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单词 television/radio
释义 television/radio1 television2 radio3 when a programme is broadcast on television or radio4 a television or radio programme5 a television or radio programme that is shown again6 an organization that broadcasts programmes7 to present a television or radio programme8 someone who presents a television or radio programme9 someone who watches television or listens to the radiorelated wordspart of a television show 电视节目的一部分 part (3),see alsoactor/actress,news,switch on or off,advertising,film/movie,1. television 电视 television also tv informal /ˈtelɪvɪʒən, ˈteləvɪʒən, ˌtelə̇ˈvɪʒən, ˌtiː ˈviː/ [uncountable noun] the system of broadcasting pictures and sound, or the programmes that are broadcast in this way 电视;电视节目 television brings events like the olympic games into millions of homes. 电视把奥运会这样的盛事带入千家万户。 the educational uses of television 电视的教育功能watch television/tv nearly 80% of children watch tv after school. 差不多有80%的儿童放学后看电视。 people who watch a lot of television are more likely to be heavy. 经常看电视的人更有可能发胖。on television/tv kids have to learn that toys they see advertised on tv might not be as much fun as they look. 要让孩子们知道,他们在电视广告中看到的玩具可能不像看起来那么好玩。television/tv programme/show/series etc american television news programs are getting worse and worse. 美国的电视新闻节目越来越糟了。 a description of the fall season's new tv shows 秋季电视新节目介绍 television/tv also television/tv set formal [countable noun] the box-shaped thing with a glass screen on which you watch programmes 电视机 a wide-screen tv 宽屏幕电视机 he was sitting on the floor in front of the television. 他坐在电视机前的地板上。 we need to buy a new tv set. 我们需要买台新电视机。 telly /ˈteli/ [singular/uncountable noun] british spoken the programmes that are broadcast on television or your television set 【英口】电视[节目] it's true, i saw it on some show on the telly. 是真的,我在某个电视节目上看到的。watch (the) telly you can watch telly after you've done your homework. 你做完家庭作业后就可以看电视了。on telly is there anything good on telly tonight? 今晚有什么好看的电视节目吗? telly [countable noun] a television set 电视机 we've just bought a new telly. 我们刚买了台新电视机。 the box british informal /the tube american informal /ðə ˈbɒksǁ-ˈbɑːks, ðə ˈtjuːbǁ-ˈtuːb/ [singular noun] use this to talk about programmes on television or people's television sets 电视[节目];电视机 the hours spent in front of the tube mean that children aren't participating in other forms of entertainment. 在电视机前花掉许多时间意味着孩子们没有参加其他的娱乐活动。on the box/tube what's on the box? 电视上在播什么呢? the small screen /ðə ˈsmɔːl ˌskriːn/ [singular noun] television - use this especially when you are comparing television to films 电视[尤用于与电影比较时] i had seen the movie before, but it didn't look as good on the small screen. 我以前看过这电影,但在电视上看效果并不怎么好。 it's one of the best shows ever seen on the small screen. 那是电视上看到过的最好的节目之一。2. radio 无线电广播 radio /ˈreɪdiəʊ/ [uncountable noun] the system of broadcasting sound, or the programmes that are broadcast in this way 无线电广播;广播节目 the story was written specially for radio. 这个故事是专为无线电广播而写的。listen to the radio in the evening i usually watch tv or listen to the radio. 晚上我一般看看电视或听听广播。on the radio i've often heard that song on the radio, but i can't think what it's called. 我常在电台里听到那首歌,但想不起歌名叫什么。radio programme/show/series etc madden has a daily radio show on ksfo. 马登在ksfo电台每天都有一档广播节目。talk radio radio programmes during which people call in to discuss a particular issue 听众来电谈话节目 rush limbaugh is one of the biggest names in talk radio. 拉什·林博是电台谈话节目的最有声望的主持人之一。 radio [countable noun] the piece of electronic equipment that you listen to 收音机 do you have a radio in your car? 