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单词 reminder
释义 reminder nounadjective | verb + reminder | reminder + noun | preposition adjective➤good, potent, powerful, strong好的提示;强力提醒;强有力的提示➤lasting, permanent长久的提示;永久的提醒➤constant, continual, daily不断/频频/每天提醒➤further进一步的提示➤graphic, sharp, stark, vivid栩栩如生的/鲜明的/直率的/生动的提示➤visible, visual看得见的提示➤physical, tangible有形的提示➤chilling, grim, harsh, painful令人心寒的提醒;严酷的提示;令人痛苦的提示➤poignant, sad, sobering尖锐的提醒;可悲的提醒;令人清醒的提示➤salutary (especially bre) 有益的提醒➤timely适时的提示◆this is a timely reminder of the importance of the retail sector to our economy.这适时提醒了人们零售业对于我们经济的重要性。➤important重要的提示➤gentle, little, quick, subtle和婉的提醒;小小的提示;简短的提示;巧妙的提醒➤friendly友好的提示➤final最后的通知◆it always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付她的那份房租。◆she received a final reminder for £60.88.她收到了最后一份催缴单,上面标明的金额是 60.88 英镑。➤helpful, useful有用的提示◆the list serves as a useful reminder of the issues to consider.这个单子列出了应该考虑的问题,相当有用。➤welcome受欢迎的提示➤email电子邮件提示◆we will send email reminders to committee members.我们将给委员会成员发电子邮件提示。verb + reminder➤act as, be, offer, provide, serve as作为提示;是提示;提供提示;当作提示◆the ruined church acts as a constant reminder of the war.这座被毁的教堂使人们时刻铭记那场战争。➤become成为提示(物)➤give sb, issue, send (sb), send out给某人提示;(给某人)发出提醒◆she gave him a gentle reminder that payment was due.她和婉地提醒他该付款了。➤get, have, receive得到提示;接到提醒◆you can get email reminders every week.你每周可以收到电子邮件提示。➤need需要提示reminder + noun➤letter, note, postcard (name) 提示信件/便条/明信片➤system提示系统preposition➤reminder about关于⋯的提醒◆we were sent a reminder about the next meeting.我们收到了关于下次会议的通知。➤reminder of⋯的提醒◆it was a cruel and tragic reminder of how dangerous mountaineering can be.这是以残酷而悲惨的方式向人们提醒登山运动会有多危险。➤reminder to对⋯的提醒◆a timely reminder to people that leaving their doors open is an invitation to thieves给人们的一个及时的提醒,即不锁门等于引贼入室 reminder /rɪmaɪndə(r)/ noun [countable] a letter or note informing sb that they have not done sth such as paying a bill (告知该做某事的)通知单,提示信◆if an invoice is not paid within seven days, a reminder will be sent. 如果七天内没付票款,将收到提示信。◆a reminder email/invoice/letter 提示电子邮件;催款发票;提示信☞ reminderreminder/rɪˈmaɪndə(r) ||; rɪˈmaɪndɚ/noun [c] something that makes you remember sth 提醒者;提醒物;催告函: ◇we received a reminder that we hadn't paid the electricity bill. 我们收到一张催缴单,说我们还没有缴电费。 remindersee ⇨ remind/make sb remember 1     • • •• ⇨ be a reminder re·mind·er /rɪ`maɪndə; rɪˈmaɪndə/n [c]something that makes you notice or remember something else 起提醒作用的东西,唤醒人记忆之物:◇+ of the photos were a painful reminder of his first wife. 这些照片让他痛苦地想起他的第一任妻子。




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