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单词 overhang
释义 overhang noun /əʊvəhæŋ; name oʊvər-/ [countable, usually singular] (commerce 商业) (especially name) the state of being extra to what is required; the things that are extra 过剩(物);积压(物)◆attempts to reduce the overhang of unsold goods 减少滞销商品积压的尝试◆we have a massive stock overhang in children's wear. 我们的儿童服装有大量的库存积压。2. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) a large number of shares that have not been sold or which are held by an important shareholder, and which, if they were offered for sale all at the same time, would make prices fall 积压待发股票,悬货(未售出或由大股东持有的大量股票。如果这些股票同时出售,将使价格下降)◆the share overhang remains a worry for investors. 积压待发股票仍是投资者的心病。 debt overhang overhang verb /əʊvəhæŋ; name oʊvərh-/ [transitive] (overhung, overhung /-hʌŋ/) to have an influence and a negative effect on sth 对(某事)产生不利影响◆soaring oil prices continue to overhang the stock market. 油价飙升继续对股票市场产生不利影响。☞ overhang☞ overhangoverhang/ˌəʊvəˈhæŋ ||; ˌovɚˈhæŋ/verb [i,t] (past tense past participle overhung) to stick out above sth else 突出于,悬于(某物上方): ◇the overhanging trees kept the sun off us. 头顶的树为我们遮住了太阳。 overhangsee ⇨ above 1 o·ver·hang /ˏovə`hæŋ; ˌəʊvəˈhæŋ/v [i,t] overhung /-`hʌŋ; -ˈhʌŋ/ , overhung, overhangingto hang over something 悬在…上方:◇branches overhanging the path 小径上的垂枝




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