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单词 sore
释义 sore nounadjective | verb + sore adjective➤festering (often figurative) , oozing, open, running (especially bre, often figurative) 脓疮;流脓的疮;开放性溃疡;痛处◆this issue is a festering sore between the two countries.这个问题是两国之间的积怨。◆the border dispute was a running sore in relations between the countries.边界之争是两国之间关系的痛处。➤cold唇疱疹◆i have a recurrent cold sore on my lip.我的嘴唇上又起了个泡。➤canker (name) 口腔溃疡◆canker sores caused by biting the inside of your mouth误咬口腔内壁引起的溃疡➤bed (usually bedsore) , pressure, saddle褥疮;鞍伤◆many people in the care home have bedsores.护理院里许多人都长了褥疮。◆i get saddles sores on the right side.我右侧受了鞍伤。verb + sore➤cause造成褥疮➤develop, get长疮◆the patient developed pressure sores on the toes of both feet.病人两只脚的脚趾上都长了褥疮。➤have有疮sore(of a part of the body) painful and often red, especially because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much(身体部位)疼痛红肿的(尤指因感染或肌肉劳损)◆he had a high temperature and a sore throat.他发烧,嗓子疼。◆their feet were sore after hours of walking.他们走了几个小时的路,脚都走疼了。 ➡ see also sore → tumour noun ▸ soreness noun [uncountable] ◆an ointment to reduce soreness and swelling止痛消肿的软膏sore [countable] a painful, often red, place on the body where there is a wound or infection(外伤或感染引起的)疮,溃疡◆the illness left them with open sores all over their backs.这种病让他们的背上全是开放性溃疡。ⓘ a cold sore is a painful spot on the lips or inside the mouth that is caused by a virus. a canker sore is the american english word for a mouth ulcer, and is not caused by a virus. * cold sore 指病毒引起的唇疱疹。canker sore 则是美式英语中口腔溃疡的说法,不是由病毒引起的。  ➡ see also sore → painful adj. 1 sore¹/sɔ:(r) ||; sɔr/adj (used about a part of the body) painful, especially when touched (指身体的某部位)疼痛的(尤指在触摸的时候): ◇to have a sore throat 喉咙痛◇my feet were sore from walking so far. 走了那么远路我的脚很痛。 ➔soreness noun [u]: ◇a cream to reduce soreness and swelling 减轻疼痛和肿胀的油膏 a sore point a subject that is likely to make sb upset or angry when mentioned 痛处;伤心事;惹某人生气的话题 stand/stick out like a sore thumb to be extremely obvious, especially in a negative way 极其明显(尤指负面地): ◇a big new office block would stand out like a sore thumb in the old part of town. 一座新的办公大楼将耸立在旧城区,显得格格不入。 sore²/sɔ:(r) ||; sɔr/noun [c] a painful, often red place on your body where the skin is cut or infected (身体上的)痛处(常指割伤或感染而发红);疮;溃疡 ☞look at cold sore. 参看cold sore。 soresee ⇨ pain 2☞ sore¹☞ sore²




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