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单词 fat
释义 fat noun¹ 1substance directly under your skin脂肪adjective | verb + fat | fat + verb | phrases adjective➤excess, extra, stored多余的/额外的/贮存的脂肪◆are you carrying extra fat around your middle?你的腰部有赘肉吗?➤body身体脂肪▸➤baby, puppy (bre) 婴儿肥;儿童的肥胖◆he had lost all his baby fat / puppy fat.他完全没有了孩提时的肥胖。verb + fat➤gain, put on长脂肪◆if you eat too much you will put on fat.吃得太多会长胖的。➤go to, run to长脂肪◆she was middle-aged and running to fat.她人到中年,很快地发福了。➤burn, burn off, lose, shed燃烧/燃烧掉/失去/去除脂肪◆exercise helps you burn off excess fat.运动有助于消耗多余的脂肪。➤store贮存脂肪◆the amount of fat stored in the body体内贮存的脂肪量➤break down分解脂肪◆claims that anti-cellulite creams can break down fat are controversial.纤体霜可以分解脂肪的说法有争议。fat + verb➤accumulate脂肪堆积◆the waistline is usually the first area where fat accumulates.最先有脂肪堆积的部位通常是腰部。phrases➤not an ounce of fat一点儿脂肪都没有◆his body was all muscle, with not an ounce of fat.他全身都是肌肉,一点儿脂肪都没有。➤a roll of fat一圈脂肪◆he had great rolls of fat around his middle.他的腰部堆积起好几圈肥肉。fat noun² 2in your diet/used in cooking食用油脂adjective | verb + fat | fat + verb | fat + noun adjective➤dietary食用油脂➤added, excess, extra添加的/多余的/额外的油脂➤reduced减少的油脂◆a reduced-fat diet低脂食谱➤high高油脂▸➤visible可以看见的油脂➤total全部的油脂◆eat a diet low in total fat.要吃含总油脂量低的食物。➤healthful, healthy, unhealthy有益于健康的/健康的/不健康的油脂◆the best wholefood sources of healthy fats健康脂肪的最佳纯天然食物来源◆cut down drastically on unhealthy fats.要大量减少不健康油脂的摄入。➤animal, vegetable动物/植物油脂▸➤hydrogenated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, trans, unsaturated氢化油脂;单不饱和脂肪;多不饱和脂肪;饱和脂肪;反式脂肪;不饱和脂肪◆margarines that contain polyunsaturated fats含有多不饱和脂肪的人造黄油➤cooking烹调用油➤bacon, beef, duck, pork, etc.火腿油、牛油、鸭油、猪油等➤rendered熬炼的油脂◆rendered bacon fat熬炼的火腿油脂➤hot热油◆put the chicken in hot fat and braise thoroughly.把鸡肉放入热油中焖至烂熟。verb + fat➤contain, have含有油脂◆this cheese has a lot of fat in it.这种奶酪含有很多油脂。➤be high in fat, be low in fat油脂含量高/含量低◆ice cream is high in fat and sugar.冰激凌的油脂和糖分含量高。➤consume, eat消耗/食用油脂◆the amount of fat you eat can affect the health of your heart.摄入的油脂过量会影响心脏的健康。➤cut down on, reduce减少/降低脂肪◆it's easy to cut down on fat without changing your diet too much.饮食无需太大的改变就可以轻松减少脂肪。◆reduce saturated fats in your diet.减少饮食中饱和脂肪的摄入量。➤avoid, cut out, eliminate避免/停止食用/除去脂肪◆avoid excess saturated fats as found in meat, poultry, and eggs.避免过多摄入存在于肉、禽类和鸡蛋中的饱和脂肪。◆she has cut out fat altogether in an effort to lose weight.她为了减肥,一点儿油脂也不吃。➤cut, remove, trim切去/去除/切掉肥肉◆trim any visible fat off the meat before cooking.烹调前切掉所有看得见的肥肉。➤drain, drain off, pour off, skim off沥出油脂;倒出油脂;撇去油脂◆remove the turkey from the pan and drain off the excess fat.把火鸡从锅中取出,沥去多余的油。➤add加入油脂◆add the remaining duck fat and chicken stock and bring to a boil.加入剩下的鸭油和鸡汤,然后将其煮沸。fat + verb➤contain sth脂肪含有⋯◆fats contain more calories than carbohydrates.脂肪比碳水化合物含有更多的热量。fat + noun➤intake脂肪摄入◆the relationship between fat intake and cholesterol levels脂肪摄入与胆固醇水平的关系➤content脂肪含量◆despite its very low fat content, it is deliciously creamy.虽然脂肪含量很低,但是味美似乳脂。fat adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look肥胖;感觉肥胖;看上去胖▸➤become, get, grow变胖;长胖▸➤make sb使某人胖◆try to cut out the foods that are making you fat.