查◆all students are tested in english and mathematics.所有学生都接受英语和数学测验。◆we test your english before deciding which class to put you in.我们测试过你的英语后再决定把你分在哪一个班。◆schools use various methods of testing.学校采用各种各样的测试方法。■ examine [transitive] (formal) to test sb's knowledge or ability, especially in a formal or official test考,测验(尤指以正式或官方的考试形式进行)◆the students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term.期末时学生要参加所有学科的考试。◆you are only being examined on this semester's work.只考你本学期学的课程。 ➡ see also examiner → judge noun 2 ■ quiz (-zz-) [transitive] (name) to give students a short informal test让(学生)做小测验◆you will be quizzed on chapter 6 tomorrow.明天你们将有一个第 6 章的小考。■ assess [transitive] to find out a student's knowledge or ability while they are doing a programme of study, by giving them written work, tests, exams or practical exercises(通过作业、测验、考试或实际练习)评估,评定(学生的知识或能力)◆students will be assessed on their use of these skills.将评估学生运用这些技能的能力。◆the tests are used to assess individual students' ability and knowledge.这些测试用于评估学生个体的能力和知识。 ➡ see also assess → judge verb 1 , assessment → assessment test [countable] a situation or event that shows how good, strong, etc. sb/sth is检验;考验◆the local elections will be a good test of the government's popularity.地方选举对政府是否得人心将是一个很好的检验。◆the game against dundee will be a real test of character for us.与邓迪队的比赛对我们的意志将是一次真正的考验。◆the latest pay dispute has really put her management skills to the test.最近的薪酬纠纷确实让她的管理才能受到了考验。test (also test) (also test match) [countable] (bre) (in cricket or rugby) a match played between the teams of two different countries, usually as part of a series of matches on a tour(板球或橄榄球的)国家队间的比赛(常为一系列巡回比赛中的一部份)◆they played well in the first test against south africa.他们在对南非的第一场国际锦标赛中打得不错。test [countable] a medical examination to discover what is wrong with sb or check the condition of their health; a procedure to discover whether or how well sth works, or to find out more information about it检查;化验;检验;测试◆a / an eye / blood / pregnancy test眼睛检查;血液检测;妊娠检验◆he developed a simple test for diabetes.他开发了一种简单的检测糖尿病的方法。◆the hospital is doing some tests.那家医院正在做一些化验。◆rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.正在对新型的喷气式飞机进行严格的安全测试。◆three athletes were sent home after failing drugs tests.三名未通过药检的田径运动员被遣回。◆tests have shown high levels of pollutants in the water.测试显示水中污染物含量很高。test [countable] a set of questions for sb to answer or activities for them to carry out to in order to see how much they know about a subject or what they can do测验;考查◆there are end of year tests in english, maths and science.年终有英语、数学和科学测验。◆ (bre) a good mark in the test优良的测验成绩◆ (name) a good grade on the test优良的测验成绩◆is this a fair test of students' skills?这是对学生技能的公平测试吗?◆ (bre) i took my driving test last week.我上周参加了驾照考试。◆ (name) my driver's test我的驾照考试test [transitive] to use or examine a machine, product or substance to find out how well it works or to find out more information about it; to examine the blood, a part of the body, etc. to find out what is wrong with sb or to check the condition of their health试验;检验;检查,化验(血液或身体部位等)◆our beauty products are not tested on animals.我们的美容产品不用动物做试验。◆the water is regularly tested for purity.定期检测水的纯度。◆you should have your hearing tested.你应该测一测听力。◆two athletes tested positive for steroids.两名运动员的类固醇检测呈阳性。test [transitive, intransitive] to check sb's knowledge or ability by asking them questions or giving them activities to carry out测验;考查◆all students are tested in english and mathematics.所有学生都接受英语和数学测验。◆we test your english before deciding which class to put you in.我们测试过你的英语后再决定把你分在哪一个班。◆schools use various methods of testing.学校采用各种各样的测试方法。test¹/test ||; tɛst/noun[c] 1. a short exam to measure sb's knowledge or skill in sth 测验: ◇we have a spelling test every friday. 我们每星期五有拼写测验。 when you take a test you can either pass it (succeed) or fail it (not succeed). 参加测验(take a test)及格叫做pass,不及格叫做fail。 