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单词 honey
释义 honey nounadjective | ... of honey | verb + honey | honey + noun | phrases adjective➤clear纯蜂蜜▸➤runny较稀的蜂蜜▸➤wild野生蜂蜜... of honey➤jar, pot一罐蜂蜜verb + honey➤make, produce酿蜜◆how do bees make honey?蜜蜂如何酿蜜?◆a jar of locally produced honey一罐当地酿造的蜂蜜➤gather采蜜◆to gather honey from the hive从蜂箱中采蜜➤spread (sth with)( 在⋯上 ) 涂抹蜂蜜◆he spread some honey on his bread.他在面包上抹了一些蜂蜜。honey + noun➤bee蜜蜂phrases➤as sweet as honey像蜜一样甜  ➡ topic at food honey /hʌni/ [countable] (especially name, informal, spoken) a way of addressing sb that you love or like very much亲爱的;宝贝儿◆have you seen my keys, honey?你见过我的钥匙吗,宝贝儿?honey/ˈhʌni ||; ˈhʌnɪ/noun [u]: 1. the sweet sticky substance that is made by bees and that people eat 蜂蜜 2. a word for ‘darling’, used especially in american english 亲爱的,宝贝(在美国尤为常用) hon·ey /`hʌnɪ; ˈhʌni/n [u] 1. a sweet substance made by bees, used as food 蜂蜜 2. spoken especially ame a name that you call someone you love 【口,尤美】亲爱的[用于称呼自己所爱的人]




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