单词 | position/rank |
释义 | position/rank1 your position or rank in an organization, company etc2 to be in a high position in an organization, company, or list3 to be in a higher position than someone else4 someone who has a high position5 to be in a low position in an organization, company, or list6 someone who is in a lower position than someone else7 someone's position in a competition, race, list etc8 to have a particular position in a competition, race, list etcrelated wordsposition in society 社会地位 class,see alsomanager,power/powerful,control/not control,in charge of,company,organization,1. your position or rank in an organization, company etc 组织、公司等中的地位或职位 position /pəˈzɪʃən/ [countable noun] your job in an organization, company, or profession - use this to talk about how important someone is and how much responsibility they have 职务,职位[用于谈论某人的地位及所承担的责任] her position in the company means that she is responsible for major financial decisions. 她在公司的职务使她负责重大的财务决定。 he eventually became lord chancellor, the most powerful position in the british legal system. 他终于当上了大法官,这是英国司法体系中最有权的职位。hold a position have a position 任职 thorn holds one of the most senior positions in the federal bank. 索恩担任联邦银行中最高级的职务之一。 level /ˈlevəl/ [countable noun] all the jobs in an organization that are similar in importance and that pay similar amounts of money [机构中的]级别 the company provides training for staff at all levels. 该公司为所有级别的员工提供培训。 there are not many part-time workers in the middle and higher levels of management. 中高级管理层没有很多兼职员工。 rank /ræŋk/ [countable noun] someone's position in an organization such as the army or police force [军队、警察等组织中的]等级;级别;军衔 gang members wear clothes or decorations that show the member's rank. 帮派成员穿戴显示级别的服装或饰物。rank of he joined the los angeles police department and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant. 他加入洛杉矶警察局,最终晋升为中尉警衔。 four of the boys in boy scout troop 611 reached the rank of eagle scout. 男童子军611中队的四名男孩升到了鹰徽童子军级别。hold a rank have a rank 担任某级别 the position of secretary of state holds cabinet rank. 国务大臣一职为内阁部长级别。 status /ˈsteɪtəsǁˈsteɪtəs, ˈstæ-/ [uncountable noun] someone's position within an organization or within society, based on how important they are considered to be [组织或社会中的]地位 the tribe buried their dead with ornaments or tools that showed the dead person's status. 该部落将显示死者地位的饰物或工具与其葬在一起。low/high status in the middle ages, priests and other religious figures had a very high status. 中世纪时,教士及其他神职人员享有很高的地位。gain/lose status she gained celebrity status with her publication of ‘mastering the art of french cooking.’ 她因出版《掌握法国烹饪艺术》一书获得名人地位。 standing /ˈstændɪŋ/ [singular/uncountable noun] someone's position within society or a particular area of activity, based on the respect and admiration that other people have for them [社会或某活动领域的]地位;身份 stefano's standing as an artist has improved over the past few years. 斯蒂芬诺作为艺术家的地位在过去几年里已有所提高。 graduates from certain colleges have a lower standing in the eyes of employers. 某些学院的毕业生在雇主眼里地位较低。 a man of standing and wealth 一个有地位又有财富的男人 hierarchy /ˈhaɪrɑːʳki/ [countable/uncountable noun] a system in which people have different positions in an organization, society etc, based on their level of importance 等级制度 genotti was thought to be number two in the sicilian mafia hierarchy. 吉诺提被认为在西西里黑手党内排名第二。 the school district reorganized the administrative hierarchy, which helped to save money. 该学区重新安排了管理组织结构,这样有助于省钱。2. to be in a high position in an organization, company, or list 在一组织、公司或名单中处于高位 be high up /biː ˌhaɪ ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] to be in a high position in an organization, company or list [在组织、公司或名单中]地位很高 he works for nasa, fairly high up. 他在美国国家航空航天局工作,职位相当高。be high up in her father's quite high up in the company. 她爸爸在该公司职位很高。 the reporter's sources were apparently high up in the government. 那位记者的消息看似来源于政府高层。 be high in/on /biː ˈhaɪ ɪn, ɒn/ [verb phrase] to have a high position in a list or table of the most successful or best teams, records etc [在最出色的球队、唱片等名单上]处于前列 be high in/on on pele is high on the list of the world's best footballers. 贝利在世界最佳足球员名单上排在前列。be high in u2's new record is high in the charts. u2的新唱片处于排行榜前列。 be at the top /biː ət ðə ˈtɒpǁ-ˈtɑːp/ [verb phrase] to have the highest position in an organization, company, or list [在一组织、公司或名单中]职位最高;名列榜首 women at the top often have to work harder than men. 身处最高职位的女性常常得比男性更努力工作。be at the top of the prizes will be awarded to 600 students who graduate at the top of their class. 