尽量不吃使人变胖的东西。➤call sb说某人胖◆are you calling me fat?你是在说我胖吗?adverb➤enormously, hugely, immensely, really, very极其肥胖;非常胖;其胖无比;确实胖;很胖▸➤quite, rather相当胖;颇为胖phrases➤big fat极其肥胖◆i was sitting next to a big fat man.我坐在一位大胖男人旁边。◆a big fat envelope stuffed with money一个塞满钞票的鼓鼓囊囊的大信封 fat nounfat ♦︎ butter ♦︎ oil ♦︎ margarine ♦︎ lard ♦︎ grease ♦︎ blubber ♦︎ spreadthese are all words for soft solid or liquid substances from animals or vegetables which are used for cooking or spreading on bread.这些词均表示脂肪、油脂。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆low fat margarine / spread◆vegetable fat / oil / margarine◆to spread butter / margarine on sth◆to fry / cook sth in fat / butter / oil / margarine / lard◆to heat the fat / butter / oil◆bread and butter / margarine■ fat [uncountable, countable] a white or yellow substance in the bodies of animals and humans, stored under the skin; a solid or liquid substance from animals or plants, treated so that it becomes pure for use in cooking; these fats, when you are thinking of them as a part of what sb eats脂肪;肥肉;(烹调用的)动植物油◆aerobic exercise will help you burn off excess body fat.做有氧运动有助于消耗体内多余的脂肪。◆cook the meat in shallow fat.用少许油煎肉。◆stick to foods which are low in fat.坚持食用低脂肪食物。◆you should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.你应该减少摄入脂肪和碳水化合物。ⓘ fat is a general word which can be used instead of butter, oil, margarine, lard or grease but you only use it when you do not know or it is not important which kind of fat you are talking about. * fat 泛指油脂。但只有在不知道所指为哪种油脂或油脂的种类不重要时才用 fat,否则要用 butter、oil、margarine、lard 或 grease 等具体的词。■ butter [uncountable] a soft yellow food made from cream or milk, used in cooking and for spreading on bread黄油;奶油◆fry the onions in butter.用黄油炒洋葱。◆if you're still hungry, have some bread and butter.你要是还觉得饿,就吃点涂黄油的面包片吧。▸ butter verb [transitive] ◆she buttered four thick slices of bread.她将黄油涂在四片厚厚的面包上。■ oil [uncountable, countable] a smooth thick liquid that is made from plants and is used in cooking(植物性)食用油◆heat a little olive oil in a non-stick frying pan.用不粘锅加热一点儿橄榄油。■ margarine /mɑːdʒəriːn; name mɑːrdʒərən/ [uncountable] a yellow substance like butter made from vegetable fat, used in cooking or spread on bread人造黄油;人造奶油◆she took some margarine and spread it on the bread.她拿了一些人造黄油涂在面包上。■ lard [uncountable] a firm white substance made from the melted fat of pigs, that is used in cooking(烹调用的)猪油◆use sunflower oil instead of lard.用葵花籽油,不要用猪油。■ grease /griːs/ [uncountable] (disapproving) animal fat that has been softened by cooking or heating(炼过的)动物油脂◆he collected the plates, which were covered with grease.他收走那些油腻的盘子。ⓘ grease is unwanted fat that comes out of food; it is not used to talk about fat used for cooking in. * grease 指食物中多余的油脂,而非烹调用的油脂◆heat a little grease in the pan. ▸ greasy adjective◆the hotel smelt of stale smoke and greasy food.这家旅馆有股难闻的烟味和油腻食物的气味。■ blubber [uncountable] the fat of some sea animals such as whales鲸脂;海兽脂◆a thick layer of blubber helps insulate seals against the cold.海豹身上厚厚的脂肪层有助于抵御寒冷。