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单词 honestly
释义 honestlyadverb◆i didn't tell anyone, honestly!真的!我没告诉过任何人。◆i honestly can't remember a thing about last night.我实在想不起来昨晚的事了。honestlyadverb◆i didn't tell anyone, honestly!真的!我没告诉过任何人。◆i honestly can't remember a thing about last night.我实在想不起来昨晚的事了。honestly/ˈɒnɪstli ||; ˈɑnɪstlɪ/adv1. in an honest way 诚实地: ◇he tried to answer the lawyer's questions honestly. 他试图老老实实地回答律师的问题。 2. used for emphasizing that what you are saying is true (用于强调说的是实话): ◇i honestly don't know where she has gone. 我真的不知道她去了哪儿。 3. used for expressing disapproval (用于表示不满): ◇honestly! what a mess! 哎!真是一团糟! honestlysee ⇨ true 6 hon·est·ly /`ɑnɪstlɪ; ˈɒnɪstli/adv 1. spoken used to say what you really think, or to emphasize that you are telling the truth 【口】 说实在; 实在地[用于表示你所说的是心里话或强调你所说的是事实]:◇i honestly don't know what's the best thing to do. 我真的不知道做什么才是最好的。 2. spoken used when you are surprised and annoyed 【口】 真是的[用于表示惊讶或生气]:◇well honestly! what an idiotic thing to say! 哎,真是的,这话说得多傻啊! 3. in an honest way 诚实地; 坦诚地:◇walters spoke honestly about her problems. 沃尔特斯坦诚地谈起了她的问题。




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