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单词 site
释义 site noun¹ 1piece of land where a building was/is/will be建筑用地adjective | verb + site | site + verb | site + noun | preposition adjective➤good, prime (especially bre) 好的地皮;黄金地段◆houses built on prime sites with stunning views在黄金地段上建造的风景迷人的房子➤designated, possible, potential, proposed, suitable指定用地;可能的选址;拟议中的选址;合适的选址◆some potential sites for the new business新厂的几个备选地址➤building, construction, development (especially bre) 建筑工地;施工工地▸➤demolition拆除现场➤derelict (bre) 废弃地块▸➤industrial, manufacturing工业用地;制造工厂➤commercial商业用地▸➤factory, hospital, school, etc. (especially bre) 厂址、医院院址、校址等▸➤protected受保护的地皮▸➤brownfield, greenfield (both bre) 棕色地带(待重新开发的城市用地);绿色开发区(待开发的城市用地)▸➤5-acre, 20-hectare, etc. * 5 英亩、20 公顷等的地皮verb + site➤allocate, choose, designate, earmark, select分配地皮;选址;指定地块◆the site is designated for housing.这块地定为房屋用地。◆the council has earmarked the site for possible redevelopment.委员会已经指定这一地块有可能重新进行开发。➤find, identify, locate, look for选址;确定地点▸➤acquire, buy, purchase获得用地;购买地皮◆a local company has recently acquired the site.最近一家地方企业得到了这块地。➤lease (especially bre) 租赁地皮◆the site was leased from another company.这块地是向另一家公司租赁的。◆the supermarket chain agreed to lease the site to a non-food retailer.这家连锁超市同意将该地块出租给一家非食品零售商。➤inspect视察用地▸➤clear, prepare清理用地;将地皮准备好◆the site is being cleared for development.这块地正在进行清理以用于开发。➤build on, develop在用地上建;开发地皮◆nothing can be built on this site.这块地上什么也建不了。➤occupy占用地皮◆the site is presently occupied by offices.目前这块地上盖满了办公楼。➤stand on位于⋯地块上◆the school stands on the site of an ancient settlement.学校建在一个古老的居民点上。site + verb➤belong to sb地皮属于某人site + noun➤manager, supervisor工地经理/监理➤owner用地所有人➤inspection工地视察preposition➤at a/the site在地皮上◆the factory will be built at a site to the north of the city.工厂会建在城北的一块地皮上。➤in a/the site处在⋯位置上◆the hotel is in a prime site overlooking the sea.宾馆俯瞰大海,地段绝佳。➤on (a/the) site在施工现场◆hard hats must be worn on site.在工地上必须戴安全帽。◆he was injured on a construction site.他在建筑工地上受了伤。site noun² 2place where sth happened or that is used for sth地点;场所adjective | verb + site adjective➤ancient, archaeological, historic, historical, prehistoric古代遗址;考古现场;历史遗址;史前遗址▸➤important重要的故址▸➤holy, sacred神圣场所➤sensitive敏感地点◆an extremely sensitive site of national importance对国家至关重要、极为敏感的地点➤remote偏远的地方▸➤accident, bomb, crash, disaster事故/爆炸/坠机/灾难现场▸➤civic-amenity, dump, landfill, waste-disposal城市垃圾处理场;垃圾场;垃圾填埋场◆the new civic-amenity sites will allow the recycling of 600 tons of material every year.新建成的城市垃圾处理场每年可回收利用 600 吨物资。◆a waste-disposal site on the edge of town城郊的垃圾处理场➤training训练场▸➤burial, grave墓地◆many of these ancient burial sites were destroyed in the last century.这些古墓地很多在上个世纪遭到了毁坏。➤excavation发掘现场▸➤landing, launch着陆场;发射场➤test试验场◆the test site for the atom bomb原子弹试验场➤camp (usually campsite) , camping, caravan (all bre) 露营地;野营地;旅行拖车停车场▸➤picnic (especially bre) 野餐地➤allotment (bre) (城镇居民租用的)小块菜地➤dive, wreck潜水场地;沉船地点◆gozo has some of the best dive sites in the mediterranean.戈佐岛上有几个地中海一带最好的潜水场。