2. a short medical examination of a part of your body (身体某部位的)检查,化验: ◇to have an eye test 检查眼睛 3. an experiment to find out if sth works or to find out more information about it 测试: ◇tests show that the new drug is safe and effective. 测试结果显示新药安全有效。◇to carry out/perform/do a test 完成╱进行╱做测试 4. a situation or an event that shows how good, strong, etc sb/sth is 试验;测试;考验;试金石 put sb/sth to the test to do sth to find out how good, strong, etc sb/sth is 使经受考验;检验;测试 test²/test ||; tɛst/verb[t] 1. test sb/sth (for sth);test sth (on sb/sth) to try, use or examine sth carefully to find out if it is working properly or what it is like 测试;试验: ◇these cars have all been tested for safety. 这些汽车全部经过安全测试。◇do you think drugs should be tested on animals? 你认为应该对动物进行药物试验吗? 2. to examine a part of the body to find out if it is healthy 检查(身体): ◇to have your eyes tested 检查眼睛 3. test sb (on sth) to examine sb's knowledge or skill in sth 测试(某人的知识或技术): ◇we're being tested on irregular verbs this morning. 我们今天上午要进行不规则动词测验。 testtest/exam1 a test of your knowledge or skill2 to do a test or exam3 to do a test or exam again4 someone who does an exam5 to give students a test or exam6 a person who judges a test or exam7 to pass a test8 to fail a testtest/experiment9 a test on something to check it or find out about it10 to do a test on something in order to check it or find out about it11 to use a person or animal in a test12 a person or animal that is used in a testrelated wordsanswer a question 回答问题 answer (8-10),the result of a test or exam 测验或考试的成绩 grade,see alsolearn,study,teach,subject,school/university,1. a test of your knowledge or skill 知识或技能测试 test /test/ [countable noun] a set of spoken or written questions or practical activities, which are intended to find out how much someone knows about a subject or skill 测验;考试;考查 several students were caught cheating on the test. 几名学生考试作弊被抓到。 the committee is calling for national tests for american schoolchildren. 该委员会呼吁对全美小学生实行全国测验。spelling/reading/biology etc test i have a chemistry test tomorrow. 明天我要考化学。driving/driver's test did lauren pass her driving test? 劳伦通过驾驶考试了吗?test on listen carefully, because there will be a test on this next week. 仔细听好,因为下周有个测验要考这个内容。 exam also examination formal /ɪgˈzæm, ɪgˌzæmə̇ˈneɪʃən/ [countable noun] an important test that you do at the end of a course of study or at the end of the school year [尤指课程或学年结束时的]考试 students are not allowed to talk during the examination. 考试时学生不许讲话。 he's upstairs, revising for an exam. 他在楼上温习功课迎考。in an exam british /on an exam american how did you do in your exams? 你考试考得如何?entrance exam an exam you must pass to enter a school or university 入学考试 in japan, entrance exams are very important, and many children go to extra classes to prepare for them. 在日本,入学考试是非常重要的,许多儿童都去参加补习班来预备考试。history/french/biology etc exam we have a biology exam tomorrow, and i haven't done any work for it yet. 明天我们要考生物,但我还没有作任何准备。final/mid-term exam american exams taken at the end or the middle of a particular class 【美】期末/期中考试 final exams will be just before christmas. 期末考试就在圣诞节前。 quiz /kwɪz/ [countable noun] american a quick test that a teacher gives to a class, usually to check that students are learning the things they should be learning 【美】小测验 we have a history quiz every monday. 每周一我们都有一次历史小测验。pop quiz a quiz that is not expected by the students 突击测验 he likes giving pop quizzes, to see if the kids are remembering anything. 他喜欢进行突击测验来看看孩子们是否记住了所学的内容。 oral exam also oral british /ˈɔːrəl ɪgˌzæm, ˈɔːrəl/ [countable noun] an exam in which you answer questions by speaking, instead of writing, for example to test how good you are at speaking a foreign language 口试 you can either take an oral exam or do a 25 page essay. 你可以参加口试,或者写一篇25页的论文。 nicky got an a in her spanish oral. 尼基在西班牙语口试中得了个a。 