你的汽车里有收音机吗?3. when a programme is broadcast on television or radio 节目在电视或广播上播出 be on /biː ˈɒn/ [verb phrase] if a programme is on, it is being broadcast and you can watch it on television or listen to it on the radio [节目]正在播放 the breakfast show's on between 8 and 10 in the morning. 上午8到10点播出早餐节目。 you shouldn't call him while the football's on. 正在播足球赛的时候你不要给他打电话。be on television/tv/the radio there's a good concert on the radio this evening. 今天晚上电台将播出一场精彩的音乐会。 what's on tv tonight? 今晚电视里播什么节目? show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb] if a television company shows a particular programme, it makes the programme available for people to watch [在电视上]播出,放映[节目] highlights of the game will be shown on channel 5. 这场比赛的精彩镜头将在第五频道播出。 they're showing ‘dangerous liaisons’ on saturday night. 周六晚电视上会播映《危险关系》。 should commercials be shown during children's programming? 播放儿童节目时应该插播广告吗? broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːstǁ-kæst/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if a television or radio company broadcasts a programme, they send it out so that people can watch it on television or listen to it on the radio 播出;广播[电视或广播节目] the funeral was broadcast to the whole nation. 这场葬礼向全国转播。 radio wxlm broadcasts on 98.2 fm. wxlm电台在调频98.2兆赫广播。be broadcast live when an event is shown at the same time that it is happening 实况转播,现场直播 the whole race will be broadcast live from monza. 整个比赛过程将在蒙扎进行实况转播。 broadcasting [uncountable noun] meyer had no broadcasting experience when he created midwest television. 迈耶在创建中西部电视台时并没有广播经验。 televise /ˈtelɪvaɪz, ˈteləvaɪz/ [transitive verb] to show a particular event, speech, discussion etc on television 用电视播放[事件、演讲或讨论等] this year's championships are not going to be televised at all. 今年的锦标赛将完全不作电视转播。 the mayor plans to televise council meetings on cable channels. 市长打算在有线电视频道上转播政务委员会会议。 a nationally televised speech 一场向全国转播的演讲 screen /skriːn/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to show a programme or film on television - used especially in newspapers or in the television industry [在电视上]放映[节目或电影;尤用于报纸或电视行业中] ‘border war’ is to be screened by channel four later on in the week. 《边境的战争》将于本周稍后时间在第四频道播映。 the film was under attack before it was even screened. 这部电影尚未播映就已受到抨击。 be on the air /biː ɒn ði ˈeəʳ/ [verb phrase] if a programme is on the air, it is being broadcast at that time, often at the same time that it is happening [节目]正在播出 someone called in while the programme was still on the air and identified the killer. 这个节目还在播放时,有人打电话进来说认出了凶手。 winfrey revealed on the air that she had been sexually abused as a child. 温弗里在广播中透露她小时候受到过性侵犯。 the show was on the air for five years it was broadcast at a regular time for five years. 这个节目已经播了五年了。4. a television or radio programme 电视或广播节目 programme british /program american /ˈprəʊgræm/ [countable noun] a play, news report, performance etc that is broadcast on television or the radio at a particular time, often regularly [常指定期播出的]广播节目;电视节目 it's one of my favourite programs. 它是我最喜欢的节目之一。programme about did you see that programme about cricket on tv last night? 昨晚你看了那个介绍板球运动的电视节目了吗?tv/television/radio programme when couples argue over which tv program to watch, the husband usually wins. 每当夫妻对看什么电视节目发生争执时,通常都是丈夫赢。news/comedy/documentary etc programme a daily news programme aimed at teenagers 一个以青少年为对象的每日新闻节目 show /ʃəʊ/ [countable noun] a television or radio programme, especially one that is entertaining or funny rather than a news or discussion programme [电视或广播中的]演出;节目;娱乐节目 i try and tape the shows i don't want to miss. 我会设法把不想错过的节目录下来。game/talk/quiz etc show ‘who wants to be a millionaire?’ is one of the most successful game shows ever. 《谁想做百万富翁》是有史以来最为成功的节目之一。