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单词 responsibility
释义 responsibility noun¹ 1being responsible负责adjective | verb + responsibility | responsibility + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, full, total全部责任;所有责任▸➤awesome, big, enormous, grave, great, heavy, huge, important, serious, tremendous, weighty令人敬畏的职责;巨大的责任;重大的责任;重要的职责◆it is a great responsibility caring for other people's children.照看他人的孩子责任重大。➤direct直接责任▸➤primary主要责任▸➤overall, ultimate全部的/最终的责任◆ultimate responsibility rests with the president.由总统承担最终的责任。➤special特定的责任▸➤diminished (law法律, especially bre) 减轻的罪责◆he was found not guilty of murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility.他未被判谋杀罪是基于精神失常而减轻了刑事责任。➤exclusive, sole独有职责;独自承担的责任▸➤collective, communal, joint, mutual, shared集体的/共有的/共同的/相互的/分担的责任▸➤individual, personal个人的/私人的责任➤corporate企业责任➤criminal刑事责任➤security安全责任▸➤constitutional, political宪法赋予的职责;政治责任▸➤environmental, ethical, financial, fiscal, legal, moral, social环境/伦理/财务/财政/法律/道德/社会责任verb + responsibility➤have有责任◆she has responsibility for public spending.她负责公共开支。➤accept, acknowledge, assume, bear, carry, recognize, shoulder, take, take on, take over负起责任;承担责任;接替职责◆the bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake.银行拒绝对这一错误承担责任。◆will you take responsibility for arranging the food?你来负责安排饭食怎么样?➤feel感到有责任◆he feels a responsibility to his community.他感到自己对社区负有责任。➤share分担责任▸➤lay, place把责任置于◆the government of the time placed responsibility for the poor on the church.该时期的政府让教会承担关怀穷人的责任。➤assign, delegate, devolve, give sb, hand over分配职责;授权负责;下放职责;让某人负责;移交责任◆responsibility is devolved down to the people who are affected.责任移交给了那些受到影响的人。➤retain保有责任◆we retain all responsibility for any shortcomings.若有任何缺陷,我们承担一切责任。➤abdicate, escape, evade, shift放弃/逃避/躲避/转移责任◆they wanted to shift responsibility for the failure onto their employees.他们想要把失败的责任推给雇员。➤admit, claim承认责任;声称负责◆no organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.还没有任何组织宣称对炸弹袭击事件负责。➤deny, disclaim, duck否认责任;逃避责任◆ducking responsibility is fatal in a democracy.在民主政治中逃避责任是致命的。➤allocate, assign (sb), give sb分配职责;(给某人)分派任务;让某人负责▸➤attribute把责任归于◆he attributed responsibility for the killing to the secret service.他认为是特务机关杀的人。➤burden sb with使某人担负责任▸➤absolve sb from, absolve sb of免除某人的责任responsibility + verb➤fall on sb, fall to sb, lie with sb, rest with sb责任落在某人身上;责任在于某人➤come with sth责任伴⋯而来◆with great power comes great responsibility.权大,责任也大。preposition➤responsibility for⋯的责任◆full responsibility for the fiasco lies with the pr department.这次惨败完全是公共关系部门的责任。➤responsibility towards/toward对⋯的责任◆he feels a strong sense of responsibility towards / toward his parents.他对父母有一种强烈的责任感。phrases➤the age of criminal responsibility (bre, law法律) 刑事责任年龄▸➤the burden of responsibility承担责任◆governors carry a special burden of responsibility.州长们肩负着特别重的责任。➤do sth on your own responsibility (= without being told to and being willing to take the blame if it goes wrong) 自行负责地做某事➤a position of responsibility责任重大的职位➤a feeling of responsibility, a sense of responsibility责任感responsibility noun² 2job/duty工作;义务adjective | verb + responsibility | preposition | phrases adjective➤heavy, major, onerous繁重的/重大的/艰巨的任务➤basic, fundamental基本职责;根本任务➤added, additional, increased额外的任务;增加的职责➤main主要职责◆what are the main responsibilities in your job?你主要的工作职责是什么?➤departmental, ministerial, professional, public, teaching部门/部长/专业上的/公共/教学职责▸➤caring, childcare, domestic, family, household, parental, social护理工作;看护小孩的任务;家庭责任;父母的职责;社会职责➤fiduciary, financial受托义务;支付能力➤administrative, command, management, managerial, oversight, supervisory指挥职责;管理职责;监管职责◆the sergeant assumed his command responsibilities.该中士承担起了指挥的职责。➤adult成人责任◆people on the verge of assuming adult responsibilities即将担起成人责任的人➤contractual, statutory契约责任;法定义务▸➤particular, special具体/特定职责➤daily, day-to-day日常任务verb + responsibility➤have有义务▸➤carry out, discharge, fulfil/fulfill, meet执行任务;履行职责;完成任务;尽到责任◆an obligation to meet family responsibilities尽到家庭责任的义务➤accept, face up to, take on, undertake接受任务;承担责任◆he seems unwilling to face up to his responsibilities as a father.