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单词 recession
释义 recession nounadjective | verb + recession | recession + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤bad, deep, major, serious, severe, sharp, steep大萧条;严重衰退;急剧衰退◆it was the worst recession since the war.这是战争以来最萧条的时期。➤mild, shallow轻微衰退➤double-dip (= a second decrease after a period of improvement) (especially name) 双谷经济衰退◆the us managed to avoid a double-dip recession.美国设法避免了一次双谷经济衰退。➤long, prolonged长期的萧条▸➤short, short-lived短暂的衰退➤impending, looming即将来临的萧条➤deepening越来越严重的萧条➤global, international, national, world, worldwide全球性的衰退;国际性的萧条;全国性的萧条;全世界范围的不景气▸➤economic, industrial经济/工业萧条verb + recession➤cause, induce, trigger造成不景气;引起萧条▸➤enter, go into, move into进入衰退期➤fall into, plunge (sth) into, push sth into, sink into, slide into, slip into, throw sth into, tip (sth) into开始衰退;使(⋯)陷入衰退期 ◆a rise in interest rates plunged britain deeper into recession.利率的提高导致英国经济更加萧条。➤experience, suffer, suffer from经历衰退;遭遇衰退◆germany was suffering a steep recession.当时德国正陷于急剧的经济衰退之中。➤deepen, prolong加剧/延长衰退◆these reforms will only deepen the recession.这些改革将只会加剧经济萧条。➤combat, fight和萧条抗争➤avoid, beat, prevent避免/对抗/防止衰退▸➤climb out of, come out of, emerge from, get (sth) out of, lead sth out of, move out of, pull (sth) out of走出衰退期;从不景气中挣脱出来;使(⋯)摆脱萧条◆active policies to pull the country out of recession使国家走出衰退期的积极政策➤end结束衰退▸➤escape, escape from摆脱衰退状况▸➤ride out, survive, weather走出/安全度过/经受衰退期◆as dozens of companies go out of business, others are riding out the recession.在大量公司纷纷倒闭之际,其他一些公司却安全挺过萧条期。➤worsen使衰退加剧recession + verb➤begin, start萧条开始➤end萧条结束▸➤loom萧条降临◆with a recession looming, consumers are spending less.经济日渐萧条,人们的消费也越来越少了。➤hit sth萧条冲击⋯◆the country has been hit by recession.该国受到经济萧条的冲击。➤bottom out衰退降至最低点preposition➤in (a/the) recession处于衰退期◆the economy is in deep recession.经济极其萧条。phrases➤the depth of the recession萧条程度➤the effects of the recession, the impact of the recession萧条的影响▸➤in the depths of a recession, in times of recession处于极度萧条期;在萧条期间▸➤recovery from (the) recession, a way out of the recession经济复苏;摆脱萧条之法  ➡ topic at business recession /rɪseʃn/ noun [countable, uncountable] (economics 经济学) a difficult period in the economy of a country or group of countries, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed 经济衰退;经济萎缩◆the economy is now officially in recession. 官方称经济目前正处于衰退之中。◆the manufacturing sector is recovering slowly from last year's recession. 制造业正从去年的衰退之中慢慢复苏。  ➡  depression  ➡  double dip  ➡  picture at business cycle ⨁ to be hit by / be in / enter / fall into / slip (back) into (a) recession受衰退打击;处于衰退之中;开始衰退;进入衰退;陷入衰退 ⨁ to emerge from / recover from a recession从衰退中走出;从衰退中复苏⨁ (a) deep / prolonged / severe recession深度的/长期的/严重的衰退⨁ (a) mild / shallow recession温和的/轻微的衰退⨁ (a) global / world recession全球/世界经济衰退 ☞ recession recession nounrecession ♦︎ depression ♦︎ slump ♦︎ slowdown ♦︎ troughthese are all words for a difficult period of time for business or the economy.这些词均表示企业或经济不景气、萧条。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达不景气的程度slowdown ○ slump ○ trough ○ recession ○ depressionpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆in recession / a depression / a slump / a trough◆a major / serious / severe recession / depression / slump◆an economic recession / depression / slump / slowdown◆a worldwide recession / depression / slump / slowdown◆to cause a recession / slump / slowdown◆to go into recession / depression■ recession /rɪseʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed经济衰退;经济萎缩◆how do you assess the impact of the current recession on manufacturing?