➤breeding, nest, nesting繁殖地;营巢地➤park-and-ride (bre) 转乘停车场(供住在郊区的通勤者先自己驾车至此再换乘公共交通工具进城)◆the park-and-ride site has been designed to reduce traffic congestion in central manchester.转乘停车场旨在缓解曼彻斯特中心区域的交通拥堵。verb + site➤visit视察现场◆the president is to visit the crash site later today.今天晚些时候总统将视察坠机现场。➤disturb, remove sth from, steal sth from扰乱现场;把⋯从现场挪走;把⋯从现场偷走◆penalties for disturbing ancient sites对扰乱古代遗址施加的处罚➤excavate挖掘现场site noun³ 3on the internet互联网  ➡ see also website adjective | verb + site | site + verb | site + noun | preposition adjective➤internet, online, web (usually website) , www因特网网站;互联网网站;网站◆online dating sites相亲网站➤official官方网站◆the official website of the new york yankees纽约扬基棒球队的官方网站➤personal个人网站◆i am redesigning my personal site this month.本月我正在重新设计自己的个人网站。➤free免费网站◆a free site devoted to tropical fish有关热带鱼的免费网站➤home主站点➤major主要网站◆major news sites主要新闻网站➤favourite/favorite最喜欢的网站➤informative, useful能提供有用信息的/有用的网站◆harvard law has a very useful and informative site.哈佛法学院的网站能提供许多有用的信息。➤interactive互动网站➤portal, search门户/搜索网站◆one of the major search sites主要搜索网站之一➤content内容网站◆entertainment content sites娱乐网站➤download下载网站◆a music download site音乐下载站点➤business, commercial, corporate, e-commerce企业/商业/公司/电子商务网站➤government政府网站➤auction, gambling, gaming, media, music, news, newspaper, review, shopping, travel拍卖/赌博/游戏/媒体/音乐/新闻/报纸/评论/购物/旅游网站◆online music review sites音乐评论网站➤blog, chat, community, dating, social-networking博客/聊天/社区/相亲/社交网站➤adult, porn (informal) , pornographic成人网站;色情网站➤fan粉丝网站◆a harry potter fan site哈利・波特迷网站➤hate诋毁网站◆he saw the photo on a right-wing hate site.他在一个右翼诋毁网站上看到了那张照片。➤destination目的网站➤linked链接网站➤mirror镜像网站➤sister姊妹站点◆you can go to epay music, a music-specific sister site to epay.你可以上 epay 音乐,那是个专门的音乐网站,是 epay 的姐妹网站。➤password-protected有密码保护的网站◆users log onto a password-protected internet site.使用者登录有密码保护的互联网站。verb + site➤access, check, check out (informal) , view, visit访问网站;查看网站;浏览网站➤browse, navigate, search, surf浏览网站;上网◆their site is easy to navigate.浏览他们的网站很方便。➤search for搜索网站➤crawl在网站上爬取信息◆the search engine crawls the site for relevant keywords.搜索引擎用相关关键词爬取到网站信息。➤find, identify找到/发现网站➤build, create, design, develop, set up创建网站;设计网站;开发网站➤maintain, operate, run维护/运行/管理网站➤update更新网站◆the official site is updated on a regular basis.这个官方网站定期更新。➤redesign重新设计网站▸➤host, own主办/拥有网站➤bookmark给网站加书签;收藏网站◆i have bookmarked your site for future reading.我已经收藏你的网站,便于进一步查阅。➤rank给网站排序◆search engines rank sites through a variety of methods.搜索引擎用各种方法给网站排序。➤block阻止网站◆the government tries to block foreign sites deemed subversive.政府试图阻止他们认为有破坏作用的国外网站。➤promote宣传网站site + verb➤be dedicated to sth, be devoted to sth网站专注于⋯◆a site devoted to health issues专注于健康问题的网站➤contain sth, feature sth, include sth网站包括⋯;网站以⋯为主◆the site contains information on local services.这一网站有本地的服务信息。➤offer sth网站提供⋯◆the site offers used equipment for sale.这一网站出售二手装备。➤link to sth网站链接到⋯◆the number of sites that link to your website与你的网站有链接的网站个数site + noun➤map网站地图◆a site map lists and links to all pages on your website.网站地图罗列出网站上所有页面的链接。