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单词 separation
释义 separation noun¹ 1being apart分开adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, total完全的/彻底的分离▸➤clear, rigid, strict清楚的分隔;严格的分离▸➤long长期的分离◆she is visiting her family after a long separation.她回家探望久别的家人。➤physical, spatial实体上/空间上的分离➤constitutional宪法规定的分离◆the constitutional separation of church and state宪法规定的政教分离preposition➤separation between⋯之间的分离◆the clear separation of powers between the executive and the legislature行政和立法之间明确的权力分立➤separation from与⋯的分离◆the separation of children from their parents during the war战争时期孩子与父母的离散phrases➤separation anxiety (= fear that a child feels when separated from its parents) 分离焦虑症◆a common example of separation anxiety occurs when children are left at day care.分离焦虑症常见的例子出现在孩子被留在托儿所的时候。➤separation of powers三权分立制度◆the constitutional principle of separation of powers三权分立的立宪原则separation noun² 2when a married couple lives apart分居adjective | separation + noun | preposition adjective➤formal, judicial, legal正式/法定/合法分居▸➤trial实验性分居▸➤parental (especially name) 父母分居separation + noun➤agreement (especially name) 分居协议preposition➤separation between⋯之间的分居◆the separation between mary and her husband玛丽和丈夫的分居➤separation from与⋯的分居◆the separation from his wife他与妻子的分居 separation /sepəreɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] (name) (hr 人力资源) when sb stops working for a company either because they retire or because they lose their job 退职;离职◆most of the job losses will be through voluntary separation. 大多数职位削减都将是自愿离职的。◆ms parks received a $4 million separation package. 帕克斯女士得到了 400 万元的离职补偿金。☞ separationseparation [uncountable, singular] the act of separating people or things; the state of being separate分开;分割;分离◆many years passed before the state's eventual separation from the federation.过了许多年那个州才最终脱离了联邦。◆he argued for the need for a clear separation between church and state.他据理力争政教彻底分离的必要性。 ➡ see also separate → separate verb 1 2 , separate → disperse separationnoun [countable, uncountable] ◆a legal separation合法分居◆she would not consider separation or divorce.她不会考虑分居或离婚。separationnoun [countable, uncountable] ◆a legal separation合法分居◆she would not consider separation or divorce.她不会考虑分居或离婚。separation/ˌsepəˈreɪʃn ||; ˌsɛpəˈreʃən/noun1. [c,u] the action of separating or being separated; a situation or period of being apart 分离,分开(的期间) 2. [c] an agreement where a couple decide not to live together any more (夫妻或伴侣的)分居: ◇a trial separation 尝试性的分居 separationsee ⇨ separate 7 sep·a·ra·tion /ˏsɛpə`reʃən; ˌsepəˈreɪʃən/n 1. [u] the act of separating or the state of being separate 分离,分开:◇the separation of powers between congress and the president 国会和总统的权力分立 2. [c,u] a period of time when people live apart from each other 分离,分居,分开的期间:◇separation from their parents is very hard on children. 孩子和父母亲分离是很艰难的。 3. [c] a legal agreement between a husband and wife to live apart from each other[夫妻之间的]分居




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