tv/television/radio show spelling continues to produce hit television shows. 斯佩林继续制作出极为成功的电视节目。 broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːstǁ-kæst/ [countable noun] formal something that is broadcast on the radio or on television, especially a speech, discussion, or news programme 【正式】广播节目[尤指演讲、讨论或新闻节目] the government has banned all broadcasts by opposition groups. 政府禁止了所有反对派的广播节目。tv/television/radio broadcast in a nationwide tv broadcast, the prime minister explained why he was resigning. 在一次全国性的电视广播节目中,首相对自己为何辞职作了解释。live broadcast a programme being broadcast at the same time as it is happening 直播节目 the exciting thing about the show is that it's a live broadcast and anything can happen. 这个节目紧张刺激之处在于它是现场直播的,任何意外的事都可能发生。 sitcom /ˈsɪtkɒmǁ-kɑːm/ [countable noun] an amusing programme in which there is a different story each week about the same group of people [每周播出一集的]连续单元喜剧,情景喜剧 several family-oriented sitcoms are on in the early evening. 傍晚时候有几套适合一家大小收看的情景喜剧在播出。 the popular british sitcom ‘one foot in the grave’ will finish this year. 广受欢迎的英国情景喜剧《一只脚已踏进坟墓》今年将播完。 soap opera/soap /ˈsəʊp ˌɒpərəǁ-ˌɑː-, səʊp/ [countable noun] a television or radio story about a group of people and their lives, which is broadcast regularly for many years 肥皂剧 american evening soap operas tend to be about the rich, while british soaps follow the lives of ordinary people. 美国晚间播出的肥皂剧大多是讲有钱人,而英国的肥皂剧则反映普通人的生活。 documentary /ˌdɒkjɑˈmentəri◂ǁˌdɑːk-/ [countable noun] a programme that gives you facts and information about a serious subject, such as history, science, or social problems 纪录片,纪实片 the documentary explores the success of a jewish sect intent on keeping ancient traditions alive. 这部纪实片对一个成功地保存古代传统的犹太教派进行了探索。a tv/television documentary he made a tv documentary about the flower children of the sixties. 他制作了一部讲述60年代花童的电视纪录片。fly-on-the-wall documentary one that shows the daily lives of people in detail, and that is made in a way that makes them forget they are being filmed 隐蔽拍摄的纪实片 a fly-on-the-wall documentary about teenage pregnancy 一部隐蔽拍摄的反映青少年怀孕问题的纪实片5. a television or radio programme that is shown again 重播的电视或广播节目 rerun/repeat /ˈriːrʌn, rɪˈpiːt/ [countable noun] a television or radio programme that is shown again at a later time or date 重播,重放 at this time of year, most of the primetime shows are reruns. 一年中的这个时候,大部分黄金时间播放的节目都是重播的。 i'm not bothered about watching it tonight - it's a repeat of one i've already seen. 今晚我才不要看这个节目呢—它是我已经看过的一个节目的重播。 replay also instant replay american /ˈriːpleɪ, ˌɪnstənt ˈriːpleɪ/ [countable/uncountable noun] a short part of a television programme, especially during a broadcast of a sporting event, that is shown again, often at a slower speed, so that people watching can see exactly what happened [电视上尤其在体育比赛时的]重播;[即时]回放[常以较慢的速度播放] television commentators often use the replays to criticize the officials. 电视台的评论员常利用重播的镜头批评裁判员。 the television cameras captured the violence and played it again in instant replay. 电视摄像机捕捉到了那个暴力场面,并即时重播。6. an organization that broadcasts programmes 播出电视或广播节目的机构 station /ˈsteɪʃən/ [countable noun] a company or organization that broadcasts television or radio programmes 电视台;广播电台 what station are you listening to? 你在听哪个电台?television/tv/radio station a reporter from a local television station was sent to interview shaw. 当地电视台的一名记者被派去采访肖。 buck was sports director at radio station kmox in st. louis. 巴克是圣路易斯的圣路易斯之声电台的体育节目总监。 channel /ˈtʃænl/ [countable noun] a particular set of programmes that is broadcast by one television company; there are usually several different channels, and you can choose which one you want to watch 电视频道 the final episode will be shown on channel 4 tonight. 最后一集将于今晚在第四频道播出。