practical /ˈpræktɪkəl/ [countable noun] british an exam that tests your ability to do or make things, rather than your ability to write about them, for example in subjects such as chemistry or cooking 【英】[化学或烹饪等的]实验考试,实际操作能力考试 we've got our chemistry practical tomorrow morning. 我们明天上午要参加化学实验考试。 finals /ˈfaɪnlz/ [plural noun] british the last exams that you take at the end of a british university course 【英】[英国大学的]毕业考试 during my finals i was revising till 3 o'clock in the morning most days. 大学毕业考试期间的大部分日子里,我都要温习到凌晨3点。 final/midterm /ˈfaɪnl, ˌmɪdˈtɜːʳm◂/ [countable noun] american the test you take at the end of a particular class, or the test you take in the middle of that class 【美】期终考试/期中考试 this class will require two papers, a midterm, and a final. 这门课要完成两篇论文,期中和期末考试各一次。 assessment /əˈsesmənt/ [uncountable noun] especially british a method used to find out how good a student is at a particular subject, for example by giving them written work, tests, or exams 【尤英】评估;考核;学习情况评定 assessment is by means of a written exam at the end of the course. 考核方法是在课程结束时进行笔试。continuous assessment assessment throughout a student's course of study, instead of only at the end 连续性学习情况评定 most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year. 大部分学校现在都喜欢进行持续性评估,因为这样能够更加公正地反映出学生在整个学年内的表现。 testing /ˈtestɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the system of using exams and tests to find out how good someone is at a particular subject 测验;考核 the government plans to introduce compulsory testing in junior schools from the age of 7. 政府计划在小学为七岁以上的学童推行强制考核制度。 i believe that some sort of testing is always necessary in order to motivate students. 我相信为了激励学生学习,总需要有某种形式的考核。2. to do a test or exam 参加测验或考试 take /teɪk/ [transitive verb] anna will be taking her music exam in the summer. 夏天安娜要参加音乐考试。 most young people take the sat exams in their last year of high school. 大多数年轻人都在中学的最后一年参加学业能力倾向测验。 i took my driving test when i was 18. 18岁时我参加了驾驶考试。 do /duː/ [transitive verb] british do is more informal that take, and is used especially in conversation 【英】参加[do较take不正式,尤用于口语] i'd better go home -- i've got to do an exam in the morning. 我最好回家—明天上午还得考试呢。 the kids are doing a test this morning. 孩子们今天上午要考试。 have also have got /hæv, həv ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [transitive verb] if you have an exam tomorrow, next week etc, you are going to do it then [明天、下周等]要参加[考试] we have a quiz every week on what we've been reading. 我们每周都有小测验,考读过的内容。 i have a written exam in the morning and an interview in the afternoon. 我上午参加笔试,下午面试。 lucy's got her driving test next week. 露西下周要参加驾驶考试。 sit /sɪt/ [transitive verb] british to do a written school or college exam 【英】参加[学校或大学笔试] i sat my final exams last year. 我去年参加了毕业考试。3. to do a test or exam again 再次参加测验或考试 retake/take something again /ˌriːˈteɪk, ˌteɪk something əˈgen/ [transitive verb/verb phrase] to do a test or exam again because you have previously failed it [因不及格]重考,补考 she wants to retake her french a-level exam. 她想重考法语的高级程度考试。 ralph retook his driver's test in june. 拉尔夫6月份重考了驾驶考试。 if you fail the test, you can always take it again 如果你考试不及格总是可以重考的。 retake /ˈriːteɪk/ [countable noun] british can you sit a retake? 你可以参加补考吗? resit /ˌriːˈsɪt/ [transitive verb] british to do a written school or college exam again because you have previously failed it 【英】[因不及格]补考 it only makes sense to resit an exam if you strongly believe you will do better. 只有当你坚信自己可以考得更好时,补考才是有意义的。 resit /ˈriːsɪt/ [countable noun] is a resit possible? 可以参加补考吗?4. someone who does an exam 参加考试的人 candidate /ˈkændɪdət, ˈkændədətǁ-deɪt, -də̇t/ [countable noun] british someone who does an exam 【英】参加考试者;考生 candidates should be at their desks 5 minutes before the start of the examination. 考生应在开考前五分钟就座。5. to give students a test or exam 对学生进行测验或考试 give somebody a test /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈtest/ [verb phrase] to make someone do a test 考某人,对某人进行测验[考试] schools are required to give students national standardized tests. 学校需要对学生进行全国统一考试。