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单词 parallel
释义 parallel nounadjective | verb + parallel | parallel + verb | preposition adjective➤direct, exact直接的相似处;确切的相似点➤clear, close, obvious, strong明显的相似处;酷似之处➤interesting, striking有趣的相似之处;引人注目的相似之处➤important, significant重要的/显著的相似之处➤historical历史的相似之处verb + parallel➤have存在相似之处◆this weather pattern of the southern hemisphere has no parallel in the north.南半球的这种天气类型和北半球的天气没有相似性。➤find, note, see找到共同点;看出相似之处➤draw, make进行比较◆he drew an interesting parallel with religious practices in japan.他拿日本的宗教修行做了有趣的比较。➤offer, show, suggest提供/显示/使人想到相似之处◆the move west suggests a parallel with the earlier american pioneer experience.向西部迁移令人想起美国早期开拓者的相似经历。➤provide提供比较parallel + verb➤exist相似之处存在◆parallels do exist between the author's family and that of francie coffin.作者的家庭和弗朗西・科芬的家庭之间的确存在相似之处。preposition➤without parallel无可相比◆a speed of development without parallel in post-war europe战后欧洲无可匹敌的发展速度➤parallel between⋯之间的相似之处◆a parallel between economic and cultural advancement经济发展和文化进步之间的同步性➤parallel in在⋯方面的相似之处◆we found a direct parallel in the attitudes of children in other countries.我们发现其他国家的小孩在态度方面有直接的相似之处。➤parallel to同⋯的相似之处◆a close parallel to this mating pattern is found in dolphins.在海豚身上发现了与此极为相似的交配模式。➤parallel with与⋯的相似之处◆she saw an obvious parallel with her sister's predicament.她明显和她姐姐一样身处困境。parallel adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, run平行adverb➤exactly完全平行➤almost, nearly几乎平行➤roughly大致平行preposition➤to与⋯平行◆the canal is roughly parallel to the main road.这条运河大致与主干道平行。➤with与⋯平行◆the road runs parallel with the coast.这条道路和海岸平行。 parallel /pærəlel/ adjective [usually before noun] (economics 经济学) used to describe a system of buying and selling goods that happens outside the official system of the company that produces them. goods are bought in one country and imported into another where they are sold at a lower price than the official price for that country 与官方市场并行的;平行的◆parallel imports 平行进口◆parallel trade will lead to a reduction in price. 平行贸易将导致价格下降。  ➡  grey (1) , grey market (2) 2. (it 信息技术) involving several computer operations at the same time (多台计算机)并行的◆parallel processing 并行处理 opp serial ☞ parallel parallel adjectiveparallel ♦︎ side by side ♦︎ simultaneous ♦︎ concurrentthese words all describe sth that happens or exists at the same time as sth else.这些词均表示同时发生的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆side by side / simultaneous / concurrent with sth◆a parallel / simultaneous / concurrent change◆a parallel / simultaneous increase / operation / process◆parallel / concurrent development■ parallel very similar; happening or existing at the same time极相似的;同时发生(或存在)的◆two poisonings have been reported recently in london and now there has been a parallel case in the netherlands.最近伦敦已经报道了两例中毒事件,现在荷兰又出现了一起极相似的案子。◆though still a committed painter, in 1978 she launched a parallel career as a photographer.尽管仍然专注于绘画,1978 年她同时还开始了她的摄影事业。▸ parallel adverb◆the grammar classes run parallel to the literature class.语法课程和文学课程同时开设。▸ in parallel with sth idiom◆the city has grown in parallel with the growth of its industries.伴随工业的发展,城市也在进步。■ side by side -->idiomtogether, without any difficulties并行不悖;相安无事◆we have been using both systems, side by side, for two years.两年来,两个系统我们一直同时使用,互不矛盾。◆the two communities exist happily side by side.两个群体和睦相处,相安无事。