switch/change channels a lot of people switch channels during the commercials. 许多人在播广告时转换频道。sports/nature/kids’ etc channel a channel that mainly shows sports, programmes about nature, programmes for children etc 体育/自然/儿童等频道 the sports channel on satellite tv 卫星电视的体育频道 network /ˈnetwɜːʳk/ [countable noun] a group of television or radio stations owned by the same company, which broadcasts the same programmes in different parts of a country 电视网;广播网 the series is sponsored by ford and will be shown over the abc network. 这个系列节目是由福特公司赞助的,将通过美国广播公司的电视网播出。 the rankings list the programs and the network they are shown on. 这个排名表上列出了各个节目以及播出的电视网。 cable news network shows 24 hours of news. 有线新闻网24小时播出新闻。 the media/the mass media /ðə ˈmiːdiə, ðə ˌmæs ˈmiːdiə/ [] all the people and organizations that provide information for the public, including television, radio, and the newspapers 大众传播媒介;新闻媒体 much of what children learn comes directly from the mass media. 孩子们学到的东西大部分直接来自大众传播媒介。 the film has received enormous attention in the media. 这部影片受到了媒体的极大关注。 there can be little doubt that in this country the media is very biased. 毫无疑问,这个国家的新闻媒体是很有偏见的。7. to present a television or radio programme 主持电视或广播节目 present /prɪˈzent/ [transitive verb] especially british if someone presents a programme on television or the radio, they talk about what the programme will be about, tell you about what is happening, introduce the other people in it etc 【尤英】主持[电视或广播节目] he was lucky enough to get a job presenting ‘blue peter.’ 他很幸运得到了一份主持《蓝彼得》的工作。 smiley presents ‘changing rooms,’ the popular home decorating programme. 斯迈利是广受欢迎的家居装修节目《交换房间》的主持。 host /həʊst/ [transitive verb] if someone hosts a television or radio show, they introduce the other people in it, talk about what is happening etc - use this especially about shows in which people talk to each other and programmes in which there are a lot of short reports 主持[尤指谈话节目和包含许多简短报道的节目] smith hosts a sports show on a local radio station. 史密斯在当地一家电台主持体育节目。 the show, hosted by journalist robert elms, features movie stars and singers. 由新闻记者罗伯特·埃尔姆斯主持的这个节目专门报道电影明星和歌星的消息。 introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːsǁ-ˈduːs/ [transitive verb] to speak at the beginning of a television or radio programme in order to tell people what it is about and who is in it 介绍[电视或广播节目];作开场白 and now here is harvey wolfsheim to introduce the show. 现在由哈维·沃尔夫谢姆来介绍这个节目。 the concert will be introduced by richard baker, who will describe the music we are going to hear. 这场音乐会将由理查德·贝克作开场白,对我们要听到的曲子作讲解。8. someone who presents a television or radio programme 主持电视或广播节目的人 presenter /prɪˈzentəʳ/ [countable noun] british someone on a television or radio programme who tells you what the programme will be about, and introduces the other people in it 【英】[电视台或电台的]主持人 the presenter read the news headlines. 主持人读出新闻摘要。 libby purves, the radio presenter, has also written several novels. 电台主持人莉比·珀维斯还写了几本小说。 announcer /əˈnaʊnsəʳ/ [countable noun] american someone on a television or radio programme who tells you what the programme will be about, or who tells you about a sports game as it is happening 【美】[电视台或电台的]主持人,广播员 the announcer said that the contestants had been chosen at random. 主持人说参赛者是随机挑选出来的。 scully was the radio announcer for the los angeles dodgers’ games before moving to network television. 斯库利在转到网络电视工作之前是洛杉矶道奇队比赛的电台主持人。 host /həʊst/ [countable noun] someone who introduces the people on a show and who talks to people or about reports or scenes included in the programme - use this especially about talk shows, game shows, or quiz shows 主持人[尤用于谈话、游戏或问答节目] minelli was the host for the two-hour awards program. 米内利是那个长两小时的颁奖节目的主持人。 