■ spread [countable, uncountable] a soft food, like margarine, that you put on bread面包抹酱(如人造黄油)◆use a low-fat spread instead of butter.不要抹黄油,用低脂的抹酱吧。◆they offered me some crackers with cheese spread.他们给了我一些涂有奶酪酱的薄脆饼干。fat adjectivefat ♦︎ overweight ♦︎ plump ♦︎ obese ♦︎ chubby ♦︎ stoutthese words all describe people who have too much flesh on their body and weigh too much.这些词均表示肥胖的、过重的。note 辨析 although people talk a lot about their own size or weight, it is generally not considered polite to refer to a person's large size or their weight when you talk to them.虽然人们常谈论自己的身材和体重,但一般认为与人谈话时提及对方的胖大身材或体重是不礼貌的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达肥胖的程度plump ○ chubby ○ stout ○ fat ○ overweight ○ obesepatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a fat / an overweight / a plump / an obese / a chubby / a stout man / woman◆a fat / an overweight / a plump / an obese / a chubby child◆a fat / an overweight / a plump / a chubby baby◆a fat / plump / chubby boy / girl◆a fat / plump / chubby / stout body / face◆fat / plump / chubby arms / cheeks / fingers / legs / hands■ fat (of a person or part of the body) having too much flesh and weighing too much(人或身体部位)肥胖的◆a big fat man walked into the room.一个胖大汉走进房间。◆you'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.你如果吃这么多巧克力会发胖的。◆i was ashamed of my fat flabby legs.我为自己发胖松弛的双腿感到羞愧。ⓘ fat is the most common and direct word, but it is not polite to say to sb that they are fat. fat is used more frequently in spoken english than in written english. * fat 最通用,意思最直接,但当面用 fat 说某人胖不礼貌。fat 较常用于口语而非书面语中。 opp thin → thin ▸ fatness noun [uncountable] ◆fatness tends to run in families.肥胖往往有遗传性。■ overweight (of a person) too heavy and fat; weighing more than you should to be perfectly healthy(人)太胖的,超重的;过胖而不健康的◆she was only a few pounds overweight.她只是超重几磅而已。◆a number of medical conditions are due to being overweight.一些疾病的起因是体重超标。ⓘ it is less offensive to talk about sb being overweight than to talk about them being fat, but it is still not polite to say to sb that they are overweight.与 fat 相比,overweight 冒犯的意味较轻,但当面用 overweight 说某人胖仍然是不礼貌的。 opp underweight → thin ■ plump (of a person or part of the body) having a soft, round body; slightly fat(人或身体部位)丰腴的,微胖的;丰满的◆our new teacher was a short, plump woman.我们的新老师是位女士,个子不高,身材圆润。◆his plump face was pink with embarrassment.他圆鼓鼓的脸庞因尴尬而涨得绯红。ⓘ plump suggests that a person is slightly fat in an attractive way. * plump 指体态丰腴迷人。 opp slim → thin ■ obese /əʊbiːs; name oʊbiːs/ (rather formal or medical医学) (of a person) very fat, in a way that is not healthy(人)痴肥的,臃肿的,病态肥胖的◆obese patients are given dietary advice.给过于肥胖的病人提了饮食方面的建议。ⓘ obese is used by doctors to describe people who are so fat that they are unhealthy. it is also used in a general way to mean 'very fat'. * obese 是医学用语,指患肥胖症的,亦可泛指十分肥胖。▸ obesity noun [uncountable] ◆obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.肥胖会增加患心脏病的危险。■ chubby (often approving) (of a person or part of the body) slightly fat in a way that people usually find attractive(人或身体部位)胖乎乎的,圆胖的◆aah, look at his chubby little hands!啊,看看他胖乎乎的小手!◆she was eleven years old and pretty in a chubby sort of way.她十一岁,胖乎乎的,很可爱。