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单词 register²
释义 register²v 1. [t] to record names, facts etc on an official list 记录; 登记; 注册[名称、事实等]:◇the car is registered in my sister's name. 这辆汽车是用我姐姐的名字注册的。 2. [i,t] to put your name on an official list, for example of people attending a particular school 将(名字)记入名单:◇+ with/for are you registered with a doctor? 你在医生那里登记了吗? 3. [t] to show a feeling or opinion 流露[感情]; 表示[意见]:◇her face registered surprise and shock. 她脸上流露出惊讶和震惊的神色。 4. [i,t] if an instrument registers an amount, or an amount registers on it, the instrument shows that amount [仪器]显示,指示:◇the thermometer registered 74℉. 温度计显示为华氏 74 度。




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