give sb a test on the french teacher gave us a test on irregular verbs, and i got 100%. 法语教师对我们进行了有关不规则动词的测验,我得了100分。 test /test/ [transitive verb] to ask someone written or spoken questions to find out what they know about a subject 测验[某人对某学科的知识] new students are tested in math and reading, and placed in the appropriate class. 新生须进行数学和阅读测试,然后分配到合适的班级。test somebody on something tomorrow you'll be tested on the main events of the civil war. 明天要考你们美国内战时发生的重要事件。 set somebody a test/an exam /ˌset somebody ə ˈtest, ən ɪgˈzæm/ [verb phrase] british to choose the questions that are in a test or exam 【英】给某人出考题 next lesson i'm setting you all a test to see how much you've learned. 下堂课我要出题给大家测验,看看大家掌握了多少。 whoever set the exam didn't seem to know the material very well. 出考卷的人好像不太熟悉内容。 examine /ɪgˈzæmɪn, ɪgˈzæmən/ [transitive verb] formal to ask someone questions in an exam in order to find out what they know about a particular subject 【正式】考试;考核 to save time, students will be examined in groups of three. 为节省时间,学生将三人一组接受考试。examine somebody on something students will be examined on all aspects of russian literature and history. 学生将参加俄国文学和历史各方面知识的考试。6. a person who judges a test or exam 测验或考试的主考人 examiner /ɪgˈzæmɪnəʳ, ɪgˈzæmənəʳ/ [countable noun] british someone who judges exams or tests 【英】主考人;考官 the examiner told him to relax and then asked him to turn on the engine. 考官叫他放松,然后叫他发动引擎。 students who, in the opinion of the examiners, do not reach the required standard must take the exam again. 主考人认为未达要求标准的学生必须重考。7. to pass a test 通过考试 pass /pɑːsǁpæs/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to reach a high enough standard to succeed in an examination or test 通过[考试] ‘i'm taking my driving test today.’ ‘do you think you'll pass?’ “我今天要参加驾驶考试。”“你觉得自己能通过吗?” new recruits have to pass a physical fitness test. 新兵必须通过身体健康测试。pass with flying colours british /colors american pass a test or examination with very high marks 以优异成绩通过考试 she was so nervous about her examination results, but in fact she passed with flying colours. 她对自己的考试成绩感到很不安,但实际上她考得很好。 qualify /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ, ˈkwɒləfaɪǁˈkwɑː-/ [intransitive verb] especially british to pass all the examinations that you need in order to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer etc 【尤英】获得资格,取得资格[成为医生、律师、工程师等] after qualifying, she joined the natwest bank as a corporate advisor. 她取得资格后就成为了国民威斯敏斯特银行的一名公司顾问。qualify as she wanted to improve her english so she could qualify as a translator. 她想提高英语水平以便取得当译员的资格。 graduate /ˈgrædʒueɪt/ [intransitive verb] to pass all your final examinations at university or college, and get a degree. in the us, graduate also means to successfully complete your high school education 大学毕业[在美国也指高中毕业] what are you going to do after you graduate? 你毕业后打算干什么?graduate from mitch graduated from stanford in 1998 with a degree in biochemistry. 1998年米奇毕业于斯坦福大学,获生物化学学位。graduate in history/french/medicine etc british she graduated in modern languages and now works as an interpreter. 她毕业于现代语言专业,现在是一位译员。 scrape through /ˌskreɪp ˈθruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] especially british, informal to only just pass an examination, by getting only a few marks more than are necessary 【尤英,非正式】勉强通过[考试] daniel scraped through the entrance exam. 丹尼尔勉强通过了入学考试。 i scraped through my exams with marks just good enough to keep my place in the school of pharmacy. 我勉强通过了考试,成绩刚够我继续留在药剂系里。 get through /ˌget ˈθruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] to pass a difficult test or examination 通过[困难的测验或考试] the entrance exam is very difficult and only a small minority of candidates get through. 入学考试很难,只有少数考生通过了。get somebody through something reading that book at the last minute was the only thing that got me through the history exam. 我在最后关头读了那本书才使我通过了历史考试。 