他似乎不愿承担做父亲的责任。◆i don't feel ready to take on new responsibilities.我觉得还没准备好接受新任务。➤juggle尽力兼顾责任◆she juggled the competing responsibilities of family and work.她尽力既顾家又兼顾工作。➤handle应对任务◆the assistants were handling their responsibilities in the only way they could.助理们用他们唯一能用的办法去应对任务。➤exercise履行职责▸➤delegate, relinquish, transfer委派/放弃/转交任务▸➤abandon, avoid, escape, evade, neglect, shirk放弃责任;逃避责任;忽略责任;推卸责任▸➤relieve sb of免除某人的责任preposition➤responsibility for对⋯负责◆the heads of school departments have particular responsibilities for the curriculum.系主任专门负责课程的安排。➤responsibility to, responsibility towards/toward对⋯的责任◆the club has a responsibility to its members.俱乐部对其会员负有责任。phrases➤duties and responsibilities, rights and responsibilities义务和责任;权利和义务◆parental rights and responsibilities父母的权利和责任responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəbɪləti; name -ˌspɑːn-/ noun (plural responsibilities) 1. [uncountable] responsibility (for sth) the duty of being in charge of a particular activity, area, department, etc. 责任;负责◆the new sales manager will have responsibility for the european market. 新任销售经理将负责欧洲市场。◆she will assume responsibility for managing the uk business. 她将负责管理英国业务。◆each worker takes responsibility for their own part of the process. 每个工人负责自己那道工序。◆the job has a lot of responsibility. 这份工作责任重大。⨁ to assume / have / take responsibility for sth对某事承担责任;对某事负责 ⨁ to delegate / share responsibility for sth授权对某事负责;对某事共同承担责任 responsibilities [plural] the things that sb deals with, manages or controls in their job 责任◆i don't feel ready to take on new responsibilities. 我不愿承担新的责任。◆comparing key job responsibilities and skills 对比关键岗位职责和技能⨁ to give up / have / take on responsibilities放弃/负有/承担责任 ⨁ to assign / delegate responsibilities分配/委托责任 ⨁ day-to-day / heavy / increased / key responsibilities日常/重大/繁重的/关键性责任 3. [uncountable; countable, usually singular] a duty to help or take care of sb/sth because of your job, position, etc. 职责;任务;义务◆we have a responsibility to our shareholders. 我们对股东负有责任。◆she feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees. 她对雇员有很强的责任感。4. [uncountable] blame for sth bad that has happened 事故责任◆the bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake. 银行拒绝为这个错误承担责任。⨁ to accept / assume / take responsibility for sth对某事承认/承担责任;对某事负责 corporate responsibility ◇ corporate social responsibility ☞ responsibility responsibility nounresponsibility ♦︎ duty ♦︎ charge ♦︎ obligation ♦︎ burden ♦︎ liability ♦︎ job ♦︎ commitment ♦︎ accountabilitythese are all words for sth that you have to do, or the state of being responsible for sth.这些词均表示责任、职责、义务,或对某事负责。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a duty / an obligation / a burden / a commitment / accountability to sb / sth◆a responsibility / duty towards sb◆responsibility / liability / accountability for sth◆(a) heavy responsibility / obligations / burden / commitments◆(a) greater responsibility / obligation / burden / liability / accountability◆(a) personal responsibility / duty / charge / obligation / commitment / accountability◆collective / public responsibility / duty / accountability◆(a) professional / social responsibility / duty / obligation / commitment / accountability◆(a) financial responsibility / duty / obligation / burden / commitment / accountability◆(a) moral responsibility / duty / obligation / accountability◆(a) legal responsibility / duty / obligation / liability / accountability◆(a) family responsibility / duty / obligations / commitments◆to have a responsibility / a duty / charge / an obligation / liability / the job / a commitment◆to accept responsibility / a duty / an obligation / the burden / liability◆to bear / shoulder the responsibility / burden◆to fulfil / meet a responsibility / a duty / an obligation / a commitment◆a responsibility / a duty / the burden falls on sb■ responsibility [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a requirement to deal with sth, or help or take care of sb, because of your job or position责任;职责;义务◆it is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced.