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单词 restrain
释义 restrain verbadverb | verb + restrain | preposition | phrases adverb➤barely勉强控制◆i barely restrained myself from hitting him.我勉强控制住自己,没有打他。➤properly恰当地控制◆the horse must be properly restrained in a location where it would not hurt itself.必须把马妥善关好,让它不能伤着自己。➤forcibly, physically强行限制;人身束缚◆she had to be physically restrained.她不得不被绑了起来。verb + restrain➤be unable to, can no longer, cannot无法控制;再不能克制◆she could not restrain a flash of pride.她不禁感到一阵自豪。➤attempt to, seek to, try to试图/寻求/设法抑制▸➤manage to设法得以控制➤help (to)帮助控制preposition➤from控制住使不⋯◆he restrained himself from shouting at her.他控制住自己,没对她大吼大叫。phrases➤an attempt to restrain sb, an effort to restrain sb制止某人的尝试/努力 restrain /rɪstreɪn/ verb [transitive] to stop sth that is growing or increasing from continuing to do so 抑制;控制◆a weak economy and falling consumer confidence restrained spending. 经济疲软及消费者信心下降抑制了消费。☞ restrain restrain verbrestrain ♦︎ bind ♦︎ handcuff ♦︎ chain ♦︎ tie sb up ♦︎ tether ♦︎ hold sb downthese words all mean to stop a person, animal or thing from moving or escaping by using physical force or by fastening them with sth.这些词均表示强行制住、扣住、捆绑住。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to bind / handcuff / chain / tie up / tether sb / sth to sth◆to bind / handcuff / chain sb / sth together◆to bind / tie up sb with sth◆to handcuff / chain yourself to sth◆to bind / handcuff sb's hands◆to firmly bind / tie up / tether sb / sth■ restrain /rɪstreɪn/ [transitive] to stop sb/sth from moving, especially by using physical force(尤指用武力)制止,阻止,扣住◆the prisoner had to be restrained by the police.警方不得不强行制住囚犯。■ bind /baɪnd/ (bound, bound) [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to tie sb/sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly捆绑;系◆she was bound to a chair.她被捆在椅子上。◆they bound his hands together.他们把他的双手绑在一起。◆he was left bound and gagged (= tied up and with a piece of fabric tied over his mouth).他被捆了起来并封住了嘴。■ handcuff /hændkʌf/ [transitive, usually passive] to put handcuffs on sb; to fasten sb to sb/sth with handcuffs用手铐铐住◆her hands were handcuffed behind her back.她的双手被反剪铐住。◆protesters handcuffed themselves to the railings.抗议者将他们自己铐在栏杆上。■ chain [transitive, often passive] to fasten sb/sth to sb/sth with a chain, so that they cannot escape or be moved用锁链拴住(或束缚、固定)◆the dog was chained up for the night.夜间那条狗用链子拴了起来。◆she chained her bicycle to the gate.她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。■ tie sb up phrasal verbto tie sb's arms and legs tightly so that they cannot move or escape把某人捆绑起来◆the gang tied up a security guard.那群歹徒把一名保安人员捆绑起来。■ tether /teðə(r)/ [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to tie an animal to a post so that it cannot move very far拴(牲畜)◆she tethered her horse to a tree.她把她的马拴到树上。 ➡ see also tether → rein noun ■ hold sb down -->phrasal verb(held, held)to stop sb from moving using physical force, especially keeping them on the ground or on another surface将某人按住(尤指按到地上或其他表面上)◆it took three men to hold him down.三个人上去才把他制伏了。restrain /rɪstreɪn/ [transitive] (rather formal, written) to prevent sb/sth from doing sth, especially by using physical force(尤指用武力)阻止,制止◆i had to restrain her from hitting out at passers-by.我得强行制止她攻击路人。restrain /rɪstreɪn/ [transitive] to stop sb/sth from moving, especially by using physical force(尤指用武力)制止,阻止,扣住◆the prisoner had to be restrained by the police.警方不得不强行制住囚犯。restrain /rɪstreɪn/ [transitive] to stop yourself from feeling an emotion or doing sth that you would like to do, because you realize this might make a situation worse约束(自己);控制(自己);忍住◆i restrained the urge to punch him.我抑制住了自己的冲动,没用拳头打他。◆i was tempted to answer back, but i restrained myself.我想还嘴,但忍住了。 ➡ see also restraint → restraint restrain/rɪˈstreɪn ||; rɪˈstren/verb [t] restrain sb/sth (from sth/doing sth) to keep sb or sth under control; to prevent sb or sth from doing sth 控制;限制;阻止;克制: ◇i had to restrain myself from saying something rude. 我得控制自己,才不致说无礼的话。 restrainsee ⇨ stop 13,24 re·strain /rɪ`stren; rɪˈstreɪn/v [t] 1. to prevent someone from doing something 抑制,遏制[某人做某事]:◇he had to be physically restrained by the other players. 他须由其他队员加以拉住。 2. to control something 控制,限制[某事物]:◇efforts to restrain inflation 控制通货膨胀的努力




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