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单词 consecutive
释义 consecutive /kənsekjətɪv/ [usually before noun](especially of periods of time) following one after another in a series, without interruption(尤指时间段)连续不断的◆she was absent for nine consecutive days.她一连缺席了九天。◆he is beginning his fourth consecutive term of office.他开始了连续第四届任期。▸ consecutively adverb◆the plays were performed consecutively on one day.这几出戏在一天内连续上演。consecutive/kənˈsekjətɪv ||; kənˈsɛkjətɪv/adj coming or happening one after the other 连续的: ◇this is the team's fourth consecutive win. 这是该队连续第四次获胜。 ➔consecutively adv consecutivesee ⇨ series 3 con·sec·u·tive /kən`sɛkjətɪv; kənˈsekjtɪv/adjhappening one after the other 连续的; 一个接一个的:◇it rained for three consecutive days. 一连下了三天雨。




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