他们有责任确保制度的执行。◆i'm not ready to be in a position of responsibility.我还没准备好担任责任重大的职务。◆i don't feel ready to take on new responsibilities.我不愿意承担新的责任。◆i think we have a moral responsibility to help these countries.我认为我们在道义上有责任帮助这些国家。ⓘ if you have a responsibility for sb/sth, you are the person who should be blamed if sth goes wrong. * have a responsibility for sb/sth 指对某人或某事负有责任。  ➡ see also be responsible for sb/sth → run 2 ■ duty [countable, uncountable] something that you feel you have to do because it is your moral or legal responsibility(道德或法律上的)责任,义务,本分◆it is my duty to report it to the police.把这事报告给警方是我的责任。◆i supposed we'd better do our duty and report the accident.我想我们最好履行义务,报告发生了事故。◆i'll have to go i'm afraid-duty calls.我想我得走了 - 公务在身。◆the time he put in helping new recruits went beyond the call of duty.他花时间帮助新入职员工已经超越了职责的要求。■ charge [uncountable] the position of having control over sb/sth掌管;照管;职责◆she has charge of the day-to-day running of the business.她负责掌管日常业务。◆he took charge of the farm after his father's death.他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。◆they left the nanny in charge of the children for a week.他们把孩子留给保母照料一周。ⓘ you can have/take charge of sb/sth or you can be in charge of sb/sth or leave/put sb in charge of sb/sth.可以说 have/take charge of sb/sth、be in charge of sb/sth 或 leave/put sb in charge of sb/sth。  ➡ see also be in charge → run 2 ■ obligation /ɒblɪgeɪʃn; name ɑːblɪgeɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal, especially written) the state of being forced to do sth because it is your duty, or because of a law or rule; something which you must do because you have promised or because of a law or rule(法律或条例规定的或承诺过的)义务,责任,职责◆you are under no obligation to buy anything.你不必非买什么不可。◆she did not feel under any obligation to tell him the truth.她觉得没有义务告诉他实情。◆we will send you an estimate for the work without obligation (= you do not have to accept it).我们将把成本估算发给您,仅供参考。◆you must fulfil your legal obligations.你必须履行法律义务。 ➡ see also oblige → force verb ■ burden [countable] (rather formal) a duty or responsibility that causes worry, difficulty or hard work(义务或责任的)重担,负担◆the main burden of caring for old people falls on the state.照料老人的重担大部份落到了国家头上。◆i don't want to become a burden to my children when i'm old.我不想在年老时成为孩子的累赘。◆how can we reduce the heavy tax burden on working people?如何才能减少劳动者身上沉重的税负?▸ burden verb [transitive] ◆they have burdened themselves with a large mortgage.他们负担了一笔很高的按揭贷款。◆i don't want to burden you with my worries.我不想让你为我的烦恼操心。■ liability /laɪəbɪləti/ [uncountable] (rather formal, especially business尤用于商业 or law法律) the state of being legally responsible for sth(法律上对某事物的)责任,义务◆the company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters.本公司对自然灾害造成的任何损失概不承担责任。▸ liable adjective◆you will be liable for any damage caused.任何损失均将由贵方负责。■ job [countable, usually singular] (rather informal, especially spoken) a responsibility or duty责任;职责;义务◆it's not my job to lock up!上锁不是我的事儿!◆it's the job of the press to expose wrongdoing.揭露丑恶行为是新闻界的职责。ⓘ in this meaning job is usually used in the phrase it's my/your/his/her, etc. job to do sth or it's the job of sb/sth to do sth.表达此义时,job 通常用于短语 it's my/your/his/her, etc. job to do sth 或 it's the job of sb/sth to do sth。■ commitment /kəmɪtmənt/ [countable] (especially business尤用于商业) a thing that you have promised or agreed to do, or that you have to do, especially in connection with your work or family; the fact of having to pay an amount of money regularly(尤指与工作或家庭有关的)承诺之事,同意之事,不得不做之事;定期付款◆he's busy for the next month with filming commitments.他正忙于准备已经承诺的下个月拍电影的事。◆women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments.妇女经常要工作和家庭两头忙。