ⓘ chubby is used mainly to describe babies and children. * chubby 主要用以形容婴儿和儿童。 opp skinny → thin ■ stout /staʊt/ (especially bre, rather formal) (of a man or woman) rather fat(男人或女人)肥胖的,肥壮的◆he was a stout man with a red face.他是个红脸壮汉。▸ stoutly adverb◆he was tall and stoutly built.他长得五大三粗的。fat [uncountable, countable] a white or yellow substance in the bodies of animals and humans, stored under the skin; a solid or liquid substance from animals or plants, treated so that it becomes pure for use in cooking; these fats, when you are thinking of them as a part of what sb eats脂肪;肥肉;(烹调用的)动植物油◆aerobic exercise will help you burn off excess body fat.做有氧运动有助于消耗体内多余的脂肪。◆cook the meat in shallow fat.用少许油煎肉。◆stick to foods which are low in fat.坚持食用低脂肪食物。◆you should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.你应该减少摄入脂肪和碳水化合物。ⓘ fat is a general word which can be used instead of butter, oil, margarine, lard or grease but you only use it when you do not know or it is not important which kind of fat you are talking about. * fat 泛指油脂。但只有在不知道所指为哪种油脂或油脂的种类不重要时才用 fat,否则要用 butter、oil、margarine、lard 或 grease 等具体的词。fat(of a person or part of the body) having too much flesh and weighing too much(人或身体部位)肥胖的◆a big fat man walked into the room.一个胖大汉走进房间。◆you'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.你如果吃这么多巧克力会发胖的。◆i was ashamed of my fat flabby legs.我为自己发胖松弛的双腿感到羞愧。ⓘ fat is the most common and direct word, but it is not polite to say to sb that they are fat. fat is used more frequently in spoken english than in written english. * fat 最通用,意思最直接,但当面用 fat 说某人胖不礼貌。fat 较常用于口语而非书面语中。 opp thin → thin ▸ fatness noun [uncountable] ◆fatness tends to run in families.肥胖往往有遗传性。fat¹/fæt ||; fæt/adj (fatter;fattest) 1. (used about people's or animal's bodies) weighing too much; covered with too much flesh (指人或动物的身体)胖的: ◇you'll get fat if you eat too much. 吃得太多会长胖。 [opp] thin 反义词为thinit is not very polite to describe a person as fat. more polite words are plump, stout or overweight. 说人fat不太礼貌。较客气的说法有plump、stout或overweight。 2. (used about a thing) thick or full (指物件)厚的,满的: ◇a fat wallet/book 鼓鼓囊囊的皮夹子;厚厚的书 fat²/fæt ||; fæt/noun1. [u] the soft white substance under the skins of animals and people 脂肪: ◇i don't like meat with too much fat on it. 我不喜欢吃太肥的肉。 ☞adjective fatty 形容词为fatty 2. [c,u] the substance containing oil that we obtain from animals, plants or seeds and use for cooking 食油 · ◇cook the onions in a little fat. 把洋葱放在少许油里煎。 fat1 words for describing someone who is fat2 extremely fat3 fat and not very tall4 a part of the body that is fat5 a fat stomach6 to become fatter7 to make someone fat8 to make an animal fatterrelated wordsoppositethin,see alsoweigh,strong,big,wide,thick,eat,greedy,1. words for describing someone who is fat 形容体胖者的词汇 fat /fæt/ [adjective] having too much flesh on your body. it is rude to tell someone that they are fat 肥胖的[当面说某人fat是不礼貌的] peter was a fat little boy. 彼得是个胖胖的小男孩。 i'm getting too fat for my clothes. 我长得太胖,衣服都穿不下了。 after thirty years, teddy looked just the same, only a little fatter. 30年以后特迪看上去还是这个样,只是胖了些。 most fat people simply eat too much by normal standards. 大多数胖子都吃得比正常标准多得多。 