sail/breeze through /ˈseɪl, ˈbriːz θruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] informal to pass a test or examination very easily 【非正式】轻松通过[考试] ‘how'd his exams go?’ "he breezed through - no trouble at all. “他考试考得怎样?”“他轻松通过了,没任何困难。”sail/breeze through something she sailed through her driving test the first time. 她第一次参加驾驶考试就轻松过关。 pass/be given a pass /pɑːs, biː ˌgɪvənə ˈpɑːsǁ-ˈpæs/ [transitive verb/verb phrase] my teacher told me she passed me only because she knew i'd had a really hard year. 老师告诉我说,她让我及格只是因为她知道我这一年学习很用功。 i didn't think the candidate deserved to be given a pass but the other examiners disagreed. 我认为不应该给这名应考者及格,但其他考官却不同意。8. to fail a test 考试不及格 fail /feɪl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to not reach a high enough standard to succeed in a test or exam [考试]不及格,未能通过 she failed her history class and has to take it again. 她历史考试不及格,只得重考。 ‘how did chris do in his driving test?’ ‘he failed.’ “克里斯驾驶考试考得怎样?”“他没通过。” many of the boys in the program had been failing at school. 参加该项目的男孩子中有许多都在学校考试中不及格。 flunk /flʌŋk/ [transitive verb] american informal to fail an exam 【美,非正式】[考试]不及格,没通过 he was cutting school and flunking classes. 他逃学,考试也不及格。 she flunked the state bar exam four times before she finally passed. 她参加州律师资格考试四次不及格后才终于通过了。flunk out fail all your classes, so that you have to leave school [因考试全部不及格而]退学 brant flunked out of college his first year. 布兰特上大学第一年就因所有科目都不及格而退学了。 bomb /bɒmǁbɑːm/ [intransitive/transitive verb] american informal to fail a test or exam very badly 【美,非正式】[考试]失败,不及格,考砸了 i bombed on the quiz he gave us. 他给我们布置的小测验我考砸了。 ‘how'd it go?’ ‘i bombed on the written section, but i think i did okay on the multiple choice part.’ “考得怎样?”“笔试部分我考得一塌糊涂,但我觉得多项选择题部分我考得还好。》9. a test on something to check it or find out about it 为进行检查或了解情况而对某物进行的测试 test /test/ [countable noun] a process that is used for finding out important information about something, for example whether a machine is working properly, whether a substance is safe, or whether someone has an illness 检验,检测,试验 a ban on nuclear tests 禁止核试验test to determine/show/find etc teachers can use the program to create tests to check children's progress. 教师可以使用这套程序来设计考题检查学童的进度。 a blood test can be done to determine who the baby's father is. 可以进行血液测试来确定这个婴儿的生父是谁。carry out a test/do a test doctors did several tests to find out what was wrong. 医生做了几次化验想找出什么地方出问题。test on we carry out safety tests on all our products. 我们对所有产品都进行安全测试。test for to find out if something exists [找出某物是否存在的]检测 there is a simple test for diabetes. 有一种简单的检测方法可验出糖尿病。eye/blood/skin etc test a blood test will show if you are a possible bone marrow donor. 做个血液化验就可以验出你是不是合适的骨髓捐赠者。hearing/sight etc test nine-month-old babies are given hearing tests by health visitors. 卫生访问员会给九个月大的婴儿做听力测试。 experiment /ɪkˈsperɪmənt, ɪkˈsperəmənt/ [countable noun] a scientific test to find out how something is affected when you do something to it 实验,试验[指为找出某物在某情况下的反应] in one experiment, the men were not allowed to sleep and then were tested on how well they were able to concentrate. 在一项实验中,参与者不准睡觉,然后测试这些人的注意力集中程度。 the elderly people were taught meditation in the 12-week experiment. 这个为期12周的实验教老年人冥想。do/carry out/perform an experiment they are doing experiments to learn more about the affects of alcohol on the brain. 他们在做实验以更了解酒精对大脑的影响。experiment on an experiment using something 用…做实验 the institute plans to conduct no further experiments on monkeys. 这家研究所打算不再用猴子做试验。 experimental /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl◂, ɪkˌsperəˈmentl◂/ [adjective] an experimental medical treatment 试验性疗法 experimentally [adverb] the fda has granted researchers permission to use the drug experimentally on humans. 美国食品和药物管理局允许研究人员在人身上试用这种药物。 trial /ˈtraɪəl/ [countable noun] a test in which a new product, such as a drug, a weapon, or a vehicle, is used by a small number of people in order to find out if it is safe and effective [对新产品的安全性和有效性的]试验 results of the drug trial will be available soon. 