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单词 drama
释义 drama noun¹ 1play for the theatre/theater, etc.; plays戏剧adjective | verb + drama | drama + noun | preposition adjective➤compelling, powerful引人入胜的/打动人心的戏剧➤gritty, hard-hitting情节写实的/直白的戏剧◆a gritty police drama一部情节写实的警匪剧➤classical, contemporary, modern古典戏剧;当代剧;现代剧➤daytime, prime-time (both especially name) 日间/黄金时段戏剧➤hour-long, one-hour, etc.时长为一小时等的戏剧◆she stars in a new one-hour drama about a woman judge.她在一部时长为一小时讲述一名女法官的故事的新剧中担当主角。➤two-part, four-part, etc. (all especially bre) 由两部份、四部份等组成的戏剧▸➤comedy, musical喜剧;音乐剧▸➤radio, television, tv广播剧;电视剧▸➤costume, historical, period古装剧;历史剧➤epic, tragic史诗剧;悲剧➤greek, jacobean, etc.希腊、詹姆士一世时期等的戏剧▸➤courtroom, crime, hospital, medical, police法庭剧;犯罪剧;医疗剧;警匪剧◆millions follow this hospital drama twice a week.数百万人一周两次收看这部医疗剧。➤psychological心理剧➤domestic, family家庭剧◆the movie is a heart-warming family drama.这是一部暖人心房的家庭片。➤ensemble集体剧;多主角剧➤romantic爱情片➤teen青少年剧verb + drama➤write写剧本◆it is very difficult to write good drama.创作出好剧本很难。➤create, produce, stage创作/制作/上演戏剧◆the first episode of a new police drama produced for television为电视台制作的一部新警匪剧的第一集➤watch看戏drama + noun➤production戏剧制作▸➤serial, series戏剧系列片▸➤festival戏剧节▸➤critic戏剧评论人◆the drama critic for the times《泰晤士报》的戏剧评论员➤class, club, department, school, training戏剧班;戏剧俱乐部;戏剧系;戏剧学校;戏剧训练➤teacher戏剧教师➤major, student戏剧专业学生◆he's a drama major at howard university.他在哈沃德大学主修戏剧专业。preposition➤in a/the drama在剧中◆the actors in a drama剧中演员➤drama about关于⋯的戏剧◆a powerful television drama about city life刻画城市生活的电视剧力作  ➡ note at subject drama noun² 2exciting event令人激动的事adjective | drama + verb adjective➤human富有人情味的戏剧性事件▸➤real-life真实生活中的戏剧性场面◆the actor was involved in a real-life drama when he was held up at gunpoint last night.这名演员遭遇了现实生活中的一个戏剧性事件 - 他昨晚在枪口威胁下被抢劫。drama + verb➤play out, unfold戏剧性事件展现◆a collection of people watching the drama unfold outside the nightclub在夜总会外面目睹那戏剧性场面出现的一群人drama noun³ 3excitement激动adjective | ... of drama | verb + drama | drama + verb | drama + noun | phrases adjective➤high十分激动➤human戏剧般的人生◆art should deal with the human drama and tragedy of everyday life.艺术应当展现人类日常生活中的悲欢离合。... of drama➤touch一点儿激情◆the argument added a touch of drama to an otherwise dull day.这场争论给本来可能是沉闷的一天增添了一点儿激情。verb + drama➤be full of充满刺激◆the afternoon was full of drama and excitement.这个下午充满惊喜,令人兴奋。➤add, heighten令情绪更激动◆the arrival of the police heightened the drama further.警察的到来令人更加激动。drama + verb➤surround sth戏剧性事件围绕⋯◆the media loved all the drama surrounding their divorce.媒体热衷于他们离婚的所有情节。drama + noun➤queen (= someone who makes situations seem more serious than they really are) 戏剧女皇phrases➤a moment of drama戏剧性的一刻drama noundrama ♦︎ theatre ♦︎ stage ♦︎ acting ♦︎ show business ♦︎ the performing arts ♦︎ showbizthese words are all used to talk about the activity or profession of performing plays.这些词均表示表演艺术或专业。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆improvisational / serious drama / theatre / acting◆classical / elizabethan / modern drama / theatre◆to study drama / theatre / acting◆a drama / theatre / stage / acting / performing arts school◆a drama / theatre / acting / performing arts student◆a drama / theatre critic■ drama /drɑːmə/ [uncountable] the performing of plays, especially when considered as a form of literature戏剧;戏剧文学◆television drama is a powerful cultural medium.