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单词 date
释义 date noun¹ 1particular day某一天adjective | verb + date | date + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤earlier, earliest较早的日期;最早的日期◆she suggested an earlier date for the meeting.她建议将会期提前。➤later, latest较后的日期;最迟的日期▸➤exact, firm, specific确切/确定的/具体日期◆i can't give you specific dates.我不能告诉你具体的日期。➤target预定日期▸➤provisional, tentative暂定日期▸➤unspecified未确定的日期▸➤effective生效日期▸➤significant重要日子◆may 7, 2005 was a very significant date in my life.2005 年 5 月 7 日是我一生中一个非常重要的日子。➤closing截止日期◆the closing date for applications is may 22.申请截止日期是 5 月 22 日。➤expiration, expiry (bre) 截止日期;到期日◆what's the expiration / expiry date on your credit card?你的信用卡哪一天到期?➤delivery, publication, release交付/出版/发行日期▸➤arrival, departure到达/离开日期▸➤due预定的日期◆the baby was born exactly on its due date.婴儿就在预产期那一天出生了。➤anniversary, birth周年纪念日;生日▸➤pull, sell-by(商品)销售截止日期◆this yogurt is past its sell-by date.这酸奶已经过了销售期限了。➤cut-off, end截止日期;终止日期◆historians disagree on the cut-off date for the medieval period.历史学家们在中世纪的结束时间这个问题上有分歧。➤commencement, start开始日期▸➤completion完成日期◆the building was not finished by the completion date.这座建筑并没有在预定完工时间竣工。verb + date➤agree, agree on, arrange, decide, decide on, fix, set同意日期;安排日期;决定日子;确定日期◆can we fix dates for the trip?我们能确定旅行的日期吗?◆has a date been set for the meeting?开会的日期已经确定好了吗?➤find寻找日期▸➤give sb给几天时间◆give me a couple of dates that are good for you.给我几天对你方便的时间。➤check检查日期▸➤change更改日期▸➤announce宣布日期date + noun➤stamp日期戳➤book (usually datebook) 记事簿preposition➤after a/the date在某日期之后◆we cannot accept applications received after this date.我们不接受这个日期之后收到的申请。➤at a... date在某日期◆the election is scheduled to take place at an unspecified date in the spring.选举安排在春季的某一天举行。➤before a/the date在某日期之前➤by a/the date到某日期为止◆the building must be finished by the date agreed.大楼必须在商定的日期竣工。➤from a/the date从某日期开始◆the agreement runs from that date.合同从那天起生效。➤on a/the date在某日期◆i have two meetings on that date.那天我要参加两个会议。➤date for⋯的日期◆we need to set a date for the wedding.我们需要确定婚礼的日期。➤date of⋯日◆the date of the election选举日phrases➤the big date(⋯的)重要日子◆the biggest date in the country music calendar乡村音乐日程表上最重要的日子➤at a future date, at some future date将来某天;日后◆more money will be made available at some future date.日后会赚更多的钱。➤at a later date晚些时候◆we can do that at a later date.我们可以以后做那件事。➤date of birth出生日期◆please give your name, address and date of birth.请提供你的姓名、地址和出生日期。➤of recent date近期◆the foundations are roman, but the rest of the building is of more recent date.建筑的地基是罗马时建的,其余部份的建筑年代要更近些。➤put a date on sth确定⋯的日期◆it's difficult to put a date on when the idea started.很难确定这个主意是什么时候提出来的。➤today's date今天的日期◆what's today's date?今天几号?date noun² 2appointment to meet sb socially约会adjective | verb + date | date + noun | preposition adjective➤dinner, lunch聚餐约会;午餐约会▸➤blind初次约会;相亲◆she met her husband on a blind date.她是通过别人介绍认识她丈夫的。➤double (= when two couples have a date together) 两对男女一起参加的约会▸➤hot令人激动的约会◆she had a hot date and wanted to look her best.她要赴一个令人激动的约会,很想展示自己最动人的一面。➤first初次约会verb + date➤have有约会◆i have a date with camilla on friday night.我星期五晚上和卡米拉有约会。➤find寻求约会◆i need to find a date for friday.我周五得找个人约会。➤make (especially bre) 约好日期◆we must make a date to have lunch.我们一定要约个日子吃午餐。➤keep赴约◆she wanted to arrive in time to keep her date.她想准时赴约。➤break, cancel失约;取消约会◆he really didn't want to break his date with alicia.他真的不想取消和艾丽西亚的约会。date + noun➤movie (name) 约会电影◆it's a great date movie.这是一部精彩的约会电影。➤rape约会强奸preposition➤on a date约会◆she's out on a date with her new girlfriend.她出去和新女友约会去了。➤date with和⋯的约会date verbadverb➤accurately, precisely确定确切日期◆it has not yet been possible to date the paintings accurately.现在还不可能确定这些画的确切创作日期。 date /deɪt/ noun1. [countable] a particular day of the month given in numbers and words 日期;日子◆today's date 今天的日期◆we need to fix a date for the next meeting. 我们得为下次会议定个日期。◆the building must be finished by the date agreed. 这栋大厦必须按商定的日期完工。⨁ to agree (on) / arrange / decide (on) / fix / set a date同意/安排/决定/确定/规定日期 2. [singular] a time in the past or future that is not a particular day 年代;时期◆the work will be carried out at a future date. 这项工作将来再做。 ●to dateup to the present time 迄今为止;到目前为止◆the new plant is their largest to date. 这座新厂是他们迄今为止最大的工厂。◆the stock has dropped 30% in the year to date. 今年的股价到目前为止已下跌了 30%。 