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单词 leach
释义 leach [intransitive, transitive] (technical术语) (of chemicals or minerals) to be removed from soil by water passing through it; (of a liquid) to remove chemicals or minerals from soil(化学物或矿物)给滤掉,流失掉;(液体)过滤,滤掉(土壤中的化学物或矿物)◆nitrates leach from the soil into rivers.土壤中的硝酸盐经由水渗入江河。◆nutrients are quickly leached away from light and sandy soils.松软沙质土壤中的养分很快就随水流失了。leach/li:tʃ ||; litʃ/verb (technical术语) 1. [i] (used about chemicals, etc 指化学品等) to be removed from soil by liquids passing through it (从土壤中)溶滤,滤掉 2. [t] (used about liquids 指液体) to remove chemicals, etc from soil by passing through it (将化学品从土壤中)沥滤,滤出




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