jay leno, the host of the ‘tonight’ show 杰伊·莱诺,《今晚》节目的主持人 newsreader british /anchor/newscaster american /ˈnjuːzˌriːdəʳǁˈnuːz-, ˈæŋkəʳ, ˈnjuːzˌkɑːstəʳǁˈnuːzˌkæs-/ [countable noun] someone who reads the news on tv or radio, and introduces news reports [电视台或电台的]新闻播音员 lehrer is the respected anchor of the news hour. 莱勒是主持《新闻时间》节目的受人尊敬的播音员。 john humphrys became a top bbc foreign correspondent, newsreader, and co-presenter of radio 4's today programme. 约翰·汉弗莱斯成为英国广播公司最优秀的外国记者、新闻广播员,以及电台四台的《今日》节目其中一位主持人。 wilson is retiring after 20 years as a newscaster at channel 7. 威尔逊在第七频道当了20年的新闻播音员后要退休了。 interviewer /ˈɪntəʳvjuːəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who asks a famous person questions on television, for example about their personal experiences, political opinions etc [在电视节目中访问名人的]采访者,采访人 paxman is seen as a tough interviewer who rarely lets politicians off the hook. 帕克斯曼被认为是一位强硬的采访者,他绝少让政客在回答问题时轻易脱身。 my most shocking moment as an interviewer was when a movie star came on drunk and threatened to hit my other guests. 我的访问经历中最令人震惊的一刻,是一位电影明星喝醉了酒上来并且威胁要殴打其他嘉宾。 anchor /ˈæŋkəʳ/ [countable noun] the main person who reads the news on a television news programme [电视新闻节目的]播音员,主持人 he was the anchor for the bbc's nine o'clock news for over 10 years. 他为英国广播公司的9点钟新闻当播音员有十年多了。 commentator /ˈkɒmənteɪtəʳǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun] someone on television or radio who describes an event as it is happening, especially a sports game [尤指体育比赛的]评论员,实况解说员 parcells, the former new york giants coach, later became a sports commentator on television. 纽约巨人队的前教练帕斯尔斯后来成了电视台的体育比赛评论员。 dj/deejay /ˌdiː ˈdʒeɪ◂/ [countable noun] someone who plays records and talks to people on a music programme on the radio [电台的]唱片骑师,音乐节目主持人 wolfman jack was a famous deejay in the 1960s. 沃尔夫曼·杰克是60年代的一位著名唱片骑师。 dj barry scott hosts an oldies program on wzlx. 唱片骑师巴里·斯科特在wzlx电台主持一个老歌节目。 vj/veejay /ˌviː ˈdʒeɪ◂/ [countable noun] someone who introduces music videos on television [电视台的]音乐节目主持人 hunter is a former mtv veejay. 亨特以前是一位电视音乐节目主持人。 9. someone who watches television or listens to the radio 看电视或听收音机的人 viewer /ˈvjuːəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who watches television - used especially by people in the television business 电视观众[尤为电视行业工作者使用] a programme that appeals to younger viewers 一个受年轻电视观众喜爱的节目 some shows are cancelled before they get a chance to attract any viewers. 有些节目还未有机会吸引观众收看就被取消了。 the networks have lost a substantial number of viewers to cable and video rentals. 该电视网被有线电视和录像租借公司夺去了大量观众。 listener /ˈlɪsənəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who listens to the radio - used especially by people in the radio business 电台听众[尤为广播业工作者使用] kcea, a big-band radio station, relies on money from its listeners to keep running. 播放大乐队音乐的kcea电台依靠听众的钱来维持运作。 the station was flooded with calls from listeners after the show. 节目播出后,电台接到大量听众打来的电话。 audience /ˈɔːdiənsǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [countable noun] all the people who watch or listen to a particular programme 【非正式】[某一节目的]观众;听众 mtv's core audience is 18 to 24 year olds. 音乐电视节目的核心观众是18到24岁的人。 the program has an estimated audience of 5 million households. 该节目的观众估计有500万户家庭。 couch potato /ˈkaʊtʃ pəˌteɪtəʊ/ [countable noun] informal someone who watches too much television, and does not do other things 【非正式】一直坐着看电视的人,终日泡在电视机前的人 older adults who exercise are mentally sharper than their couch potato peers. 与终日看电视的同龄人相比,有锻炼习惯的老人思维更敏捷。 use your free time creatively to show children there is more to life than being a couch potato. 把闲暇时间利用得丰富多彩,使孩子们看到生活中有许多的事可做,不要做一个终日泡在电视机前的人。




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