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单词 put sth ↔ on
释义 put sth ↔ onphr v [t] 1. to put clothes on your body 穿上:◇put your coat on — it's cold. 把外套穿上 — 外面冷。 2. to put make-up or cream on your skin 搽,抹,涂[化妆品或乳霜]:◇i need to put on some more lipstick. 我需要再涂些口红。 3. to make a machine or a piece of equipment start working 开动[机器、设备]; 点[火]:◇is it all right if i put the fire on? 我把火点起来行不行? 4. to put a record, video etc into a machine and start playing it 播放[唱片、录像带等]:◇let's put some music on. 我们播放点音乐吧。 5. put on weight/5 pounds/2 kg etc to become fatter 体重增加/胖了五磅/胖了两公斤等 6. to arrange or perform a concert, play etc 举行; 上演[音乐会、戏剧等]:◇they're putting on a concert to raise money for landmine victims. 他们将举行一场音乐会为地雷的受害者筹款。 7. put it on to pretend to feel or believe something that you do not really feel or believe 假装,装腔:◇don't take any notice of her — she's just putting it on. 别理会她 — 她只不过是在装腔。




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