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单词 parliament
释义 parliament nounadjective | verb + parliament | parliament + verb | parliament + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤current, present现任议会➤new新议会➤outgoing任期将满的议会➤bicameral, unicameral两院制的/一院制的议会➤elected选举产生的议会➤hung (bre) 各党派势均力敌的议会◆the election resulted in a hung parliament, followed by the resignation of the prime minister.大选结果是无任何党派在议会中占据优势,随后首相宣布辞职。➤federal, national, provincial, regional, state联邦/国家/省/地方/州议会verb + parliament➤stand for (especially bre) 竞选议员◆he first stood for parliament in 2001.2001 年他首次竞选议员。➤enter, get into成为议员➤be in, sit in任议员◆he sat in parliament for over forty years.他任议员 40 多年了。➤elect (sb to)选(某人为)议员◆a popularly elected parliament民选议会➤return sb to (especially bre) 选举某人为议员◆he was returned to parliament in 2001 as mp for appleby.2001 年他当选为阿普尔比的下院议员。➤represent sb/sth in在议会里代表⋯➤address在议会发表演说◆the president will address the canadian parliament during his trip.总统在访问期间将在加拿大议会发表演说。➤bring sth before, introduce sth into, present sth to, put sth before (especially bre) 把⋯提交议会讨论➤be before, come before, go before (all especially bre) 被提交议会◆the bill will come before parliament next month.这个议案将于下个月提交议会。➤get through, go through, pass through在议会通过➤force sth through, push sth through, put sth through迫使议会通过⋯◆the government was accused of forcing the bill through parliament.政府被指责迫使议会通过这项提案。➤lobby, petition (especially bre) 游说议员➤mislead (especially bre) 误导议会➤convene召集议会➤recall撤销议会➤dissolve, prorogue (bre) 解散议会;使议会休会◆the bill has to be passed before parliament is prorogued.这项议案必须在议会休会之前通过。➤suspend中止议会▸➤be accountable to, be responsible to对议会负责➤dominate主宰议会◆the ruling national democratic party dominates parliament.执政的国家民主党在议会占主导地位。➤storm冲进议会◆angry protestors stormed the parliament.愤怒的抗议者冲进了议会。parliament + verb➤adopt sth, approve sth, enact sth, lay sth down, pass sth, ratify sth议会通过⋯;议会批准⋯;议会制订⋯◆the commission is guided by rules laid down by parliament.这个委员会在议会制订的规则指导下运作。➤reject sth议会拒绝审议⋯➤vote (on sth)国会(对⋯)投票➤debate sth议会就⋯进行辩论➤legislate (on sth)议会(就⋯)立法◆parliament may legislate on any matter of penal law.议会可以对刑事法律的任何事项立法。➤be in session, convene, meet, sit (especially bre) 议会在开会;议会开会◆parliament will be in session until december.议会会议将开到 12 月。➤rise (bre) 议会休会◆the day parliament rises for the summer recess议会夏季休会后复会的那一天➤reconvene, resume议会重新开始◆parliament reconvenes next month.议会下个月再次开会。parliament + noun➤building议会大厦➤chamber (especially bre) 议会会议厅◆the floor of the scottish parliament chamber contains seating for 128 members.苏格兰议会的会议厅有 128 个议员座位。➤minister, official (both especially bre) 议会事务长;议会官员◆a senior parliament official一名高级议会官员preposition➤in parliament在议会中◆her first year in parliament她在议会的第一年phrases➤an act of parliament (bre) 议会议案➤a house of parliament议会的议院◆the national assembly is the lower house of the french parliament.国民议会是法国的下议院。➤the lifetime of a parliament (especially bre) 议会的任期◆it will take at least the lifetime of a parliament to put the health service in order.要把公共医疗卫生服务搞好要花一届议会任期的时间。➤a majority in parliament议会里的多数◆the party has a two-thirds majority in parliament.该党占据议会的三分之二多数。➤a member of parliament议会议员▸➤sth's passage through parliament⋯在议会中的通过◆sponsors of the bill agreed to concessions in order to smooth its passage through parliament.为了使议案在议会顺利通过,议案的发起者答应作出让步。➤a seat in parliament议会席位◆the party failed to win any seats in parliament.该党未能在议会中赢得任何席位。➤a session of parliament一届议会parliament [countable + singular or plural verb, usually singular] the group of people who are elected to make the laws of a country议会;国会◆she was elected as a member of the dutch parliament in 1996.她于 1996 年当选荷兰议会议员。◆riot police yesterday surrounded the georgian parliament building.防暴警察昨天包围了格鲁吉亚议会大楼。ⓘ in many countries, the parliament is made up of two parts called houses or chambers.在许多国家,议会 (parliament) 分两院,议院称为 house 或 chamber。  ➡ see also parliament → government 1 parliament [countable, uncountable] a period during which a parliament is working; parliament as it exists between one general election and the next一届议会的任期;(两次大选之间的)一届议会◆we are now into the second half of the parliament.我们现已进入本届议会的后半任期。◆the prime minister unexpectedly dissolved parliament (= formally ended its activities) and called a general election.首相突然解散了议会并下令举行大选。◆the legislation is expected to be introduced early in the next session of parliament.那部法规预计会在议会的下次会期早些时候提交讨论。  ➡ see also parliament → assembly parliament/ˈpɑ:ləmənt ||; ˈpɑrləmənt/noun[c] 1. the group of people who are elected to make and change the laws of a country 议会;国会 when parliament is singular it can be used with either a singular or plural verb. 作单数时,parliament可与单数或复数动词连用。 2. parliament [sing] the parliament of the united kingdom 英国议会: ◇a member of parliament (mp) 议会议员 the uk parliament consists of the house of lords, whose members have been appointed rather than elected, and the house of commons, whose members have been elected by the people to represent areas of the country (called constituencies). 英国议会包括上议院(house of lords)及下议院(house of commons)。上议院由委任而是非选举产生的议员组成;下议院议员由民选产生,代表全国各选区(constituency)。parliamentsee ⇨ government 3     • • •• ⇨ mp/member of parliament par·lia·ment /`pɑrləmənt; ˈpɑːləmənt/n also 又作 parliament [c,u]the group of people who are elected to make a country's laws and discuss important national and international affairs 国会,议会:◇the party could lose its majority in parliament. 该党可能会失去议会中的多数票。◇the hungarian parliament 匈牙利议会 ☞ parliament




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