◆buying a house is a big financial commitment.购房意味着经济上的一大笔定期付款。■ accountability [uncountable] (formal) the fact of being responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are asked(对自己的决定或行动)负有责任,应作解释◆there have been proposals for greater police accountability.已有人提议警方应负起更大责任。◆the accountability of a company's directors to the shareholders公司董事向股东所负之责▸ accountable adjective [not usually before noun] ◆politicians are ultimately accountable to the voters.从政者最终是向选民负责。◆someone must be held accountable for the killings.必须有人要对这些凶杀事件负责。responsibility [uncountable] (rather formal) the fact of being responsible for sth wrong or bad that has happened责任;过错;过失◆the bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake.银行拒绝为这一错误承担责任。◆nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing.无人声称对爆炸事件负责。◆we must all bear some responsibility for what happened.对所发生的事我们都得负一定的责任。 ➡ see also responsible → guilty note 辨析 fault or responsibility?these words have the same basic meaning but the patterns and collocations are different. fault is usually used in the phrases my/your/his/her/our/their/sb's (own) fault or sb is at fault.这两个词基本意思相同,但用法和搭配不同。fault 通常用在短语 my/your/his/her/our/their/sb's (own) fault 或 sb is at fault 中◆it was his responsibility that we were late. ◆i think the owners are at responsibility. people typically accept/share/admit/claim/deny responsibility for sth. * responsibility 的用法通常为 accept/share/admit/claim/deny responsibility for sth◆the bank refuses to accept fault for the mistake. ◆the bank refuses to accept that it is at fault for the mistake.银行拒绝为这一错误承担责任。◆he refused to accept that the mistake was his fault.他拒绝承认这一错误的责任在他。responsibility [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a requirement to deal with sth, or help or take care of sb, because of your job or position责任;职责;义务◆it is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced.他们有责任确保制度的执行。◆i'm not ready to be in a position of responsibility.我还没准备好担任责任重大的职务。◆i don't feel ready to take on new responsibilities.我不愿意承担新的责任。◆i think we have a moral responsibility to help these countries.我认为我们在道义上有责任帮助这些国家。ⓘ if you have a responsibility for sb/sth, you are the person who should be blamed if sth goes wrong. * have a responsibility for sb/sth 指对某人或某事负有责任。  ➡ see also be responsible for sb/sth → run 2 responsibility/rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti ||; rɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlətɪ/noun (plural responsibilities) 1. [u] [c] responsibility (for sb/sth);responsibility (to do sth) a duty to deal with sth so that it is your fault if sth goes wrong 责任;职责: ◇i refuse to take responsibility if anything goes wrong. 如果有任何事情出错,我拒绝负责。◇it is john's responsibility to make sure the orders are sent out on time. 确保命令及时发出是约翰的职责。◇i feel that i have a responsibility to help them -- after all, they did help me. 我觉得我有责任帮助他们,毕竟他们的确帮助过我。◇who has responsibility for the new students? 谁负责这些新生? 2. [u] the fact of sth being your fault; blame 责任;过错: ◇no group has yet admitted responsibility for planting the bomb. 还没有哪个组织承认放置这枚炸弹是其所为。 shift the blame/responsibility (for sth) (onto sb)→shift¹responsibilitysee ⇨ responsible 2     • • •• ⇨ assume responsibility for• ⇨ be responsible for/have responsibility for re·spon·si·bil·i·ty /rɪˏspɑnsə`bɪlətɪ; rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪlɪti/n 1. [c,u] if something is your responsibility, it is your duty to make sure that it is done 责任:◇parents have a responsibility to see that their children attend school. 家长们有责任确保他们的孩子上学。◇she wanted a job with more responsibility. (=with more things that she was in charge of) 她想要一份责任更重的工作。 2. take/accept responsibility for sth to say that you are responsible for something that has happened, especially something bad 对某事[尤指不良事件]负责:◇the company has refused to take responsibility for the accident. 公司拒绝对这件意外事故负责。 ☞ responsibility




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