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单词 digital
释义 digital /dɪdʒɪtl/ adjective1.that uses a series of numbers in order to store, send or deal with information 数字的;数码的◆converting from analogue to digital technology 由模拟技术转变为数字技术◆digital content is so easily stored and distributed that it is difficult to protect. 数字内容易于保存和传播以至于难以保护。  ➡  analogue ⨁ a digital camera / phone / television数码相机;数字电话/电视 ⨁ a digital broadcast / image / photograph / signal数码广播/影像/照片;数字信号 ⨁ digital broadcasting / technology数码广播/技术 2. that relies on computer technology or the internet 数字化的(依赖于计算机技术或互联网)◆the company has several digital brands (= products sold on the internet). 这公司有好几个数字化品牌(在互联网上销售的产品)。◆people need more computer skills to compete in today's digital economy. 人们需要更多的计算机技能才能在当今的数字化经济中与人竞争。⨁ a digital brand / business / company / strategy数字化品牌/业务/公司/策略 ⨁ digital marketing / publishing数字营销/出版  ➡  electronic ●the digital dividethe difference between communities that have computer equipment and can use the internet and those that do not 数字鸿沟(拥有计算机设备、使用互联网与没有计算机设备、不使用互联网的人群的差异)digital /dɪdʒɪtl/ noun [uncountable] digital television 数字电视◆the government wants to switch all viewers from analogue to digital by 2010. 政府希望到 2010 年将所有电视观众接收的信号从模拟信号转变到数字信号。☞ digital☞ digitaldigital /dɪdʒɪtl/ using a system of receiving and sending data as a series of the numbers one and zero, showing that an electronic signal is there or not there数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的◆a digital camera数码相机◆get the very latest advice and information on digital tv services.获取有关数码电视服务的最新建议和信息吧。 opp analogue ⓘ analogue (bre, (name) analog) processes use a continuously changing range of physical quantities to measure or store data. * analogue (美式拼法为 analog)指数据处理方式为模拟的,即使用一系列持续变化的物理量来测定或保存数据◆an analogue circuit / signal模拟电路/信号▸ digitally adverb◆digitally remastered tapes以数字方式重新灌制的录音带digital/ˈdɪdʒɪtl ||; ˈdɪdʒɪtḷ/adj1. using an electronic system that uses the numbers 1 and 0 to record sound or store information, and that gives high-quality results 数字的,数码的,数字的(使用数字1和0来记录声音或贮存信息的电子系统,可取得优质效果): ◇a digital recording 数字录音 2. showing information by using numbers 用数字来显示信息的: ◇a digital watch 数字式表 ☞picture at clock 见clock插图 di·gi·tal /`dɪdʒətḷ; ˈdɪdʒɪtl/adj 1. a digital watch/clock a watch or clock that shows the time in the form of numbers 数字显示式手表/钟 2. using a system in which information is shown in the form of changing electrical signals 数码式的,数字式的:◇a digital recording 数码式录音 ☞ digital




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