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单词 trap
释义 trap noun¹ 1hidden equipment used for catching sb/sth诱捕器adjective | verb + trap adjective➤animal, bear, mouse (usually mousetrap) , etc.捕兽器、捕熊器、捕鼠器等▸➤radar, speed雷达陷阱;汽车超速监视区◆slow down-there are speed traps along this stretch of road.开慢一点儿,这段路有好几处超速监视区。verb + trap➤be caught in, get caught in落入陷阱▸➤free sth from把⋯从陷阱中放出来◆the fox had managed to free itself from the trap.狐狸设法从陷阱逃脱了。➤lay, set, set up设陷阱▸➤bait在陷阱中放饵◆the traps are traditionally baited with cheese.诱捕器传统上用奶酪作诱饵。trap noun² 2sth that tricks you; unpleasant situation使人受骗之物;不愉快的境遇adjective | verb + trap adjective➤hidden, obvious暗藏的圈套;明显的诡计▸➤potential潜在的陷阱▸➤booby饵雷;恶作剧的把戏▸➤deadly, death死亡陷阱◆the overhead cable is a potential death trap for birds.头顶的电缆是鸟类潜在的死亡陷阱。➤fire火焰陷阱(指没有太平门和消防设施,或容易失火的建筑物)◆this building is a fire trap.这个建筑简直是一个“火焰陷阱”。➤debt, poverty债务/贫困陷阱➤liquidity (business商业, especially name) 流动性陷阱➤sand (in golf高尔夫球) (name) 沙坑障碍verb + trap➤lay, set, set up设下圈套▸➤spring给捕捉器上弹簧▸➤lure sb into诱使某人落入圈套▸➤be caught in, fall into, get caught in, walk into落入圈套;陷入困境◆it is easy to fall into the trap of taking out a loan you cannot afford.人们很容易陷入借贷过多无力偿还的困境。➤avoid, escape避开/逃避陷阱 trap verbtrap ♦︎ confine ♦︎ lock sb/yourself in (sth) ♦︎ cage ♦︎ pen ♦︎ shut sb/yourself in (sth) ♦︎ coop sb/sth upthese words all mean to keep a person or animal in a small space.这些词均表示把人关起来或把动物圈起来。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be trapped / confined / locked / caged / penned / shut / cooped up in sth◆to be trapped / confined / locked in / caged / penned / shut in / cooped up with sb / sth◆to be caged / penned / cooped up■ trap (-pp-) [transitive, usually passive] to keep sb in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get out of but cannot使落入险境;使陷入困境◆help! i'm trapped!救命啊!我给困住了!◆we became trapped by the rising flood water.我们被上涨的洪水困住了。◆i feel trapped in my job.我觉得被工作缠住了。■ confine /kənfaɪn/ [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to keep a person or animal in a small or closed space把⋯关起来;监禁◆keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage.把狗关进适于旅行的笼子里。◆the soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment).涉事的士兵被关进营房,受到禁闭处分。■ lock sb in (...)-->■ lock yourself in (sth) -->phrasal verbto prevent sb from leaving a place by locking the door把⋯关起来◆at 9 p.m. the prisoners are locked in for the night.晚上 9 点犯人被锁进牢房过夜。◆she locked herself in her room.她把自己关在房间里。■ cage [transitive, usually passive] to put or keep an animal in a cage把(动物)关在笼中◆the dogs are caged up at night.晚上那些狗被关进笼里。◆he paced the room like a caged animal.他像笼中的动物一样在房间里踱来踱去。■ pen (-nn-) [transitive] to shut an animal or person in a small space把(人)关起来;把(动物)圈起来◆at clipping time sheep need to be penned.剪羊毛时需要把羊圈起来。◆the whole family was penned up in one room for a month.全家人被关在一间屋子里达一个月之久。■ shut sb in (sth) ■ shut yourself in (sth) -->phrasal verbto put sb in a room and keep them there; to go to a room and stay there把某人(或自己)关在房间里◆her brothers used to shut her in the cellar and make her cry.她的几个哥哥过去经常把她关在地下室里,惹她哭。◆frank has shut himself in his room and won't come out.弗兰克把自己关在房间里不出来。■ coop sb/sth up -->phrasal verb [usually passive] to keep a person or animal inside a building or in a small space把⋯关(或禁锢)起来;拘禁◆i've been cooped up in that office all day.我在这间办公室里闷了一整天。trap(-pp-) [transitive] to catch an animal in a trap设陷阱捕捉,用捕捉器捕捉(动物)◆raccoons used to be trapped for their fur.人们过去经常捕捉浣熊,以取其毛皮。trap(-pp-) [transitive, usually passive] to keep sb in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get out of but cannot使落入险境;使陷入困境◆help! i'm trapped!救命啊!我给困住了!◆we became trapped by the rising flood water.我们被上涨的洪水困住了。◆i feel trapped in my job.我觉得被工作缠住了。trap [countable] a clever plan designed to deceive sb, either by capturing them or by making them do or say sth that they did not mean to do or say(高明的)圈套;计策◆she had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it.她给他设下圈套,他就迳直钻了进去。trap¹/træp ||; træp/noun[c] 1. a piece of equipment that you use for catching animals (捉动物的)捕捉器: ◇a mousetrap 老鼠夹◇the rabbit's leg was caught in the trap. 那只兔子的一条腿被捕捉器夹住。 2. a clever plan that is designed to trick sb 陷阱;圈套: ◇she walked straight into the trap. 她一脚踩进陷阱。 3. an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape (藉以摆脱的)困境 ☞look at death trap. 参看death trap。 trap²/træp ||; træp/verb [t] (trapping;trapped) 1. (often passive 常用于被动语态) to keep sb in a dangerous place or a bad situation from which he/she cannot escape 使陷入困境: ◇the door closed behind them and they were trapped. 门在他们身后关上了,他们被困住了。◇many people are trapped in low-paid jobs. 许多人受困于低薪工作。 2. to catch and keep or store sth 留住;保存: ◇special glass panels trap heat from the sun. 特制的玻璃板可以吸收太阳的热能。 3. to force sb/sth into a place or situation from which he/she/it cannot escape 迫使(某人或某事物)处于无法摆脱的境地: ◇police believe this new evidence could help trap the killer. 警方认为,这新证据会使凶手无法再抵赖。 4. to catch an animal, etc in a trap 用捕捉器捉(动物等) 5. trap sb (into sth/into doing sth) to make sb do sth by tricking him/her 骗某人(做某事): ◇she had been trapped into revealing her true identity. 她上当受骗,泄露了自己的真实身分。 trapsee ⇨ catch 5 ⇨ trick/deceive 3     • • •• ⇨ death trap• ⇨ fall into the trap of doing sth• ⇨ tourist trap☞ trap¹☞ trap²




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