best-before date ◇ best-if-used-by date ◇ closing date ◇ completion date ◇ delivery date ◇ drop-dead date ◇ due date ◇ effective date ◇ expiration date ◇ expiry date ◇ out of date ◇ post-date ◇ pull date ◇ record date ◇ redemption date ◇ sell-by date ◇ settlement date ◇ ship date ◇ up to date ◇ use-by date ◇ year-to-date date /deɪt/ verb [transitive] to write or print the date on sth 写上日期;注明日期◆thank you for your letter dated 24th march. 感谢你 3 月 24 日的来信。  ➡  undated ☞ date☞ datedate [transitive, intransitive] (used especially in the progressive tenses尤用于进行时) (especially name) to spend time with sb and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them(与某人)谈恋爱(或有性关系)◆she's been dating ron for several months.她和罗恩谈恋爱已有几个月了。◆how long have you two been dating?你们俩谈恋爱多久了?  ➡ see also date → meeting 2 , date → partner 2 note 辨析 go out with, see or date?these expressions are all commonly used in the progressive tenses with time expressions such as how long, for three months, etc. this suggests a temporary relationship that may or may not lead to sth more serious or permanent. date is not used much in british english and is just beginning to sound old-fashioned in american english. both go out and date place an emphasis on going out to different places and doing things with your partner, but see does not.这三个词语均用于进行时态,带有 how long、for three months 等时间状语,意味着恋爱关系为时尚短,不确定是否会发展成更认真或长久的关系。date 在英式英语中用得不多,在美式英语中也开始显得有些过时。go out 和 date 都强调和伴侣去不同的地方约会,但 see 无此义。date [countable] a meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with sb who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend(男女朋友间或为发展恋爱关系的)约会,幽会◆i've got a date with lucy tomorrow night.明天晚上我与露西有个约会。◆i can't believe you set me up on a blind date (= a date with sb you have not met before).我无法相信你竟安排让我去相亲。 ➡ see also date → go out phrasal verb date [countable] (especially name) a person with whom you have arranged a romantic meeting, who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend约会对象◆my date is meeting me at seven.我的对象 7 点钟和我见面。  ➡ see also date → go out phrasal verb date [singular, uncountable] a point in time in the past or future that is not a particular day(过去或将来的)时候;年代;时期◆the details can be added at a later date.细节可过些时候再补充进去。◆the coins are all of late roman date.这些硬币都属于罗马时代后期。date¹/deɪt ||; det/noun1. [c] a particular day of the month or year 日期;日子: ◇what's the date today?/what date is it today?/what's today's date? 今天是几月几日?◇what's your date of birth ? 你是哪年哪月哪日出生的?◇we'd better fix a date for the next meeting. 我们最好为下一次会议定个日期。 2. [sing] a particular time 某个时间: ◇we can discuss this at a later date. 我们可以以后再讨论这个问题。 ☞look at sell-by date. 参看sell-by date。 3. [c] an arrangement to meet sb, especially a boyfriend or girlfriend 约会(尤指男女朋友的): ◇shall we make a date to have lunch together? 我们约个时间一起吃午饭好吗?◇i've got a date with roxanne on friday night. 星期五晚上我约了罗克珊。 ☞look at blind date. 参看blind date。 4. [c] a small, sweet, dark brown fruit that comes from a tree which grows in hot countries 枣子;海枣果 ☞picture on page c3 见c3页插图 out of date 1. not fashionable; no longer useful 过时;不再有用: ◇out-of-date methods/machinery 过时的方法;陈旧的机器 2. no longer able to be used 已经不能再用: ◇i must renew my passport. it's out of date. 我要换新护照,这一本已经过期啦。 to date(formal 正式) until now 到目前为止;迄今: ◇we've had very few complaints to date. 到目前为止我们接到很少投诉。 up to date 1. completely modern 十足现代;最新: ◇the new kitchen will be right up to date, with all the latest gadgets. 这个新厨房将会是十足现代化的,具备所有最新的小巧装置。 2. with all the latest information; having done everything that you should 有齐全和最新的资料;做了所有应该要做的事: ◇in this report we'll bring you up to date with the latest news from the area. 在这项报道中,我们会为你提供这地区的最新消息。 date²/deɪt ||; det/verb1. [t] to discover or guess how old sth is 鉴定(某物的)年代: ◇the skeleton has been dated at about 3000 bc. 经过鉴定,这是大约公元前3000年的骸骨。 2. [t] to write the day's date on sth 注明日期;写上日期: ◇the letter is dated 24 march, 2000. 这封信上的日期是2000年3月24日。 3. [i,t] to seem, or to make sb/sth seem, unfashionable (使)看来过时,显得不流行: ◇we chose a simple style so that it wouldn't date as quickly. 为了不会很快便显得过时,我们选了一种简单的款式。 date back to...; date from... to have existed since... 自(某时代)存在至今;可上溯自…: ◇the house dates back to the seventeenth century. 这房子是十七世纪建的。◇photographs dating from before the war 战前留下来的照片 datesee ⇨ fashionable/not fashionable 8 ⇨ relationship 4     • • •• ⇨ out of date• ⇨ set a date• ⇨ set a time/date/place☞ date¹☞ date²




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