这种药的试验结果很快就会出来了。trial of probert is overseeing the trials of the new explosives. 普罗伯特在监督这种新炸药的试验。clinical trial a trial of a drug or treatment that is done carefully by doctors on humans 临床试验 until now, the drug was only available to people taking part in clinical trials. 迄今为止,这种药只提供给参加临床试验的人使用。 testing /ˈtestɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] formal when something such as a process, system, substance etc is being examined, in order to see whether it exists, is safe, or is working properly 【正式】[对过程、系统、物质等的]试验,测试 the u.s. conducted atomic weapons testing in nevada during the 1950s. 20世纪50年代美国在内华达州进行了核武器试验。 the aircraft is still in the early stages of testing and production. 这种飞机尚在测试和制造的初期。drug/genetic/aids etc testing athletes will be subject to random drug testing. 运动员要接受随机抽样的药物检测。 trial run /ˈtraɪəl rʌn/ [countable noun] an occasion when you test a new method or system to see if it works well [对新方法或系统的]试用,试行 the national railroad is doing a few trial runs to test new equipment. 全国铁路正在进行几次试车以测试新设备。 pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ [countable noun] a test in which a new idea or plan is used in a limited number of places or situations, in order to see if it is worth continuing or doing in a more general way 小规模试验;试用[以决定某个新想法或计划是否值得继续进行或推广] the results of the pilot have been encouraging. 试验结果令人鼓舞。pilot study/project/program etc the government sponsored a pilot project to find out how the education reforms would work in schools. 政府资助了一项试验计划以了解教育改革会在学校产生什么效果。 piloting /ˈpaɪlətɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] a process in which a new system or product is tested using different groups of people in order to see how effective and popular it will be 试验[用以判断某新系统或产品的效果或受欢迎程度] extensive piloting has shown us our study book will be a useful aid to students. 广泛的试验显示我们的学习用书将对学生十分有用。10. to do a test on something in order to check it or find out about it 给某物做试验以进行检查或了解其情况 do a test/anexperiment also conduct/perform an experiment/a test formal /ˌduː ə ˈtest, ən ɪkˈsperə̇mənt, kənˌdʌkt, pəʳˌfɔːʳm ən ɪkˈsperə̇mənt, ə ˈtest/ [verb phrase] he has a blood test done each week to see how effective the medication is. 他每周验一次血以了解药物的作用。 children can use the magnet to perform many simple experiments. 儿童可以用磁铁来做许多简单的实验。 the company did not conduct adequate safety tests. 这家公司没有进行足够的安全试验。do a test/anexperiment on the space shuttle crew conducted experiments on plants and cells in a special lab. 航天飞机上的工作人员在一个特殊的实验室里对植物和细胞进行实验。 test /test/ [transitive verb] to do a test on something to find out whether it works or to get more information about it 试验,测试[以检查某物是否能用或得到更多信息] test your brakes to check they are working correctly. 试一试刹车看看是否运作正常。 the devices were tested very carefully and are considered safe. 这些设备已仔细地检查过并被认为是安全的。test something on somebody/something these products have not been tested on animals. 这些产品没有在动物身上做过试验。test something for something to find out whether it has a substance in it 测试某物是否含有某物 the water is being tested for signs of chemical pollution. 水正进行测试,检查是否受到化学污染。 run a test /ˌrʌn ə ˈtest/ [verb phrase] to do a test, especially one that is often used, or one that has been prepared and is ready to be done 做试验[尤指常用的或已准备好了要做的试验] doctors ran tests to determine the cause of his irregular heartbeat. 医生做了一些检验以确诊他心律不齐的原因。 we think the equipment is working fine, but we still need to run a few more tests. 我们觉得这个设备运作正常,但我们还需要再做些测试。 carry out tests /ˌkæri aʊt ˈtests/ [verb phrase] if someone such as a doctor or scientist carries out tests, they do a set of tests in order to find out what is wrong, what needs improving etc [医生、科学家等]进行一系列试验[检验][以找出错处或需改进之处] police scientists are carrying out tests on the murder victim's clothes. 警方的科学家正在对凶杀案受害者的衣服进行一系列检验。 results of tests carried out at this clinic are always strictly confidential. 在这个诊所进行检验所得的结果总被严格保密。 