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单词 including
释义 including /ɪnkluːdɪŋ/ preposition (abbreviation incl.) having sth as part of a group or set 包括…在内◆a fare of €79, including taxes 包括税款在内的费用共 79 欧元◆how much time do you spend using the internet for work, not including email? 除了收发电子邮件外,你利用互联网工作花多少时间? opp excluding ☞ includingincludingpreposition (abbreviation incl.) ◆it's £7.50, including tax.共计 7.50 英镑,含税。 opp excluding → exclude verb 1 includingpreposition (abbreviation incl.) ◆it's £7.50, including tax.共计 7.50 英镑,含税。 opp excluding → exclude verb 1 including/ɪnˈklu:dɪŋ ||; ɪnˈkludɪŋ/prep having as a part 包括: ◇it costs $17.99, including postage and packing. 一共要17.99元,邮费和包装费包括在内。 [opp] excluding 反义词为excludingincludingsee ⇨ include/not include 4 in·clud·ing /ɪn`kludɪŋ; ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ/prepused to show that someone or something is part of a larger group or set that you are talking about (其中)包括:◇there were 20 people in the room, including the teacher. 屋里有 20 个人,其中包括那位教师。→ opposite 反义词 excluding ☞ including




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