你如何评价时下经济萎缩对制造业的影响?◆we need active policies to pull the country out of recession.我们需要积极的政策来引导国家走出经济萎缩。◆these industries have been hit hard by the recession.这些行业受到经济衰退的严重冲击。■ depression /dɪpreʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a difficult time for a country when there is little economic activity and many people are unemployed and poor萧条期;经济衰退;不景气◆the country was in the grip of (an) economic depression.当时国家正陷入经济萧条。◆he grew up during the great depression of the 1930s.他成长于 20 世纪 30 年代的经济大萧条时期。▸ depressed adjective◆they have made little attempt to bring jobs to economically depressed areas.在为经济萧条地区创造就业机会方面他们几乎没有作过什么努力。■ slump [countable] (especially journalism尤用于新闻 or business商业) a period when a country's economy or a business is doing badly萧条期;衰退◆housing sales are finally coming out of a three-month slump.房屋销售终于走出了连续三个月的萧条期。◆the toy industry is in a slump.现在玩具业不景气。 opp boom → do well  ➡ see also slump → reduction ■ slowdown /sləʊdaʊn; name sloʊdaʊn/ [countable] (especially business尤用于商业) a reduction in speed or activity, especially in business or the economy(尤指企业或经济的发展)减速,减缓◆there has been a slowdown in economic growth in recent months.最近几个月经济增长减缓。■ trough /trɒf; name trɔːf/ [countable] (especially business尤用于商业) a period of time when the level of sth is low, especially a time when a business or the economy is not growing低谷;(企业或经济的)低潮,萧条阶段◆there have been peaks and troughs in the long-term trend of unemployment.长期以来失业率一直时起时伏。 opp peak → peak note 辨析 which word?a slowdown is the least serious of these and a depression is the most serious. a slowdown, slump or trough might affect the economy of a country generally, or just one particular business or industry; it usually lasts a period of months and is sometimes regarded as part of the normal business cycle. a recession affects a whole industry or a country's whole economy, and it can last for years. it is not usually regarded as part of the normal business cycle. however, a recession is still considered chiefly in terms of its effects on business and the economy; depression is used especially when you are considering the effect of recession on the lives of ordinary people, especially the difficult situation caused by poverty and unemployment when this affects a very large number of people. the great depression was the worldwide economic depression that followed the american stock market crash in 1929.这些词中,slowdown 的程度最轻,而 depression 最为严重。slowdown、slump 或 trough 可能影响一个国家的整体经济状况,或仅影响某个企业或行业,通常会持续几个月的时间,有时被视为正常商业周期的一部份。recession 影响的是整个行业或一国的整体经济,可持续数年,通常不被视为正常商业周期的一部份。不过,recession 的影响仍被认为主要在商业和经济方面; depression 的影响主要在百姓生活方面,尤指波及面很广,贫困和失业使得很多人生活艰难。the great depression 指 1929 年美国股市暴跌后全球性的经济大萧条。recession /rɪseʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed经济衰退;经济萎缩◆how do you assess the impact of the current recession on manufacturing?你如何评价时下经济萎缩对制造业的影响?◆we need active policies to pull the country out of recession.我们需要积极的政策来引导国家走出经济萎缩。◆these industries have been hit hard by the recession.这些行业受到经济衰退的严重冲击。recession/rɪˈseʃn ||; rɪˈsɛʃən/noun [c,u] a period when the business and industry of a country is not successful 经济衰退(期): ◇the country is now in recession. 该国正处于经济衰退期。◇how long will the recession last? 经济衰退会持续多久? recessionsee ⇨ fail 9 re·ces·sion /rɪ`sɛʃən; rɪˈseʃən/n [c]a period when there is less business activity, trade etc than usual, and a country's economy is no longer successful [经济]衰退期




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