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单词 session
释义 session noun¹ 1meeting of a court, parliament, etc.法庭开庭;议会开会adjective | verb + session | session + verb | preposition adjective➤inaugural, opening就职大会;大会开幕式▸➤closing, final, last大会闭幕式;最后一次会议▸➤current本次会议▸➤joint联席会议▸➤open, public (especially bre) 公开会议▸➤closed, closed-door, private秘密会议◆the board met in closed session.董事会举行了秘密会议。➤emergency, extraordinary, special紧急会议;特别会议▸➤full, plenary全体会议◆a full session of the peace talks和谈的一次全体会议◆a plenary session of the committee委员会全体会议➤follow-up后续会议◆a follow-up session was held a month after the initial meeting.初次会议之后又召开了一次后续会议。➤congressional, parliamentary国会/议会会议➤legislative (especially name) 立法会议➤executive (name) 政务会议◆the council met in executive session for the purpose of selecting a new general secretary.地方议会举行政务会议选举新秘书长。verb + session➤hold举行会议▸➤attend出席会议▸➤boycott抵制会议▸➤address在会议上发言◆the president addressed a closed session of congress.总统在国会的一次秘密会议上作了发言。➤call (especially name) 召开会议◆the governor called a special session of the legislature.州长召开了特别立法会。session + verb➤convene, take place会议召开/举行▸➤begin, open会议开始/开幕▸➤close, end会议闭幕/结束▸➤agree sth会议同意⋯▸➤call for sth会议呼吁⋯preposition➤at a/the session在会上◆the statute was approved at the 1985 session of the texas legislature.此项法令在得克萨斯州 1985 年的立法会上通过。➤in a/the session在会上◆in the opening session在开幕式上➤in session在开庭◆the court is now in session.法庭现在开庭。session noun² 2time spent doing an activity活动的时间adjective | verb + session | session + verb | session + noun | preposition adjective➤lengthy, long冗长的/长时间的活动▸➤short短时活动➤30-minute, two-hour, etc. * 30 分钟、两个小时等的活动➤all-day, all-night, late-night全天的/整夜的/深夜的活动➤early, late早上的/晚上的活动▸➤daily, regular, weekly, etc.每日的、经常的、每周的等活动▸➤bargaining, negotiating交涉/谈判阶段➤briefing, question-and-answer情况简介会;问答时间➤brainstorming集体讨论会➤breakout (especially name) 分组会议▸➤coaching, practice, training, tutoring (especially name) 指导时间;练习时间;训练课;辅导课➤one-to-one一对一辅导课◆i had a one-to-one session with one of the instructors at the gym.我在健身房跟一位教练上了堂一对一的辅导课。➤counselling/counseling, therapy咨询/治疗时间➤drop-in (bre) 开放时间◆the case worker will talk to refugees at drop-in sessions and by appointment.社工将与难民在接访和预约时间进行谈话。◆women who need a test can visit one of the drop-in sessions for help and advice.需要检查的妇女可以在接访时段前来求助和咨询。➤photo, photographic (especially bre) 拍照时间➤autograph(名人)签名时间▸➤jam, jazz, recording即兴演唱会;爵士乐演奏会;一场录音▸➤workout, yoga一次锻炼;瑜伽课▸➤drinking (especially bre) 喝一回酒◆the man fell in the canal after a heavy drinking session.那个人因饮酒过量跌进了运河。verb + session➤do, have, offer (sb), organize, provide (sb with), run进行活动;(为某人)提供活动项目;组织活动;举办活动◆the college runs training sessions every afternoon.这所大学每天下午都举办培训活动。➤schedule安排活动◆both sessions are scheduled for 10 o'clock.两项活动都定在 10 点钟。➤attend参加活动➤miss错过活动➤begin, start开始活动➤end, finish结束/终止活动◆she had to abruptly end her session with a newspaper editor when they received word of the attacks.得知袭击的消息,她只得匆忙结束了和一位报纸编辑的谈话。session + verb➤take place活动发生➤last活动持续◆each session lasted approximately 15 minutes.每项活动都持续约 15 分钟。session + noun➤guitarist, musician, singer (especially bre) , etc.为录制节目伴奏的吉他手、录音乐师、录音时伴唱的歌手等preposition➤session on⋯方面的活动◆a session on remedial reading阅读补习课 session /seʃn/ noun [countable] 1. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) (also trading session) a period of trading on the stock exchange, usually from when it opens to when it closes on a particular day 交易时段;交易日◆a session of heavy trading 一个成交量巨大的交易日◆the ftse 100 fell for a third consecutive session. 富时 100 指数在三个交易日中连续下跌。◆the stock hit a session high (= the highest price reached during that particular period). 那支股票创下当日最高价。2.a period of time that is spent doing a particular activity 一段时间;一场;一节◆a training session run by the it department 信息技术部门举办的一节培训课程◆the course is made up of 12 two-hour sessions. 这门课包括 12 堂课,每次堂课两小时。◆a brainstorming session 一场头脑风暴讨论会3.a formal meeting or series of meetings 会议;会期◆in an extraordinary session (= an unexpected or emergency meeting) of the board, the directors approved the new appointments. 在一次董事会特别会议上,董事们批准了对这些新人的任命。◆the court is now in session. 法庭现在开庭。 bull session ☞ sessionsession [countable] a period of time that is spent doing a particular activity一场;一节;一段时间◆a photo / recording / training session一段接受拍照的时间;一场录音;一堂训练课◆your presentation will be part of the morning session.你将安排在上午的课里做简报。◆the programme is made up of 12 two-hour sessions.这门课总共 12 节,每节两小时。session [countable] a formal meeting or series of meetings of a court, parliament, etc.; a period of time when such meetings are held(法庭的)开庭,开庭期;(议会等的)会议,会期◆a session of the un general assembly一届联合国大会◆the court is now in session.法庭现在正在开庭。◆the committee met in closed session (= with nobody else present).委员会举行了闭门会议。session/ˈseʃn ||; ˈsɛʃən/noun1. [c] a period of doing a particular activity (从事某活动的)一段时间: ◇the whole tape was recorded in one session. 整卷录音带都是在一节时间内录成的。◇she has a session at the gym every week. 她每星期去健身房做一回运动。 2. [c,u] a formal meeting or series of meetings of a court of law, parliament, etc (法庭的)开庭;(议会等的)会议 sessionsee ⇨ class 2 ses·sion /`sɛʃən; ˈseʃən/n [c] 1. a period of time used for a particular purpose, especially by a group of people [一组人从事某项活动的]一段时间:◇a question-and-answer session 问答时间 2. a formal meeting, especially of a court of law or government organization [法院的]开庭; [政府机构的]会议:◇the state court is now in session. 州法院现正在开庭。




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