though she weighed only six stone, she thought she was fat. 她体重才6英石,可她觉得自己很胖。 overweight /ˌəʊvəʳˈweɪt◂/ [adjective] too fat, especially so that you need to lose some weight in order to be more healthy or attractive [体重]过重的;超重的 the doctor said i was slightly overweight and that i needed more exercise. 医生说我有点儿超重了,需要多锻炼。 the majority of overweight people who diet tend to gain the weight back within a few years. 大多数节食的超重者几年后会回复原状。5 kilos/10 pounds etc overweight my mother is about 50 pounds overweight. 我母亲大约超重50磅。grossly overweight extremely overweight 严重超重 people who are grossly overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. 严重超重的人更有可能患高血压。 big/large /bɪg, lɑːʳdʒ/ [adjective] fat - use this especially when you do not want to say ‘fat’ because it would be impolite 块头大的[尤用于不想用“肥胖”一词以免不礼貌时] even though she's big, rosemary is an attractive woman. 虽然块头挺大,罗斯玛丽是个吸引人的女子。 it's often difficult for large people to find fashionable clothes that fit them. 块头大的人常常不容易买到合身的时装。 mrs. medlock is a large woman, with a very red face and bright black eyes. 梅德洛克夫人是个大个子女人,长着红扑扑的脸和一双明亮的黑眼睛。 he runs quite fast for a big man. 以他这么大的块头跑得也真够快的了。 plump /plʌmp/ [adjective] fat, especially in a pleasant and attractive way 丰满的;胖胖的 stevie is a plump healthy-looking child. 史蒂维是个胖胖的、外表健康的小孩。 frieda's mother was a plump, cheerful woman, quick with a laugh. 弗丽达的母亲是个胖胖的、性情愉快的、爱笑的女人。 he's a little on the plump side, but nevertheless quite handsome. 他有点胖,但十分英俊。 chubby /ˈtʃʌbi/ [adjective] someone, especially a small child, who is chubby, is fat in a pleasant, healthy-looking way 胖乎乎的[尤指幼儿] the baby was pink and chubby. 这婴儿长得粉嘟嘟、胖乎乎的。 who's that chubby little girl with the dark hair? 那个长得胖乎乎的黑发小女孩是谁? portly /ˈpɔːʳtli/ [adjective] someone, especially a fairly old man, who is portly is fat and round - used especially in literature 肥胖的,大腹便便的[尤指年纪较大的男人,尤用于文学作品中] the bishop was a dignified, portly man, with thinning white hair. 主教是个头发稀疏花白、很有威严的大腹便便的人。 the portly figure of general von hindenburg 冯·兴登堡将军那大腹便便的体形 hefty /ˈhefti/ [adjective] big and fat, but also tall and strong 粗壮的,高大健壮的 both of myra's sons were hefty, energetic boys. 迈拉的两个儿子都高大健壮,精力充沛。 the mechanic was a big hefty man who could lift up the front of a truck with his bare hands. 这位技工是个彪形大汉,徒手就能抬起卡车头。 beefy /ˈbiːfi/ [adjective] strong but also a little fat and unattractive 大块头的,肥实的 the second prisoner was a fat-faced beefy fellow who smelled of sweat. 第二名囚犯是个胖脸大块头家伙,身上一股汗味。 amanda and tina were both beefy, sporty types. 阿曼达和蒂娜两个都属于肥实的运动型。 burly /ˈbɜːʳli/ [adjective] a burly man is big, strong, and heavy, in a way that may make you feel nervous 壮实的,魁梧的 the farmer was a big, burly man with a red face. 这位农夫是个大个子,身材魁梧,脸色红红。 fatty/fatso spoken informal also lard ass american spoken /ˈfæti, ˈfætsəʊ, ˈlɑːʳd æs/ [countable noun] a rude word used for a fat person 胖子,烂胖子[粗鲁用语] hey! fatso! pull up a couple of chairs! 喂,胖子!拉几把椅子过来!2. extremely fat 极胖的 obese /əʊˈbiːs/ [adjective] extremely fat in a way that is dangerous to your health 极肥胖的,臃肿的 glenda is not just fat, she's obese. 格伦达不单是胖了,她是胖得臃肿。 