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单词 recipe
释义 recipe nounadjective | verb + recipe | recipe + verb | recipe + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤good好食谱▸➤delicious, mouth-watering, tasty美味/令人垂涎欲滴的/可口的食谱➤healthy, low-fat健康/低脂食谱◆each month we feature easy low-fat recipes.我们每个月都会推出一些特色的简易低脂食谱。➤favourite/favorite最喜爱的食谱▸➤basic基本烹制法◆the basic recipe can be adapted by adding grated lemon peel.可以加上擦碎的柠檬皮改变一下基本的烹制法。➤easy, simple简易食谱;简单烹制法▸➤complicated复杂的烹饪法▸➤new新烹饪法◆i tried a new recipe and it was a great success.我尝试了一个新的烹饪法,结果大获成功。➤authentic, classic, old, original, traditional正宗的食谱;经典的食谱;老食谱;原创的烹制法;传统烹饪法◆the ales are brewed to an original yorkshire recipe.这些麦芽啤酒是用约克郡的原始酿制法制成的。➤secret, special秘制食谱;特色烹制法▸➤family家常食谱▸➤vegetarian素食菜谱➤italian, mexican, etc.意大利、墨西哥等食谱▸➤cake, sauce, etc.蛋糕、酱汁等制作法▸➤perfect (usually figurative) 完美的方法◆it's the perfect recipe for business success.这是商业成功的妙方。➤sure, sure-fire (both figurative) 可靠的方法◆that sounds like a sure-fire recipe for disaster.那种做法听起来像一定会导致灾难的发生。verb + recipe➤get, have得到食谱;有制作法◆i have a good recipe for fudge.我有一套做奶油软糖的好方法。➤give提供食谱◆this is delicious-can you give me the recipe?这真好吃,你能不能告诉我怎么做?➤cook, make, prepare烹饪;制作菜肴;准备菜肴◆this recipe can also be made with ricotta cheese.这个菜肴也可用意大利乳清干酪来做。➤try, try out尝试烹饪法◆i enjoy trying out new recipes.我喜欢尝试新的烹饪法。➤read看食谱▸➤follow, stick to, use根据食谱做;用⋯烹饪法做◆if you want the dish to turn out right you should follow the recipe.想让菜肴好吃你就得照着食谱来做。➤adapt改进制作法▸➤create, devise发明烹饪法◆all the recipes in the book have been devised by our team of experts.本书所有的食谱都是由我们专家组的成员发明的。➤discover, find发现制作法◆he is credited with having discovered the first recipe for gin back in the 1600s.他被认为是 17 世纪发明杜松子酒调制法的人。➤share分享食谱◆they talk and share their recipes.他们交谈并分享烹饪方法。➤feature, offer, print, publish突出介绍/提供/印制/出版食谱◆the website offers cocktail recipes and tips.该网站提供鸡尾酒的制作方法和一些小窍门。recipe + verb➤call for sth, require sth, use sth食谱需要⋯/要求⋯/使用⋯◆she always said that if a recipe calls for cream you shouldn't use yogurt instead.她总是说,如果食谱要求用奶油就不能用酸奶替代。➤contain sth, include sth食谱中包含⋯◆the recipe contains lots of fat.这一食谱中的脂肪含量很高。➤make sth, serve sb烹制⋯;食谱招待某人◆this recipe makes about thirty cookies.根据这一食谱可做出大约 30 块曲奇饼。◆this recipe serves four people.这份食谱够 4 个人吃。recipe + noun➤book, card烹饪书;烹饪卡片➤idea烹饪点子◆a magazine filled with recipe ideas写了很多烹饪点子的杂志preposition➤to a recipe按照⋯做法◆the dish is made to a traditional italian recipe.这道菜是用传统的意大利做法制成的。➤recipe for做⋯的方法◆a recipe for leek soup做韭菜汤的方法◆to live every day to the full is a recipe for happiness. (figurative) 快乐的秘诀就是每天都活得充实。phrases➤a recipe for disaster, a recipe for success导致灾祸的原因;成功的诀窍recipe/ˈresəpi ||; ˈrɛsəpɪ/noun[c] 1. a recipe (for sth) the instructions for cooking or preparing sth to eat. a recipe tells you what to use (the ingredients) and what to do 食谱;烹饪法: ◇a recipe for chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕制作法 2. a recipe for sth the way to get or produce sth 诀窍;妙方: ◇putting dave in charge of the project is a recipe for disaster. 让戴夫负责这项工程可能会酿成灾祸。 recipesee ⇨ cook 7 ⇨ instructions 1 re·ci·pe /`rɛsəpɪ; ˈresɪpi/n 1. [c] a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something 烹饪法; 食谱:◇+ for a recipe for chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕的做法 2. be a recipe for happiness/trouble/disaster etc informal to be very likely to result in happiness, trouble etc 【非正式】 很可能造成幸福/麻烦/灾难等 ☞ recipe




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