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单词 proof
释义 proof nounadjective | verb + proof | preposition | phrases adjective➤clear, convincing, direct, good, positive, real清楚的/令人信服的/直接的/有力的/明确的/确凿的证据◆do you have positive proof that she took the money?你有确凿证据证明她拿了那些钱吗?◆i have no real proof that he was in the country at the time.我没有可靠的证据证明当时他在该国。➤concrete, empirical, solid, tangible具体的/经验的/确凿的/实物证据➤absolute, conclusive, definitive, incontrovertible, irrefutable绝对的/结论性的/决定性的/无可辩驳的/不容置疑的证据▸➤ample, sufficient充足的证据▸➤further进一步的证据▸➤final, ultimate最终的证据◆the photo was final proof of her husband's infidelity.这张照片最终证明了她丈夫的不忠。➤documentary, written书面证据➤photographic详细准确的证据▸➤legal法律证据▸➤scientific科学证据➤formal, mathematical正式的/严密的证据▸➤living活生生的证明◆i am living proof that the treatment works.我是这一治疗有效的活生生的证明。verb + proof➤be, constitute是证据;构成证据▸➤have有证据▸➤give sb, offer (sb), present (sb with), produce, provide (sb with), show (sb)(向某人)提供证据;出示证明▸➤find, get, obtain, see找到/得到/获得/看到证据▸➤need, require需要证据➤demand, want要求/想要证据preposition➤without proof没有证据◆he is unlikely to make wild accusations without proof.没有证据他不可能胡乱指控。➤proof of⋯的证据◆her account gives us no concrete proof of his guilt.她的叙述并不能成为证明他有罪的确凿证据。phrases➤the burden of proof, the onus of proof举证责任◆the burden of proof lies on us to prove negligence.证明对方犯有疏忽罪的举证责任落在我们身上。➤a lack of proof缺乏证据◆the men were acquitted for lack of proof.因为证据不足,这些人被宣告无罪。➤proof of identity, proof of purchase身分证明;购买凭证◆proof of purchase must be provided before a refund can be made.退款前必须提供购买凭证。➤a standard of proof (law法律) 举证标准◆civil proceedings require a lower standard of proof than criminal cases.民事诉讼比刑事案件的举证标准低。proof [uncountable, countable] facts or documents that show that sth is true证据;证明◆there is no proof that the knife belonged to her.没有证据证明那把刀是她的。◆can you provide any proof of identity?你能提供身分证明吗?◆keep the receipt as proof of purchase.保存收据,作为购物凭证。◆these results are a further proof of his outstanding ability.这些成果进一步证实了他的杰出才干。 ➡ see also prove → show 1 note 辨析 evidence or proof? evidence is what makes you believe that sth is true; proof shows that sth is true in a way that no one can argue against. * evidence 指能使人确信某事属实的证据,proof 指不可争辩的确凿证据。proof/pru:f ||; pruf/noun1. [u] proof (of sth);proof that... information, documents, etc which show that sth is true 证据;证明: ◇‘we need some proof of identity,’ the shop assistant said. “我们须要看看你的身分证明文件。”店员说。◇you've got no proof that john took the money. 你没有证据证明约翰拿了那些钱。 ☞verb prove 动词为prove 2. [c] [] (technical术语) a first copy of printed material that is produced so that mistakes can be corrected (印刷品的)校样proofsee ⇨ prove 3     • • •• ⇨ living proof proof /pruf; pruːf/n 1. [c,u] facts, documents etc that prove something is true 证明,证据:◇+ of you need proof of your age to buy cigarettes. 你得拿出年龄证明才可以买香烟。◇+ (that) you've got no real proof that he's having an affair. 你没有确凿证据证明他有外遇。 2. [c] technical a first copy of a printed page that you correct mistakes on 【术语】 校样 3. [u] a measurement of how much alcohol is in a drink [酒类的]标准酒精度 ☞ proof




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