a special summer camp for obese children and teens 为肥胖的少年儿童举办的特殊夏令营clinically obese obese according to medical measurements 按医学标准极胖的 he may not be clinically obese, but he certainly needs to lose a lot of weight. 按医学标准他可能算不上肥胖,但肯定需要好好减减肥了。 obesity /əʊˈbiːsɪti, əʊˈbiːsəti/ [uncountable noun] the condition of being too fat in a way that is dangerous to your health - used especially in medical contexts 肥胖[症][尤用于医学] obesity can lead to heart disorders and other health problems. 肥胖症会引起心脏疾病以及其他健康问题。 the program is aimed at reducing obesity among women. 该计划旨在减少女性肥胖症患者的人数。3. fat and not very tall 矮胖的 dumpy /ˈdʌmpi/ [adjective] someone, especially a woman or child, who is dumpy, is short and fat 矮胖的[尤指妇女或儿童] clara was a plain, dumpy woman, several years older than her husband. 克拉拉是个相貌平平的矮胖女人,年龄比她丈夫大几岁。 in his youth, william had been a dumpy little boy who ate too many sweets. 威廉小时候是个胖胖的男孩,糖果吃得很多。 i think this skirt makes me look dumpy. 我觉得穿这条裙子让我显得矮胖。 tubby /ˈtʌbi/ [adjective] someone who is tubby is short and has a fat, round stomach 矮胖肥肚的 the banker was a tubby, jolly-looking man. 银行家是位胖墩墩、乐呵呵的男子。 he's getting a bit tubby -- too much of his wife's cooking i expect. 他有点长圆了—我想是吃了太多他妻子做的菜吧。 stout /staʊt/ [adjective] someone, especially a middle-aged person, who is stout is short and fat [尤指中年人]矮胖的 a stout woman in a tweed coat was standing outside the door. 一个身穿粗花呢外套的矮胖女人站在门外。 amy was now stout and matronly, the mother of three children. 埃米现在身材矮胖有点中年发福,已是三个孩子的母亲了。4. a part of the body that is fat 身体肥大的部分 fat /fæt/ [adjective] sally hates going swimming -- she thinks her legs are too fat. 萨莉不喜欢去游泳,她觉得自己的腿太粗了。 the colonel rubbed his fat stomach, reaching for something from the table to put into his mouth. 上校摸了摸自己的胖肚子,伸手拿起桌上的食物放进嘴里。 my stomach's much fatter than yours. 我的肚子比你的大多了。 plump /plʌmp/ [adjective] pleasantly fat 丰腴的,胖乎乎的 the doctor's wife had a plump face and a small mouth. 医生的妻子长着胖乎乎的脸和樱桃小口。 paula had silver bracelets on her plump arms. 葆拉丰腴的手臂上戴着银手镯。 chubby /ˈtʃʌbi/ [adjective] fat and round in an attractive way 胖乎乎的 the baby reached out with its chubby little fingers. 婴儿伸出胖乎乎的小手指来。 mark's cheeks were slightly chubby. 马克的脸蛋有点胖乎乎的。 podgy/pudgy /ˈpɒdʒiǁˈpɑː-, ˈpʌdʒi/ [adjective] small and fat, especially in an amusing way 又小又胖的[尤指看上去有趣的] his pudgy little fingers were covered in chocolate. 他胖鼓鼓的小手指上全是巧克力。 elsie had a large body and a podgy face. 埃尔茜块头挺大,却长着一个胖鼓鼓的小脸蛋。 flabby /ˈflæbi/ [adjective] covered in soft loose fat in a way that looks unattractive 松弛的 her body was getting old and flabby. 她身体开始变老变松弛了。 john's flabby white thighs wobbled as he walked across the beach. 约翰走过海滩时,他那两条白晰松弛的大腿在一颤一颤的。 full /fʊl/ [adjective usually before noun] fat and round in an attractive way 丰满的 joanna's full red lips were fixed in an inviting smile. 乔安娜丰满的红唇上挂着迷人的微笑。 a black necklace hung down over her full breasts. 一条黑色项链挂在她丰满的胸脯上。5. a fat stomach 肥肚子 paunch /pɔːntʃ/ [countable noun] a man who has a paunch has a large stomach [男人的]大肚子 you're getting a paunch, did you know that? 你有大肚子了,自己知道吗? merv lay back in his chair with his hands crossed above his paunch, listening to the radio. 梅尔韦双手搭在大肚子上躺在椅子里听收音机。 wally crossed the mirrored lobby, sucking in his paunch as he caught sight of himself. 