这些奖将授予毕业时在班内名列前茅的600名学生。 the issue is at the top of the agenda. 该事件是最重要的一项议程。3. to be in a higher position than someone else 比别人职位更高 above /əˈbʌv/ [preposition] in a higher position than someone else in an organization or company [职位]高于 it's not the staff that are the problem. it's the people above them. 员工没有问题,问题出在他们的上级。 the next person above him is the sales manager. 比他高一级的是销售经理。 be senior to /biː ˈsiːniəʳ tuː/ [verb phrase] to be in a higher position than someone else in an organization or company 职位高于 technically i'm senior to smith, but we do more or less the same job. 严格地说,我比史密斯职位高,但我们几乎做相同的工作。 the men said they had no problems taking orders from women senior to them in rank. 那些男性称,听从比他们级别高的女性没有问题。 superior /suːˈpɪəriəʳǁsʊ-/ [countable noun] your superior in the organization you work for is the person who has a higher rank than you 上级,上司 he failed to follow a direct order from his superior. 他未能服从上司的直接指令。 women who have been harassed by male superiors often don't complain because they are afraid of losing their jobs. 受到过男性上司骚扰的女性往往不会去投诉,因为她们害怕失去工作。 outrank also rank american /aʊtˈræŋk, ræŋk/ [transitive verb] to be in a higher position in an organization, especially the army [尤指军队中]级别高于 successful sales staff will outrank less successful workers, regardless of qualifications. 不管资历如何,业绩好的销售人员终将比业绩差的级别高。 because barnett ranks him, they have to be discreet about their romance. 因为巴尼特比他级别高,所以他们得谨慎处理两人的恋情。4. someone who has a high position 职位高的人 senior /ˈsiːniəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] a senior manager, official etc is one who has an important position in an organization or company 高级的,职位高的 he's a senior executive at volkswagen. 他是大众汽车公司的高级行政人员。 a job in senior management 高级管理层的一个职位 one of the country's most senior judges 该国地位最高的法官之一 top /tɒpǁtɑːp/ [adjective only before noun] top manager/lawyer/executive etc someone who has one of the most powerful jobs in business, or one of the most important jobs in a profession 最高级的经理/律师/行政人员等 the president met with top korean businessmen. 总统会见了一批韩国商界要人。 a top fashion designer 一位顶级时装设计师 high-ranking/top ranking /ˌhaɪ ˈræŋkɪŋ◂, ˌtɒp ˈræŋkɪŋ◂ǁˌtɑːp-/ [adjective only before noun] a high-ranking officer/official/member etc someone who has a high position in an organization like the police or army, or in a government department, but not in business 高级军官/官员/会员等[用于警察、军队或政府部门人员,不用于企业人员] a high-ranking state department official was accused of selling secret information. 一名国务院高级官员被控出卖秘密情报。 a high-ranking officer in the air force 一位空军高级军官 head /hed/ [adjective only before noun] head waiter/chef/coach etc the most important waiter etc, who is in charge of the others 侍者领班/主厨/主教练等 don shula became the youngest head coach in nfl history. 唐·舒拉成为了美国橄榄球联盟历史上最年轻的主教练。 the head counsellor commented that substance abuse was pervasive at the school. 首席辅导老师评论说,滥用药物的情况在校内普遍存在。5. to be in a low position in an organization, company, or list 在一组织、公司或名单中地位低 be low down /biː ˌləʊ ˈdaʊn/ [verb phrase] to be in a low position in an organization, company, or list 低微的;低等的 he doesn't have any authority over you, he's fairly low down. 他管不了你,他的职位很低。be low down in at that time i was still fairly low down in the company. 当时,我在公司职位仍相当低。 surprisingly, last year's champions are low down in the league table. 奇怪的是,去年的冠军在联赛积分表上排名很落后。 low-ranking /ˌləʊ ˈræŋkɪŋ◂/ [adjective usually before noun] having a low position in an organization [组织中]级别低的 the scandal involved a number of low-ranking officials in the government. 丑闻涉及一些低级政府官员。 none of the low-ranking members were allowed to vote at the society's meeting. 级别低的会员不得在协会大会上投票。 be at the bottom /biː ət ðə ˈbɒtəmǁ-ˈbɑː-/ [verb phrase] to be in the lowest position in an organization, company, or list 职位最低;排名最末 richard started out at the bottom of the firm and worked his way to the top. 理查德从公司低层做起,一步一步升至最高职位。 the team is at the bottom of the league. 该队在联赛中排名最末。 you will start at the bottom of the pay scale, but you can expect a raise after 12 months. 刚开始时工资级别最低,但12个月后可以加薪。 the band's single has been moving steadily towards the bottom of the charts this month. 本月,该乐队的单曲渐渐滑向排行榜末尾的位置。 be at the bottom of the pile /biː ət ðə ˌbɒtəm əv ðə ˈpaɪlǁ-ˌbɑː-/ [verb phrase] informal if a person is at the bottom of the pile, they are in the lowest position in society, are badly treated, are given the worst jobs etc 【非正式】处于社会最底层;待遇极差 immigrants have always been at the bottom of the pile for housing. 移民的住房条件一直是最差的。 