■ simultaneous /sɪmlteɪniəs; name saɪmlteɪniəs/ happening or done at the same time同时发生(或进行)的;同步的◆there were several simultaneous attacks by the rebels.反叛者同时发动了几起攻击。◆they will provide simultaneous translation of the president's speech into english.他们将为总统的讲话提供英语同声传译。▸ simultaneously adverb◆the game will be broadcast simultaneously on tv and radio.比赛将同时在电视和广播里播出。■ concurrent /kənkʌrənt; name kənkɜːrənt/ (formal) happening or existing at the same time同时发生的;并存的◆he was imprisoned for two concurrent terms of 30 months and 18 months.他被判处 30 个月和 18 个月监禁,合并执行。▸ concurrently adverb◆the prison sentences will run concurrently.所判的几个刑期将会合并执行。parallel [countable, uncountable] (especially written) a person, situation, event, etc. that is very similar to another, especially one in a different place or time(尤指不同时空中)极其相似的人(或情况、事件等)◆these ideas have parallels in freud's thought too.这些观念与弗洛伊德思想中的某些观点非常相似。◆this is an achievement without parallel in modern times.这一成就在当代无人可及。◆this tradition has no parallel in our culture.这种传统在我们的文化中是没有的。  ➡ see also parallel → similarity ▸ parallel adjective◆two poisonings have been reported recently in london and now there has been a parallel case in the netherlands.最近在伦敦有两起中毒事件的报道,如今有一例同类事件在荷兰发生。parallelvery similar; happening or existing at the same time极相似的;同时发生(或存在)的◆two poisonings have been reported recently in london and now there has been a parallel case in the netherlands.最近伦敦已经报道了两例中毒事件,现在荷兰又出现了一起极相似的案子。◆though still a committed painter, in 1978 she launched a parallel career as a photographer.尽管仍然专注于绘画,1978 年她同时还开始了她的摄影事业。▸ parallel adverb◆the grammar classes run parallel to the literature class.语法课程和文学课程同时开设。▸ in parallel with sth idiom◆the city has grown in parallel with the growth of its industries.伴随工业的发展,城市也在进步。parallel [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) a similar feature相似特征;相似特点◆there are interesting parallels between the 1960s and the first decade of this century.20 世纪 60 年代与本世纪开头的 10 年存在着有趣的相似之处。◆it is possible to draw a parallel between (= find similar features in) their experience and ours.在他们的经历和我们的经历之间可以找到相似之处。  ➡ see also parallel → equivalent noun paralleladjective◆two poisonings have been reported recently in london and now there has been a parallel case in the netherlands.最近在伦敦有两起中毒事件的报道,如今有一例同类事件在荷兰发生。paralleladverb◆the grammar classes run parallel to the literature class.语法课程和文学课程同时开设。paralleladjective◆two poisonings have been reported recently in london and now there has been a parallel case in the netherlands.最近在伦敦有两起中毒事件的报道,如今有一例同类事件在荷兰发生。paralleladverb◆the grammar classes run parallel to the literature class.语法课程和文学课程同时开设。parallel¹/ˈpærəlel ||; ˈpærəˌlɛl/adj adv1. parallel (to sth) (used about two lines, etc) with the same distance between them for all their length (指两条线等)平行: ◇parallel lines 并行线◇the railway runs parallel to the road. 该铁路与公路平行。 ☞picture at line 见line插图 2. similar and happening at the same time 类似并同时发生的: ◇the two brothers followed parallel careers in different companies. 两兄弟在不同的公司从事类似的职业。 parallel²/ˈpærəlel ||; ˈpærəˌlɛl/noun [c,u] a person, thing or situation that is similar to another one in a different situation, place or time 相似的人、事物或情况: ◇the government's huge election victory is without parallel this century. 政府在选举中取得的巨大胜利在本世纪无与伦比。 parallel• ⇨ draw a parallel☞ parallel¹☞ parallel²☞ parallel³




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