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单词 restraint
释义 restraint noun¹ 1limit/control on sth限制;控制adjective | verb + restraint | preposition adjective➤voluntary自愿限制◆agreements on voluntary export restraints关于自愿限制出口的协议➤conventional传统的束缚◆what happens when the conventional restraints on human cruelty are removed?对人类残酷行为的传统束缚取消时会发生什么?➤physical身体上的束缚◆sometimes the care workers need to use physical restraint on the hospital patients.有时看护人员需要对住院病人使用身体约束。➤budget, budgetary, economic, financial, fiscal, monetary, pay, spending, wage (especially bre) 预算的限制;经济上的限制;财政节制;财政紧缩;货币控制;工资限制;开销限制;薪水限制◆the government's need to exercise fiscal restraint政府进行财政紧缩的需要◆talks on voluntary wage restraint关于自愿限制工资的谈判➤constitutional, government, judicial, legal, political, regulatory宪法/政府/司法/法律/政治/监管约束▸➤cultural, moral, social文化/道德/社会约束➤unconstitutional, unlawful违反宪法的/非法的限制◆guilty of the charge of unlawful restraint犯了非法拘禁罪➤time时间限制◆we did the best we could within the limited time restraints.我们在有限的时间内尽了最大的努力。➤prior先行制止◆they balked at the notion of prior restraints on research.一想到对调查的先行制止他们就畏缩了。verb + restraint➤impose, use加以约束;进行限制▸➤remove取消限制preposition➤without restraint没有限制地◆prices continued to rise without restraint.物价继续无限制地上涨。➤restraint on, restraint upon对⋯的限制◆the government imposed restraints on spending.政府对开支实行了限制。restraint noun² 2behaving in a calm/moderate way克制;有节制adjective | verb + restraint | preposition adjective➤considerable, great, remarkable相当克制;很克制;特别克制➤admirable令人钦佩的克制▸➤emotional, sexual情绪克制;性压抑verb + restraint➤have有所克制◆somehow i had the restraint not to tell peter that.我还是强忍着没把那件事告诉彼得。➤exercise, practise/practice, use进行克制;加以控制;施加控制◆journalists have exercised remarkable restraint in not reporting all the sordid details of the case.记者们对该案件的报道显示出异乎寻常的克制,没有披露所有肮脏的细节。◆the media should have used more restraint in disclosing his private life.媒体在披露他的私人生活时应该更克制些。➤demonstrate, exhibit, show表现出克制;显示出克制▸➤call for, urge呼吁克制➤require要求克制◆the role requires a certain restraint.这一职位要求有某种程度的自制能力。➤abandon抛开限制◆he abandoned all restraint and yelled at the top of his lungs.他不管不顾地放声大叫起来。preposition➤with restraint有所克制地◆they reacted with restraint.他们的反应有所节制。➤without restraint不加克制地◆finally he was able to cry properly, without restraint.他终于可以毫无束缚地放声大哭了。➤restraint by⋯的克制◆the government called for restraint by both sides.政府要求双方保持克制。 restraint /rɪstreɪnt/ noun1. [countable] a rule or an agreement that limits what a person, group, country, etc. can do 约束力;管制措施;制约因素◆they claimed that the ban on the import and testing of gm crops is a restraint of trade. 他们声称禁止进口和检验转基因作物是一种贸易管制。2. [uncountable] the act of controlling or limiting sth because it is necessary or sensible to do so 控制;限制◆employers continue to exercise restraint in pay increases. 雇主继续限制加薪。  ➡  limitation ◇ pay restraint ◇ voluntary export restraint ◇ wage restraint ☞ restraint restraint noun  ➡ see also the entry for composure另见 composure 条restraint ♦︎ self-control ♦︎ self-disciplinethese are all words for the ability to behave calmly and with control.这些词均表示克制、自制力、约束。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to have the self-control / self-discipline to do sth◆to show restraint / self-control / self-discipline◆to exercise restraint / self-control◆to have / take self-control / self-discipline◆a lack of restraint / self-control■ restraint /rɪstreɪnt/ [uncountable] the quality of behaving calmly and with control, especially when you are feeling angry or excited(尤指生气或兴奋时的)克制,抑制,约束◆he exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.他表现得相当克制,不去理会种种侮辱。◆the police appealed to the crowd for restraint.警方呼吁群众保持克制。 ➡ see also restrain → suppress 2 , restrained → disciplined ■ self-control [uncountable] the ability to remain calm and not show your emotions even though you are feeling angry or excited(生气或兴奋时的)自制力,自我控制◆it took all his self-control not to shout at them.他尽了最大的克制强压怒火,没有冲他们叫嚷。◆she struggled to keep her self-control.她竭力保持自制。◆he suddenly lost all self-control and started shouting and swearing.他突然完全失控,喊叫咒骂起来。 ➡ see also control → control noun , control → suppress verb 2 note 辨析 restraint or self-control? self-control is an ability that people have as part of their character. you can have self-control and you can keep or lose it on a particular occasion. restraint is less a part of sb's character and more a matter of their behaviour: you can exercise or show restraint, but it is not sth that you have, keep or lose. * self-control 指自控能力,是人性格的一部份。可以说 have/keep/lose self-control (有/保持/失去自制力)。restraint 不太被视为人的性格,而多与行为有关。可以说 exercise/show restraint (发挥/表现出克制),但不能说有、保持或失去 restraint◆it took all his restraint not to shout. ◆she struggled to keep her restraint. ■ self-discipline [uncountable] the ability to make yourself do sth, especially sth difficult or unpleasant自律能力;自我约束能力◆it takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.在冬天跑步需要很强的自律能力。 ➡ see also discipline → control noun restraint [countable, usually plural, uncountable] (rather formal) a decision, rule, idea, etc. that limits what you can do; the act of limiting sth because it is necessary or sensible to do so管制措施;制约因素;(必要或合理的)控制,限制◆the government has imposed export restraints on some products.政府对一些产品实行了出口限制。◆there are certain social restraints on drinking alcohol.在饮酒方面存在着某些社会制约因素。◆the unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint.这些工会不可能接受任何形式的工资限制。◆they said that they would fight without restraint (= completely freely) for what they wanted.他们说,为达目的,他们会无所顾忌地抗争到底。restraint /rɪstreɪnt/ [uncountable] the quality of behaving calmly and with control, especially when you are feeling angry or excited(尤指生气或兴奋时的)克制,抑制,约束◆he exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.他表现得相当克制,不去理会种种侮辱。◆the police appealed to the crowd for restraint.警方呼吁群众保持克制。 ➡ see also restrain → suppress 2 , restrained → disciplined restraint/rɪˈstreɪnt ||; rɪˈstrent/noun1. [u] the quality of behaving in a calm or controlled way 冷静;克制: ◇it took a lot of restraint on my part not to hit him. 我努力克制自己,才没有打他。◇soldiers have to exercise self-restraint even when provoked. 军人即使受到挑衅也要自我克制。 2. [c] a restraint (on sb/sth) a limit or control on sth 限制;约束: ◇are there any restraints on what the newspapers are allowed to publish? 对于报纸的内容,当局有任何限制吗? re·straint /rɪ`strent; rɪˈstreɪnt/n 1. [u] when someone reacts in a calm way, without becoming angry or excited 克制,抑制:◇the police showed great restraint. 警方表现出了极大的克制。 2. [c,u] something that limits what you can do 约束,制约,限制:◇financial restraints 经济管制




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