at the bottom of the pile are the runners, young boys who carry messages all day. 处于最底层的是送信人,那些男孩子整天奔波送信。6. someone who is in a lower position than someone else 比某人职位低的人 junior /ˈdʒuːniəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] a junior doctor, officer etc does not have as much power or responsibility as other doctors, officers etc, especially because he or she has not been in the job for very long 级别[职位]较低的[尤因工作了不久] she started work as a junior reporter on a local newspaper. 她刚工作时在当地一家报社当初级记者。 the most junior officers wore a red stripe on their sleeves. 级别最低的军官袖子上有一道红杠。 assistant /əˈsɪstənt/ [adjective only before noun] assistant manager/editor/principal etc someone whose job is just below the position of a manager, editor etc 助理经理/助理编辑/副校长等 my mother is assistant principal at a school in washington, d.c. 我母亲是华盛顿一所学校的副校长。 noll, an assistant coach with the colts, was hired by the steelers as head coach. 小马队副教练诺尔被钢人队聘为主教练。 assistant [countable noun] hughes, who was mott's assistant, will now become head coach. 休斯曾任莫特的助手,现在要当主教练了。 subordinate /səˈbɔːʳdɪnət, səˈbɔːʳdənət/ [countable noun] someone who has a lower position and less authority than someone else in an organization 部属,下级 costello will have five direct subordinates. 科斯特洛将会有五个直接领导的下属。 the idea of being evaluated by subordinates makes some managers uneasy. 想到要由下属来评估自己,一些经理感到不安。 under /ˈʌndəʳ/ [preposition] if people are under someone in authority, they work for that person and have a lower position 在…手下工作 she has at least 40 people under her at shell. 在壳牌公司,她手下有至少40个人。 several of the employees under him complained of his bullying behavior. 他手下的几名员工投诉他仗势凌人。 report to /rɪˈpɔːʳt tuː/ [verb phrase] to have someone as your manager 隶属,从属 mckellon will report to alan selles, the company's chairman. 麦凯隆将向公司主席艾伦·塞勒斯负责。 alan has five members of the production team reporting to him. 艾伦有五名生产部员工向他汇报。7. someone's position in a competition, race, list etc 某人在竞赛、赛跑、名单等中的位置 position /pəˈzɪʃən/ [countable noun] the numbered position of someone or something in a competition, race, list etc 地位;名次 position in pollock rose to the no. 2 position in the company, but found that the higher she rose, the less she liked her job. 波洛克坐上了公司的第二把交椅,但她发现职位升得越高,她越不喜欢她的工作。 the company has a strong position in most international markets. 该公司在大多数国际市场上地位稳固。first/fourth etc position jonson is in third position after the first part of the competition. 经过第一阶段的比赛,琼森位居第三名。 place /pleɪs/ [countable noun] the position that someone achieves, especially in a race or competition, based on how well they perform against the others taking part 名次[尤指在比赛或竞赛中] manchester united go up two places after their win at liverpool. 曼彻斯特联队在利物浦获胜后名次上升了两位。first/third/eighth etc place the horse i was betting on finished in second place. 我押注的那匹马结果跑了第二名。take first/third etc place british /get first/third etc place american win first etc place 取得第一名/第三名等 victoria took first place in a national essay writing competition. 维多利亚在全国作文比赛中取得第一名。 ranking /ˈræŋkɪŋ/ [countable noun] the numbered position of someone in a sport, especially based on their performance in the previous year 排名[尤指以运动员在前一年的成绩为依据] the football team lost their no. 1 ranking as a result of the decision. 由于这一决定,该足球队失去了排名第一的位置。world ranking at the end of this event, davies is sure to have moved up a place in the world rankings. 这项赛事结束后,戴维斯在世界排名表上肯定能上升一位。8. to have a particular position in a competition, race, list etc 竞赛、赛跑、名单等中处于某个位置 rank /ræŋk/ [] to be in a particular position in a competition, race, list etc 排名,名列 the name michael always ranks high on the list of the most popular boys’ names. 在最常用的男孩名字一览表上,迈克尔这个名字一直位居前列。rank somebody as first/fourth/eighth etc volleyball monthly ranked the team third in the nation. 《排球月刊》将该队列为全国第三。rank first/fourth/eighth etc connell, a canadian ranked 73rd in the world, won the third set. 排名世界第73位的加拿大选手康奈尔赢了第三盘。 second-ranked stanford beat the university of san diego 103-68. 排名第二的斯坦福大学队以103比68击败圣迭戈大学队。rank among/as etc sandoz ranks as one of the 10 largest drug companies in the world. 山德士位于世界十大制药公司之列。be ranked first/fifth etc she was beaten by someone who was ranked only 200th in the world. 她被一个世界排名才200位的选手打败。 be first/second etc also come first/second british /biː ˈfɜːʳst, kʌm ˈfɜːʳst/ [verb phrase] to be first, second etc in a competition or race 名列第一/第二等 sandoz won, and anderson was second. 山德士赢了,安德森得第二名。be first/second etc in michael johnson came first in the 400m final. 迈克尔·约翰逊在400米决赛中跑了第一。 |
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