try out /ˌtraɪ ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to test an object such as a tool or piece of equipment by using it, or to test a plan or idea by doing it 试验,试用[工具、设备或计划、想法等] try something out toy manufacturers use employees’ children to try new products out. 玩具制造商用雇员的孩子来试验他们的新产品。try out something he visited the center several times, trying out different computer software packages. 他几度走访该中心,试用不同的电脑套装软件。 put something to the test /ˌpʊt something tə ðə ˈtest/ [verb phrase] to test something, such as an idea, a belief, or a product, to see if it works as well as someone says it does or as you think it will 试验,检验[想法、信念或产品等] the system's effectiveness will soon be put to the test. 这套系统的有效性很快将受到试验。 the soldiers worked out a strategy which was then put to the test in a training exercise. 士兵们想出了一种策略,并在一次演习中进行了试验。 pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ [transitive verb] to test a new system or product using different groups of people in order to see how effective or popular it is 试用,试验[新系统或新产品] the coursebook was piloted in schools all over europe. 这本教科书在全欧洲的学校里试用。11. to use a person or animal in a test 用人或动物做试验 experiment on /ɪkˈsperɪment ɒn, ɪkˈsperəment ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to use someone or something in scientific tests in order to find out how they are affected when you do something to them 用[人或物]做试验 for some disease research, experimenting on animals is very important. 对某些疾病的研究而言,在动物身上做试验是很重要的。 some of the government labs had experimented on humans without their consent. 一些政府的实验室在未得到当事人同意的情况下在人身上做试验。 test something on /ˈtest something ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to do tests in which a group of people or animals use a product, take a drug etc in order to see what their reaction is 在[一组人或动物]身上试用某物 this face cream has not been tested on animals. 这种面霜未经动物试验。 they've just received permission to begin testing the new drug on humans. 他们刚得到批准开始在人身上试验这种新药。 screen /skriːn/ [transitive verb] to test a person or a particular group of people to see if they have a particular illness or infection 筛查;测试;检查[一个人或一组人是否患有或传染了某种疾病] because breast cancer is common in older women, we screen all women over 50. 因为乳腺癌常见于年纪较大的妇女,所以我们给所有年过50岁的妇女作检查。screen somebody/something for if you receive blood in the united kingdom it will already have been screened for hiv. 要是在英国接受输血,这些血液是已经经过艾滋病病毒筛查的了。 screening [uncountable noun] the company has recently introduced free health screening for all its employees. 这家公司最近在所有的职员中推行了免费的健康检查。 vivisection /ˌvɪvɪˈsekʃən, ˌvɪvəˈsekʃən/ [uncountable noun] the practice of doing tests on live animals, for example in order to increase medical knowledge or to test new products [为增加医学知识或测试新产品而进行的]动物活体试验,动物活体解剖 i'm not against vivisection, but obviously we all want to avoid animals suffering unnecessarily. 我不反对动物活体试验,但显然我们都想要避免让动物遭受不必要的痛苦。 without vivisection many of the recent anti-cancer advances simply would not have been made. 不做动物活体实验的话,许多最新的抗癌方面的医疗进展是不可能取得的。12. a person or animal that is used in a test 被用于做实验的人或动物 subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ [countable noun] formal a person or animal that is used in a test - use this especially in scientific contexts 【正式】接受实验的人[动物],实验对象[尤用于科学范畴] subjects for this experiment represented a good cross-section of the american population. 这项实验的对象是全体美国人的典型代表。 all subjects were tested for perfect hearing before the experiment began. 在实验开始前,所有接受实验者都先做了听力健全测试。 guinea pig /ˈgɪni pɪg/ [countable noun] informal a person or animal who takes part in a test to see how successful or useful a new idea, system, machine etc is, sometimes without being asked 【非正式】实验对象 would you both mind being the guinea pigs for a new recipe i want to try out? 我想试做一种新菜谱,你们俩愿意当品尝者吗? students are complaining that they are being used as guinea pigs for the new maths syllabus. 学生抱怨说他们成了新数学课程的实验品。☞ test¹☞ test²




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