➤design网站设计➤content网站内容➤link网站链接➤search网站搜索➤administrator, owner网站管理员/所有者➤visitor网站访问者➤designer网站设计者preposition➤at a/the site在网站◆at this site you'll find all the latest news and gossip.在这个网站你会找到所有最新的新闻和八卦消息。➤in a/the site在网站里◆check out the links in our home site.检测一下我们主站点上的链接。➤on a/the site在网上◆the software sells on the site for $29.95.这个软件在网上售价 29.95 美元。➤site about关于⋯的网站◆sites about japan关于日本的网站➤site for面向⋯的网站◆the most popular sites for children最受儿童欢迎的网站➤site on关于⋯的网站◆i'm searching for sites on aromatherapy.我正在搜索关于芳香疗法的网站。  ➡ topic at computer site /saɪt/ noun [countable] 1.a place where sth has been or will be built 场所;工地◆we are looking at potential sites for the new factory. 我们正在为新工厂物色厂址。◆hard hats must be worn on site. 在工地上必须戴上安全帽。⨁ a good / prime / suitable site良好的/优质的/适合的场地 ⨁ a possible / potential / proposed site可能的/可选用的/拟定的场地 ⨁ a brownfield / greenfield / protected site棕色地带(待重新开发的城市用地);绿色开发区;保护区 ⨁ a building / construction site建筑工地 2.a place where a particular type of work takes place 现场;发生地◆we will repair the machine on site if possible. 可能的话,我们将在现场维修机器。  ➡  see note at factory ⨁ a manufacturing / an industrial site生产基地;工业园区 3. (it 信息技术) a place on the internet where a company, an organization, etc. puts information 网站◆visit our site for details. 欲知详情,请到访我们的网站。  ➡  website ⨁ to access / browse / search / visit a site进入/浏览/搜索/访问网站 ⨁ to build / create / design / host / set up a site建立/创建/设计/托管/设立网站 anti-site ◇ destination site ◇ mirror site ◇ off-site ◇ on-site ◇ run of site site /saɪt/ verb [transitive] (often be sited) to build or place sth in a particular position 为…选址;决定…的场所◆the plant will be sited as close as possible to the port. 这家工厂的厂址将选在离港口尽可能近的地方。☞ site☞ sitesite [countable] the place where sth, especially a building, is or will be situated; a place where sth happened or that is used for a particular purpose(建筑物的)位置;建筑工地;(事件发生的)现场;场所◆we visited the site of a 16th century abbey.我们参观了一座 16 世纪大教堂的旧址。◆all the materials are on site so that work can start immediately.所有材料都已运抵工地,可以立即开工。◆ (bre) a building site建筑工地◆ (name, bre) a construction site建筑工地◆this was the site of a great battle.这里曾打过一场大战。◆they say it's an ancient burial site.他们说那里古时候是个坟场。◆a camp / camping / caravan site营地;野营地;旅行拖车停车点◆the kids used to play on an old bomb site (= a place that had been bombed in the past).孩子们过去经常在轰炸后的废墟上玩耍。 ➡ see also site → base verb site/saɪt ||; saɪt/noun[c] 1. a piece of land where a building was, is or will be situated 建筑物等的所在地;遗址;工地: ◇a building/construction site 建筑工地◇the company is looking for a site for its new offices. 公司正在物色建新办公室的地点。 2. a place where sth has happened or that is used for sth 现场;场地: ◇the site of a famous battle 一次著名战役的战场 3. (computing计算机技术) a place on the internet where a company, an organization, a university, etc puts information (公司、组织、大学等发布信息的)网站 ☞look at website. 参看website。 site verb [t] (written 书面语) ◇they met to discuss the siting of the new school. 他们开会讨论了新学校选址的事。 sitesee ⇨ place 1     • • •• ⇨ web site☞ site¹☞ site²




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