电视剧是一种强有力的文化媒介。  ➡ see also drama → play noun ▸ dramatic adjective [usually before noun] ◆students will study various plays and dramatic texts.学生将学习各种形式的戏剧和剧本。■ theatre (bre) (name theater) [uncountable] the performing of plays, especially when considered as a form of entertainment戏剧;戏剧表演◆ (bre) i like music, theatre and cinema.我喜欢音乐、戏剧和电影。◆the play challenges current ideas about what makes good theatre (= what makes good entertainment when performed).这出戏对何谓好戏剧的普遍看法提出了质疑。▸ theatrical adjective [only before noun] ◆a theatrical career演艺生涯■ stage (often the stage 常作 the stage) [singular] the theatre and the performing of plays as a profession or a form of entertainment戏剧;戏剧专业;戏剧表演◆his parents didn't want him to go on the stage (= to be an actor).他父母不想让他当演员。◆she was a popular star of stage and screen (= theatre and cinema).她是观众喜爱的舞台和银幕两栖明星。  ➡ see also stage → play verb 3 ■ acting [uncountable] the activity or profession of performing in plays, films, etc.(戏剧、电影等的)表演;演艺业◆she started her acting career while still at school.上学时她就开始了自己的演艺事业。  ➡ see also act → play verb 3 ■ show business [uncountable] the business of providing public entertainment, for example in the theatre, films or television娱乐行业;娱乐界;演艺界◆the whole family is in show business.这一家人都从事演艺工作。■ the performing arts --> [countable, plural] (rather formal) arts such as music, dance and drama which are performed for an audience表演艺术◆the book examines recent trends in the performing arts.该书探讨了表演艺术的最新发展趋势。■ showbiz /ʃəʊbɪz; name ʃoʊbɪz/ [uncountable] (informal) show business娱乐行业;娱乐界;演艺界◆the club is a favourite haunt of showbiz stars and celebrities.该俱乐部是演艺明星和社会名流很喜欢光顾的地方。◆that's showbiz!这就是娱乐界嘛!drama /drɑːmə/ [uncountable] the performing of plays, especially when considered as a form of literature戏剧;戏剧文学◆television drama is a powerful cultural medium.电视剧是一种强有力的文化媒介。  ➡ see also drama → play noun ▸ dramatic adjective [usually before noun] ◆students will study various plays and dramatic texts.学生将学习各种形式的戏剧和剧本。drama /drɑːmə/ [countable] a play, especially one that has a very exciting or emotional story(尤指剧情令人兴奋或激动的)戏,剧◆the story easily fits into the standard mould of a courtroom drama.这个故事很符合法庭戏的常规模式。◆it is a lavish costume drama (= a film, especially on television, about a period in the past) set in the early twentieth century.这是一部耗资巨大的古装戏,背景设定在 20 世纪初。  ➡ see also drama → drama , dramatist → writer drama/ˈdrɑ:mə ||; ˈdrɑmə/noun1. [c] a play for the theatre, radio or television 戏剧: ◇a contemporary drama 现代剧 2. [u] plays as a form of writing; the performance of plays 剧本;剧本的演出: ◇he wrote some drama, as well as poetry. 他写过几个剧本,也写过诗。 3. [c,u] an exciting event; exciting things that happen 戏剧性事件: ◇a real-life courtroom drama 一幕活生生的法庭审讯场景 dramasee ⇨ actor/actress 3 dra·ma /`dræmə; ˈdrɑːmə/n 1. [c,u] a serious play for the theatre, television, or radio, or plays in general 戏剧; 剧本 2. [u] the study of performing in plays 戏剧表演研究:◇drama classes 戏剧表演课 3. [c,u] exciting or unusual things that happen 戏剧性事情:◇a life full of drama 充满戏剧性的一生




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