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单词 solvent
释义 solvent nounadjective | verb + solvent | solvent + verb | solvent + noun adjective➤volatile挥发性溶剂▸➤chlorinated氯化溶剂▸➤chemical, organic化学/有机溶剂▸➤cleaning, industrial清洁/工业溶剂verb + solvent➤sniff (bre) 嗅溶剂➤use as用作溶剂◆ether is commonly used as a solvent for oils and fats.乙醚常被用作油料和油脂的溶剂。➤dissolve in在溶剂中溶解solvent + verb➤evaporate溶剂挥发solvent + noun➤abuse (bre) 溶剂滥用 solvent /sɒlvənt; name sɑːl-/ adjective (accounting 会计) 1.a solvent company has more assets than liabilities (= money that it owes) (公司)不欠债的◆the figures showed the company was solvent. 数字显示这家公司没有债务。2.having enough money to pay your debts 有偿付能力的;有偿债能力的 opp insolvent ☞ solventsolvent/ˈsɒlvənt ||; ˈsɑlvənt/noun [c,u] a liquid that can dissolve another substance 溶剂 solventsee ⇨ owe 8☞ solvent¹☞ solvent²




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