沃利穿过镶有镜子的通道,看到镜子里的自己时就往里收了收大肚子。 pot belly /ˈpɒt ˌbeliǁˈpɑːt-/ [countable noun] a round stomach that sticks out at the front, especially when this is the result of eating or drinking too much 大肚子[尤因暴饮暴食] larry was just a regular guy: short, with a pot belly and moustache. 拉里就是个普普通通的家伙:个子矮矮的,挺着大肚子,留着一撮小胡子。 you really should do something about that pot belly of yours. 你的肚子那么大,真该采取点行动了。 pot-bellied [adjective] our history teacher was a balding, pot-bellied man of about 50. 我们的历史老师是男的,开始秃顶,肚子很大,约50岁。 pot-bellied politicians, puffing cigars 大腹便便的政客们,抽着雪茄烟 beer gut /ˈbɪəʳ ˌgʌt/ [countable noun] informal a fat stomach caused by drinking too much beer 【非正式】啤酒肚 his beer gut was popping the buttons on his shirt. 他的啤酒肚把衬衫上的纽扣都绷开了。 at only seventeen, lonny already had the beginnings of a beer gut. 朗尼才17岁的时候就开始长啤酒肚了。 spare tyre /ˌspeəʳ ˈtaɪəʳ/ [countable noun] british informal a ring of fat around the waist 【英,非正式】肉肚,肥胖的腰 you should go on a diet -- look at that spare tyre! 你应该控制饮食—看你那肉肚子! middle-age spread /ˌmɪdl eɪdʒ ˈspred/ [noun phrase] the fat around the waist that people gradually get as they grow older 中年发福 a lot of people start to get middle-age spread once they pass 30. 许多人过了30岁就开始发福了。6. to become fatter 发胖 put on weight /ˌpʊt ɒn ˈweɪt/ [verb phrase] to get fatter and heavier 增加体重;发胖 john's put on a lot of weight recently, hasn't he? 约翰最近胖了好多,是不是?put on 5 kilos/2 lbs etc i put on several pounds while i was on holiday, so now i'm on a strict diet. 我休假的时候重了好几磅,所以现在我正严格控制饮食。 gain weight /ˌgeɪn ˈweɪt/ [verb phrase] to become fatter and heavier, especially until you reach the weight you should be 增加体重[尤指增加到标准的体重] when i was young, i could eat all i wanted without gaining weight. 年轻时,我可以任意吃爱吃的东西而不增加体重。gain 2 kilos/4 lbs etc ben's gained at least five kilos since he was born. 本出生以后重了至少5公斤。 fill out /ˌfɪl ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to start getting fatter after being too thin [太瘦的人]长胖 gerry was terribly thin when he came out of hospital, but he's filled out a lot since then. 格里出院时瘦得可怕,不过后来胖了好多。 sue looks much healthier now and her face has started to fill out. 休现在看上去健康多了,脸上也开始长肉了。7. to make someone fat 使某人变胖 fatten somebody up /ˌfætn somebody ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make someone fatter because they are too thin - often used humorously 使[太瘦的人]变胖些[常带幽默意味] the women in his family were always trying to fatten him up. 他家里的女人们一直都想让他长胖些。 fattening /ˈfætnɪŋ/ [adjective] food that is fattening makes you fat [食物]使增肥的 i shouldn't have any more of this cake. it's way too fattening. 我决不能再吃那种蛋糕了,吃这很容易长胖。 grill the fish instead of frying it. it's less fattening that way. 把鱼烤来吃,不要油炸。那样就不容易发胖。 avoid fattening desserts -- eat a piece of fruit instead. 不要吃让人发胖的甜食,改为吃一片水果。8. to make an animal fatter 使动物肥壮 fatten up /ˌfætn ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make an animal fatter so that it will produce more meat 把[动物]喂肥;催肥 fatten up something/fatten something up the farmers are fattening up their cattle and getting them ready for market. 农民们正在把牛养肥准备上市。☞ fat¹☞ fat²




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