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单词 seduce
释义 seduce /sɪdjuːs; name sɪduːs/ [transitive] (written) to persuade sb to do sth that they would not usually agree to do by making it seem very attractive诱骗;唆使◆the promise of huge profits seduced him into parting with his money.高额利润的许诺诱使他把钱交了出来。▸ seduction /sɪdʌkʃn/ noun [countable, usually plural, uncountable] ◆who could resist the seductions of a tropical island?谁能抵挡热带海岛的吸引力呢?◆the seduction of fame成名的诱惑note 辨析 lure or seduce?you can lure sb into a place or seduce sb into doing sth but not the other way round.可以说 lure sb into a place 或 seduce sb into doing sth,但反过来说不行◆the child was seduced into a car. ◆he was lured into parting with his money. both of these words are frequently used in the passive in business journalism.在商业新闻中,这两个词均常用被动形式◆operators are lured / seduced by the price of cheap oil.经营者被低廉的油价所吸引。seduce/sɪˈdju:s; us -ˈdu:s ||; sɪˈdus/verb[t] 1. seduce sb (into sth/doing sth) to persuade sb to do sth he/she would not usually agree to do 引诱;唆使: ◇special offers seduce customers into spending their money. 优惠价格会吸引顾客花钱。 2. to persuade sb to have sex with you 诱奸 ➔seduction /sɪˈdʌkʃn ||; sɪˈdʌkʃən/ noun [c,u] seducesee ⇨ attract/attraction 1 ⇨ sex 5 se·duce /sɪ`djus; sɪˈdjuːs/v [t]to persuade someone to have sex with you, especially someone younger or with less experience than you 诱奸,勾引




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