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单词 fatal
释义 fatal adjective¹ 1causing death致命verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove致命;证明致命adverb➤nearly (especially name) (near-fatal in bre) 几近致命◆he has not driven since his nearly fatal accident earlier this year.自从今年较早时那次差点儿丧命的车祸之后,他就没有开过车。 (near-fatal in bre) ➤always, invariably总是/无一例外地有致命性➤often, sometimes, usually常会/有时会/通常会致命的▸➤rarely很少会致命的▸➤possibly, potentially可能致命的;有潜在致命威胁的◆a possibly fatal setback to his plans可能导致他计划完全失败的因素◆the disease is potentially fatal.这种疾病可能会致命。preposition➤for对⋯来说致命的◆this kind of accident is almost always fatal for the pilot.飞行员遇到这类事故,几乎无一幸免于难。➤to对⋯致命的◆a chemical which is invariably fatal to small mammals对小型哺乳动物无一例外会致命的一种化学品fatal adjective² 2causing serious trouble引发灾难verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove有毁灭性;证明有毁灭性adverb➤absolutely绝对毁灭性的▸➤ultimately结局悲惨的◆her disregard of this advice was ultimately fatal.她不听这个建议,结局是灾难性的。preposition➤to对⋯是毁灭性的◆tax increases have proved fatal to the nation's business community.事实已证明,加税对该国的企业界造成了致命打击。 fatal adjectivefatal ♦︎ deadly ♦︎ lethal ♦︎ malignant ♦︎ terminal ♦︎ incurable ♦︎ inoperablethese words all describe things that cause or can cause death.这些词均表示致命的、致死的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆fatal / deadly / lethal to sb / sth◆fatal / lethal for sb / sth◆a fatal / a deadly / a lethal / a malignant / a terminal / an incurable disease◆a fatal / a terminal / an incurable illness / condition◆a deadly / lethal cocktail / poison / venom / weapon◆potentially fatal / deadly / lethal / malignant■ fatal /feɪtl/ causing or ending in death致命的◆they were involved in a fatal accident.他们卷入一起出了人命的事故中。◆he suffered fatal injuries when he was struck by a car.他让车撞了,受了致命伤。ⓘ fatal is used to talk about accidents, injuries, illnesses or attacks on people. it is not used to talk about poisons or weapons. * fatal 用以形容伤及人命的 accident、injury、illness 和 attack,不能形容 poison 和 weapon。  ➡ see also fatality → victim 1 ▸ fatally adverb◆fatally injured / wounded受致命伤■ deadly causing or likely to cause death致死的;可致死的◆the cobra is one of the world's deadliest snakes.眼镜蛇是世上毒性最剧烈的蛇类之一。◆the terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population.恐怖分子故意要同平民百姓玩死亡游戏。ⓘ deadly is used to talk about poisons and poisonous animals, weapons and attacks. it is not used about accidents or injuries. it collocates with disease and virus but not illness. * deadly 用以形容 poison、weapon、attack 和有毒性的动物,不能形容事故和伤害。deadly 可与 disease 和 virus 搭配,但不可与 illness 搭配。■ lethal /liːθl/ causing or likely to cause death致死的;可致死的◆she had been given a lethal dose of poison.已给她服下致死剂量的毒药。◆he has been sentenced to death by lethal injection.他被判死刑,以注射毒剂方式执行。ⓘ lethal is most commonly used with dose, cocktail, mixture, injection and weapon. it is not used to talk about accidents, injuries or attacks. * lethal 最常与 dose、cocktail、mixture、injection 和 weapon 连用,不能用以形容事故、伤害和袭击。■ malignant /məlɪgnənt/ (medical医学) (of a disease or tumour) that cannot be controlled and is likely to cause death(疾病或肿瘤)恶性的◆the tests found some malignant cells.检查发现了一些恶性癌细胞。ⓘ malignant is most often used with the words disease and tumour. a tumour is a mass of cells growing in or on a part of the body where they should not be. other words that are used frequently with malignant are more technical medical words describing these types of cells, such as carcinoma and melanoma. * malignant 最常跟 disease 和 tumour 连用。tumour 指瘤、肿瘤、肿块。还有一些较为专业的描述此类癌细胞的医疗术语也常跟 malignant 连用,如 carcinoma (癌)和 melanoma (黑素瘤)。■ terminal (rather formal) (of an illness or disease) that cannot be cured and will lead to death, often slowly; (of a person) suffering from a terminal illness(疾病)晚期的,不治的;(人)患绝症的,晚期的◆he has terminal lung cancer.他患有晚期肺癌。◆many terminal patients would prefer to end their days at home.许多晚期病人宁愿在家里度过最后的时光。▸ terminally adverb◆terminally ill patients临终病人■ incurable /ɪnkjʊərəbl; name ɪnkjʊrəbl/ (of an illness or disease) that cannot be cured(疾病)不能治愈的◆he's suffering from an incurable disease.他得了不治之症。 opp curable ⓘ a curable illness or disease can be cured. * curable 指疾病可医治的、可治愈的◆most skin cancers are curable if treated early.如果及早治疗,多数的皮肤癌是可以治好的。▸ incurably adverb◆incurably ill病入膏肓note 辨析 terminal or incurable?both terminal and incurable collocate with disease, condition and illness. terminal is more formal and is used in more technical medical contexts; incurable is more likely to be used in everyday english. terminal is the preferred term for talking about cancer.这两个词均可与 disease、condition 和 illness 搭配。terminal 较正式,用于较专业的医疗语境; incurable 更多用于日常英语中。描述癌症一般用 terminal。■ inoperable /ɪnɒpərəbl; name ɪnɑːpərəbl/ (of a disease or tumour) that cannot be cured by a medical operation(疾病或肿瘤)手术无法治愈的◆he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.他被诊断患有不能用手术治疗的脑瘤。 opp operable ⓘ an operable disease or tumour can be treated by a medical operation. * operable 指疾病或肿瘤可以动手术治疗的。fatal /feɪtl/ causing or ending in death致命的◆they were involved in a fatal accident.他们卷入一起出了人命的事故中。◆he suffered fatal injuries when he was struck by a car.他让车撞了,受了致命伤。ⓘ fatal is used to talk about accidents, injuries, illnesses or attacks on people. it is not used to talk about poisons or weapons. * fatal 用以形容伤及人命的 accident、injury、illness 和 attack,不能形容 poison 和 weapon。  ➡ see also fatality → victim 1 ▸ fatally adverb◆fatally injured / wounded受致命伤fatal/ˈfeɪtl ||; ˈfetḷ/adj1. causing or ending in death 致命的: ◇a fatal accident/disease 致命的事故╱疾病 ☞look at mortal. 参看mortal。 2. causing trouble or a bad result 引起麻烦的;带来恶果的: ◇she made the fatal mistake of trusting him. 她信任他是犯了大错。 ➔fatally adv fatally injured 受了致命伤 fatalsee ⇨ die 8 ⇨ kill 10 fa·tal /`fetḷ; ˈfeɪtl/adj 1. resulting in someone's death 致命的:◇meningitis can often be fatal. 脑膜炎常常会致命。◇fatal accident/injury/illness etc a fatal heart attack 致命的心脏病发作 2. having a very bad effect 灾难性的,毁灭性的:◇fatal mistake her fatal mistake was to marry the wrong man. 她的大错就是嫁错了人。




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