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单词 phrase
释义 phrase nounadjective | verb + phrase | phrase + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤colloquial, idiomatic口头用语;习语▸➤key关键用语◆'start slowly' is the key phrase for the first-time marathon runner.对初次参加马拉松比赛的运动员来说“开始阶段速度要慢”是至理名言。➤common, familiar, famous, popular常用语;熟语;名言;流行语▸➤catch-all, empty, hackneyed, meaningless, stock涵义甚广的短语;空洞的词语;肤浅的言辞;陈词滥调◆he just comes out with the same old stock phrases.他总说那些老一套的陈词滥调。➤apt, catchy (informal) , colourful/colorful, descriptive, memorable, telling, well-turned贴切的/容易记住的/有趣的/描述性的/令人难忘的/吐露真情的/措辞巧妙的用语➤catch (usually catchphrase) , signature (name) 潮语;口头禅◆the show's best known catchphrase展览中最出名的时髦话➤buzz流行语◆a current popular buzz phrase is 'think outside the box'.一个目前比较流行的流行语是“跳出框框思考”。➤code (especially name) 暗语◆'law and order' was most often a code phrase for repressive measures.“法律与秩序”是镇压措施最常见的代名词。➤musical乐句▸➤adjectival, adverbial, noun, prepositional, verb形容词/副词/名词/介词/动词短语verb + phrase➤employ, turn, use使用词语;措辞◆she can certainly turn a phrase.她善于辞令。➤coin创造新词语◆who coined the phrase 'desktop publishing'?是谁创造了 desktop publishing (桌面出版)这个新词语?➤borrow借用词语➤utter说出词语➤quote, repeat引用/重复词语➤trademark将词语注册为商标◆in 1998, he trademarked the phrase 'freedom of expression'.在 1998 年,他将词语“表达自由”注册为商标。phrase + noun➤book(供出国旅游者用的)外语常用语手册◆i bought a spanish phrase book.我买了一本西班牙语常用语手册。preposition➤in a/the phrase在词语里◆she was, in her own memorable phrase, 'a woman without a past'.用她自己的令人记忆深刻的话来说,她是个“没有过去的女人”。phrases➤a choice of phrase措辞◆her unfortunate choice of phrase offended most of the audience.她不恰当的措辞惹恼了大多数观众。➤a turn of phrase措辞;表达方式◆he is meticulous in his choice of words and turns of phrase.他措辞谨慎,描述细致。phrase verbadverb➤carefully用语字斟句酌◆the statement was very carefully phrased.这份声明措辞非常谨慎。➤differently以不同的方式表达◆i should have phrased my question differently.我本应该换一种方式来提出我的问题。➤beautifully措辞优美◆the concerto's slow movement was beautifully phrased.优美的乐句构成了协奏曲缓慢的韵律。phrase [countable] a group of words that have a particular meaning when used together短语;词组;惯用法◆she was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'.用她自己喜欢的字眼说,她是个“没有不清白过去的女人”。ⓘ in grammar, a phrase is a group of words without a finite verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence: 'the green car' and 'on friday morning' are phrases.从语法角度讲,phrase 是不含限定动词的一组词,尤指构成句子成分的短语,the green car 和 on friday morning 均为短语。phrase¹/freɪz ||; frez/noun [c] (grammar语法) a group of words that are used together. a phrase does not contain a full verb. 词组,短语,词组(一同使用的一组词语,其中没有实义动词): ◇‘first of all’ and ‘a bar of chocolate’ are phrases. first of all(首先)及a bar of chocolate(一条巧克力)都是短语。 ☞look at sentence. 参看sentence。 phrase²/freɪz ||; frez/verb [t] to express sth in a particular way 用某种方式表达: ◇the statement was phrased so that it would offend no one. 这份声明措辞小心,以免冒犯任何人。 ☞ word/phrase/sentence☞ phrase¹☞ phrase²




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