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单词 out
释义 out /aʊt/ adjective, adverbout (of sth) away from or not at work or home 不在工作地点;外出;不在家◆mrs kanu is out of the office this week. 卡努夫人本周不在办公室。◆he isn't answering the phone—he must have gone out. 他不接电话 ── 他一定出去了。2.available to buy for the first time 面市◆the latest version will be out next month. 最新的版本将于下月面市。 (especially bre) (informal) on strike 罢工◆the dockers stayed out for several months. 码头工人罢工了数月。4.not correct or exact; wrong 错误;不准确◆the estimate was out by more than $2 million. 这个估计差了 200 多万元。 (name) if a machine is out, it is not working (机器)不运转6. (informal) no longer fashionable 过时◆this style of jacket is out now. 这种上衣的款式现在已过时。out (of sth) used to show that sth/sb is removed from a place, job, etc 除掉;清除◆shareholders want the board out. 股东们希望董事会下台。 ●out of line (with sb/sth)different from sth 不一致;不符◆assets can get out of line with incomes. 资产可能与收入不符。◆the fees are not out of line with the market. 这些费用符合市场情况。●out of sth1.used to show that sb does not have sth 没有;缺少◆i was out of work for six months. 我失业六个月了。◆we're out of printer paper—i'll order some more. 我们没有打印纸了 ── 我要再订一些。2.from a particular number or set 从(某个群体)中◆nine out of ten people we asked said they would buy this product. 我们询问的十个人当中,有九人表示他们会买这种产品。●out of the box(about a system or device) not requiring much effort to prepare it for use (系统或设备)开箱即用◆the mouse can be used straight out of the box. 鼠标可以直接使用。◆the software is a complete out-of-the-box solution for document management. 这套软件是用于文档管理的开箱即用完整解决方案。  ➡  idiom at jury ◇ clean-out ◇ earn-out ◇ face out ◇ first in, first out ◇ fold-out ◇ last in, first out ◇ mail-out ◇ opt-out ◇ roll-out ◇ sell-out ◇ shake-out ◇ share-out ◇ spin-out ◇ stock-out out- /aʊt/ prefix (in verbs 用作动词) greater, better, further, longer, etc. 超越;超过◆outnumber 数目超过…◆outbid 出价高于…☞ outout-/aʊt ||; aυt/prefix1. (used in verbs 用于构成动词) greater, better, further, longer, etc. 更大/更好/更远/更长…: ◇outdo 比…做得更好◇outrun 比…跑得更快 2. (used in nouns and adjectives 用于构成名词及形容词) outside; away from 在外;远离: ◇outbuildings 外屋◇outpatient 门诊病人 out¹/aʊt ||; aυt/adv prepfor special uses with many verbs, for example look out, look at the verb entries. out可与许多动词连用,如look out,其用法参看有关动词词条。 1. away from the inside of a place 从内至外;向外: ◇he opened the drawer and took a fork out. 他打开抽屉,拿出一把叉子。◇she opened the window and put her head out. 她打开窗,把头伸了出去。◇can you show me the way out? 能不能告诉我怎么出去? ☞look at out of. 参看out of。 2. not at home or in your place of work 不在家;不在工作地点: ◇my manager was out when she called. 她来电话时我的经理不在。◇i'd love a night out -- i'm bored with staying at home. 我很乐意出去一个晚上,我在家里呆腻了。 3. a long distance away from a place, for example from land or your country 离某地很远(如离开陆地或自己国家): ◇the current is quite strong so don't swim too far out. 水流很急,别游得太远。 4. (used about the sea) when the water is furthest away from the land (指海水)退潮: ◇don't swim when the tide is on the way out. 退潮时不要游泳。 5. used for showing that sth is no longer hidden (表示不再隐藏或保密): ◇i love the spring when all the flowers are out. 我喜欢百花齐放的春天。◇the secret's out now. there's no point pretending any more. 秘密现在已经泄露,没有必要再装模作样。 6. made available to the public; published 被公开;出版: ◇there'll be a lot of controversy when her book comes out next year. 她的书明年问世的时候,会引起很多争议。 7. in a loud voice; clearly 大声;清楚: ◇she cried out in pain. 她痛得大叫。 8. not in fashion 过时;不再流行: ◇short skirts are out this season. 这个季节穿短裙过时了。 9. (spoken 口语) not possible or acceptable 不可能;不能接受;不行: ◇i'm afraid friday is out. i've got a meeting that day. 我恐怕星期五不行,那天我有个会。 10. (used about a player in a game or sport) not allowed to continue playing (指游戏或体育运动中的选手)出局,被淘汰: ◇if you get three answers wrong, you're out. 要是你答错三道题,你就被淘汰了。 11. (used about a ball, etc in a game or sport) not inside the playing area and therefore not allowed (指游戏或体育运动中的球等)界外的 12. (used when you are calculating sth) making or containing a mistake; wrong (用于计算)出差错: ◇my guess was only out by a few centimetres. 我基本猜对,误差只有几公分。 13. (used about a light or a fire) not on; not burning (指灯或火)已关掉,已熄灭: ◇the lights are out. they must be in bed. 电灯熄了,他们一定已睡了。◇once the fire was completely out, experts were sent in to inspect the damage. 大火完全熄灭以后,马上派了专家去检查损失情况。 be out for sth;be out to do sth to try hard to get or do sth 力图获得某物或做某事: ◇i'm not out for revenge. 我不想报复。 be/come out to tell family, friends, etc that you are a homosexual 承认自己是同性恋者 out-and-out complete 完全;全面: ◇it was out-and-out war between us. 我们全面开战了。 out loud=aloudout²/aʊt ||; aυt/verb [t] to say publicly that sb is a homosexual, especially when he/she would rather keep it a secret 公开说某人是同性恋者(尤指在某人宁愿保密的情况下): ◇the politician was eventually outed by a tabloid newspaper. 某小报终于披露那个政客是同性恋者。 ☞ out/outside out /at; aʊt/adj, adv 1. away from the inside of a place or container 离开[某地或容器的]内部; 到外面(的); 不在里面(的):◇close the door on your way out. 你出去的时候把门关上。◇+ of all his tools were out of their box on the floor. 他所有的工具都在箱子外面,摊在了地板上。 2. not in the place where you usually are, such as home or work 不在通常的地方(的),外出(的):◇ms jackson is out right now. 杰克逊女士此刻出去了。 3. outside 在[到]外面,在[到]户外:◇why don't you go out and play? 你为什么不出去玩呢? 4. a light or fire that is out is not shining or burning [灯或火]熄灭的:◇ok, kids. put the lights out. 好了,孩子们,把灯关上。 5. out of used to say how many people or things from a group something is true of 从…中[用于表示在一群人或事物中有多少是符合某种情况的]:◇out of all the gifted footballers, only a few get to play for their country. 在所有有天赋的足球员中,只有少数才有机会为国家效力。 6. be out of sth to have none of something left 没有了某物,用完某物:◇we're almost out of gas. 我们差不多没汽油了。 7. available to be bought 问世,上市,推出:◇morrison has a new book out this month. 这个月莫利森有一本新书问世。 8. spoken not possible 【口】 不可能的:◇skiing's out because it costs too much. 滑雪是不可能的,因为太贵了。 9. be out for sth/be out to do sth informal to intend to do or get something 【非正式】 想要得到某物/试图做某事:◇he's just out to get attention. 他就是想得到别人注意。 10. not allowed to continue playing a game, according to its rules [根据规则,比赛中]出局的 11. if the tide is out, the sea is at its lowest level [海水]最低潮的,落[退]潮的 ☞ out




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