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单词 rainforest
释义 rainforest /reɪnfɒrɪst; name reɪnfɔːrɪst, reɪnfɑːrɪst/ [countable, uncountable] a thick forest in parts of the world that have a lot of rain, especially in tropical countries(热带)雨林◆the amazon rainforest is home to 30% of all known plant and animal species.所有已知的动植物物种中有 30% 见于亚马孙雨林。note 辨析 jungle or rainforest?a rainforest is an environment that has taken millions of years to reach its present state, so that the sizes and types of plants in it do not change any more. not all rainforests are in tropical parts of the world. a jungle can be any tropical place where plants grow so much that is difficult to move through. * rainforest 指一种环境,它历经数百万年才达到目前的状态,其植物的大小和种类不会再发生变化。rainforest 并非都位于热带地区。jungle 可指热带地区中任何植被浓密、难以通行的地方。rainforest/ˈreɪnfɒrɪst ||; ˈrenˌfɔrɪst/noun [c] a thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain (热带)雨林: ◇the amazon rainforest 亚马孙雨林 ☞picture at ecosystem 见ecosystem插图




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